A Story of Evil

Chapter 200

Chapter 200: The Summoners' Domain V

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we'd like to welcome you all here to this special event!"

"Yes and, why don't we give it up for our esteemed guests as well?"

Two announcers stood at the middle of the arena. One male and the other female. The crowds cheered like crazy as they spoke, hyping up the event even more. It made the event feel more than just demonstration fights and, made it have a vibe similar to the hype of the people during the Culling.

"That's right! We have been visited by none other than Shadow itself! The newly established elite team, lead by the last champion of the Culling, Solomon Pendragon!"

"Hey they just omitted mentioning you." Nathan said from on top of the observer's lounge where the other members of Shadow were.

"I don't mind. It was mostly Solomon who did all the work during the Culling anyways." Was Alice's reply. Just wanting to get entertained by the fights that were to come – focusing on the announcers who continued speaking.

"Now, we know that everyone is hyped for this event."

"Yes, it's not everyday that we get to see the best of the best go toe to toe in a fight."

"True! And just for the information of our guests, the arena is filled by runic barriers, shielding everyone outside from damage."

"Yes. Never has this been destroyed in all of the Academy's History. So don't worry and just enjoy the show."

The warning was supposed to make Shadow feel secured. But Hendrickson interpreted this differently. In fact he even questioned it.

"Are they implying that we're some sissy individuals?" He asked.

"I believe they are." Was Alice's short reply.

"Anyway, just leave it at that. The fights are gonna start." Jade commented.

True enough the announcers finally left the center of the arena. And with this came the announcement of the contenders who were about to come out. The team made sure to remember the names of all who would fight. Thinking of referring these people to Sol should they perform above standard.

The first to appear was a red and spiky haired individual. Meanwhile, his opponent is a long and wavy blue haired girl. Both of these are freshmen and, according to the announcers, these are also the most outstanding talents in their year level.

Thus, Shadow expected much from the two who began the fight immediately.

The boy didn't waste any time. He summoned a large fire breathing drake. Flames rose from where he stood and covered most of the arena. These same flames rose above but, because of the runic abrriers, the bystanders were save from the damage. However, the same could not be said to the girl who was meeting the waves of the flames head on.

She stopped this however as she summoned a large pool pf water from where she stood. Creating a gigantic tortoise which rose from this, as if there was an ocean it was submerged to.

The drake didn't waste any time and began by breathing out red flames towards the tortoise. Meanwhile, the blue haired girl answered in kind by firing a blast of water – meeting the flames head on and creating a mist that obscured the view of everyone.

This didn't last for long as the drake took to the skies. Getting the aerial advantage as it roared. The crowd was instantly excited by this, cheering even more for the summoner who rode at the back of the monster. This same student went right in front of the window where Shadow observed the fight. Winking at the ladies as he and his summon descended to the steam filled area.

The drake extended its claws and coated it with flames. It then clawed the tortoise which it was able to see from the sky. As soon as its claws hit the creature, all the steam was dispersed and, to the surprise of the drake, it didn't land a damaging blow. In fact, the tortoise was hidden within its shell.josei

The tortoise then began its counterattack. Spinning rapidly, with its speed increasing by the second as water was released from the holes on its body. The drake could do nothing but fly away from this attack but, it was too late because, the tortoise was able to get the momentum it needed.

The tortoise was able to create a gigantic hurricane of water. The drake tried flying away from this but, the sheer force of the attack was able to hold a grip on it. At this point, everyone thought that the fight would be over but, the drake's flames emerged from the hurricane of water. Mixing up and creating even more steam as everyone's vision got completely obscured.

There was zero visibility for a couple of minutes and, all that they could do was hear the fight and try to visualize what was going on. There was the sound of a boulder sized object hitting the ground. There was the sound of flames simmering on the waters. There was also the sound of waters being heavily pumped out and, the sound of screams made by both creatures.

Sparks flew from within the steam and, even without sight, the people were still hyped by the sounds. In fact, it is because of this impairment that they were able to imagine the progress of this fight. Creatively at that which, made things more massive than they really were.

However the steam didn't last for long, nor did the drake and the tortoise. As soon as their vision was returned, they saw the contenders on opposite ends of the arena. Both gasping for breaths and extremely drained. They both tried to summon another creature and, the crowd was ready for it. Yet instead they both dropped to the ground, unable to move a single inch, with all of their strength already leaving their body.

"It's a draw?" Nathan said, finding the result of the match to be hard to believe.

"Seems like it." Jade said in reply.

"But that doesn't make any sense. They both looked like they could last for longer than this. I wanted to see some more action!" Hendrickson commented, pumped up by all that he heard in the midst of the steam but, getting a huge letdown as soon as it dispersed.

"You won't get it because you aren't a summoner yourself." A familiar female voice said.

"Wait, Lumina?" Hendrickson turned only to see a radio transmitting the said girl's words.

"I thought you already left?"

"I did. But did you seriously think I'd take my eyes off you for even a second? Fat chance of that ever happening." She said, also hearing them clearly which the group found to be strange.

What Lumina did was simple. She equipped the two maids with a hearing device. Allowing all the sounds and noises made in the room to be received by her. This she did through her earings which, also function as the way for her voice to reach them.

"So can you explain to us what happened there exactly?"

"Of course. You see, the larger and the more powerful a summon is, the more mana it requires. In fact, if your mana is not enough to summon a creature, you'll need to compensate and pay for it with something of yourself."

"What does that mean?"

"Basically an organ, your lifespan, or even your soul at that. These are the things you'll need in order to summon something that is beyond your capacity."

"No way, something like that actually exists?" Nathan said in shock.

"Of course it does. The only reason why you don't know of it is because we've only sent normal summoners to the Culling."

"Wait, that just makes things a bit more absurd." Nathan added.

"What do you mean?"

"Well if those summons are superior, shouldn't their summoners be prioritized as your Titans for the Culling?"

"You just don't get it do you? How can we train someone who can't even constantly use their powers?" Lumina said, giving an enlightenment to everyone. But not a clear one which she also knew in herself. That's why she needed to continue explaining.

"Those summons are indeed powerful but, if they cannot be trained, then they couldn't get stronger. No matter how legendary a blade is, if you do not sharpen it daily, then its nothing more than another dull sword."

Lumina sounded a bit like Sol at that pointl. Something which Hendrickson didn't want to acknowledge because, he knew that doing so would make her respect Lumina even more. And he didn't want to do so. Not until he has gotten some form of retribution.

"Anyway, I'm already on the records area of the school. I'll comment when needed but don't expect me to interact with you actively." Lumina said, disappearing just as abruptly as her voice was heard.

Of course Shadow had no choice but to heed her words. It wasn't even a bad deal at that because, the first set of fighters have already left the arena. Leaving it wide open for the next ones who came in just as quick. Second years of the Academy who didn't even wait for the announcers to say "start."

Both summoner took out all of their summons. Turning the battlefield into a war zone of summons. With the crowd cheering just as much as the fist match. Getting the Shadow members hooked in once again.

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