A Story of Evil

Chapter 202

Chapter 202: The Summoners' Domain VII

While Sol was busy with the librarians, his allies were enjoying their time with the demonstrations of the students.

The fights that came next lived up to the hype of the first one. In fact, the intensity of the battles only continued increasing. And this was something they could be sure of because, the cheers of the crowd reached a point that these were creating minute vibrations. Something which the Shadow members could feel from their feet up.

All the battles were extremely enjoyable and exciting. With the summoners being part of it showing just why it was that they were the ones handpicked for the event. The last fight was what got them even more hyped up as, the top three summoners of the academy demonstrated their strength. These are the beauties and muses of the academy. Ones which instantly enchanted both Hendrickson and Nathan who wanted to be up close and personal with them.

However, their delicate and Venusian appearance was contrasted greatly by how much strength they had in battle. There was only three of them against a group of ten veteran summoners. Yet, they were able to win a one sided victory. With their enemies not even standing a chance of winning from the beginning of the match until its end.

The demonstration of raw strength was so unbelievable that, at the end of it, everyone was just staring at the arena. Unsure what to make of things until the announcers woke them up to reality. Making the crowds cheer for Julia, Luz, and Olivia. This being the loudest and liveliest of all cheers. Shaking even the food and drinks on the table sitting in front of Shadow's couch.

This demonstration took the whole morning to finish. Not that the Shadow members actually sensed the passing of time. That was just how entertaining it was. With their bodies only remembering that they were already hungry after the whole event was finished.

"Do we even need to search from the whole student body? Those demonstration fighters already look pretty decent to me." Rick said, slumping back to the couch.

"Yeah, just take those first years for example. That's definitely Culling level summoning if I ever saw one." Cinder said, agreeing with Hendrickson for once.

"I'd actually agree but, we have to follow Sol's orders. Appearances alone shouldn't be the basis of our decisions." Alice said.

"That statement didn't sound very Alice like you know." Nathan commented.

"And what is an Alice-like statement exactly?" Alice pressed.

"Uhmm...uh..." Nathan began looking around for backup but, nobody was looking back at him. As if they were saying that he was on his own. That's why he was relieved to hear the door open, although he was not as joyful after seeing who it was.

Lumina was finally back, surprising the whole team which thought that, she was going to take longer. Yet there she was, bringing with her stacks of paperwork containing all the information that they needed. She didn't carry these. The items simply floated in mid air, controlled by her imp which they saw once again.

"These are all the things you requested." Lumina casually said.

"Wait...all of it?"

"Yes. Categorized based on your needs." The girl added, as if what she did was something a normal human could do within the time frame she made use of.

"The question you should be asking yourselves is where do you view the data?" Lumina added before any of the Shadow members could probe her more.

"Are we free to roam the campus?" Jade asked.

"Absolutely not." Was Lumina's reply. 

"Then we better just stay here." Jade decided which everyone readily accepted.

"Agreed, I also believe that to be the best course of action." Lumina said, leaving the stack of papers on the table of the group as she went for the door again.

"Wait where are you going then?" Nathan asked.

"I was summoned by the principal of the school. Unlike you I still have a duty to the academy as one of its students."

"Oh okay. Are you gonna take long?"

"That depends if the headmistress decides to prolong whatever it is that they called me for."

"Understood." Jade said.

"Take care." Cinder added as the summoner finally left the room. 

Lumina was lying to them. She knew exactly why she was being called. A petty reason which she thought to be a hassle.

While she was searching through the files, a group of students approached her. Unwillingly of course as she could tell from their nervousness. But this didn't stop them from accomplishing their task – telling Lumina of her summons.

This happened an hour after she has insulted the top three students of the school. An easy and obvious hint that Lumina picked up.

The truth was that there was a bias with these three students. One which cannot be denied by the administration itself. After all, most of the funding of the academy stem from the households which Julia, Luz, and Olivia belong to.

Of course their strength was the real deal but, a lot of people knew that there were those more deserving of their spots. As the top three.

Lumina isn't pissed with them because of this. She's pissed because they could easily manipulate the administration to their liking. In fact, if they ask the headmistress to kneel and beg, she would probably do so. All for the sake of the funding to be continued.

"Those three just don't know when to give up." She said, walking as fast as she could in order to not waste too much time.

The hallways and the classrooms were finally filled with the students again. The same ones which gives her glares which looked down on her. It would've been fine if this was the case because, she was already used to it. But there was something different that day because, there were those who willingly approached her.

"Excuse me miss Lumina can I take some moment of your time?"

"Miss Lumina wanna eat lunch with us?"

"Hey Lumina, my dad bought me a new piece of land. Wanna practice with your summons there?"

The girl shrugged these people one by one. She knew why they were being kind to her after all. She knew what they wanted. They wanted to use her in order to get close to Shadow.

But she was no fool. And although she wanted recognition more than anything else, she didn't want it to come in such a halfhearted and forced way. She wanted to be accepted for who she was, not for whatever benefit she could provide.

"You think you're so high and mighty just because you're escorting Shadow?" This comment came from one of those trying to bribe her. The man's voice seeming like a deafening scream as everyone was silenced by it. They were silenced because, they knew exactly what fate awaited someone who ridiculed Lumina.

Everyone retreated back to the comfort of their classrooms. They forced the man to stay where he was however. Unable to even get back up himself for fear that Lumina would kill him. Which was a likely outcome because, the girl was walking towards him.

"N-No don't get near me." He said, crawling back just a little as Lumina's hand reached out for him.

"I-I'm sorry!" He said, blocking his hand with his arms and closing his eyes. Yet, nothing happened to him, and as he opened his eyes again, he saw Lumina actually trying to help him up.

The boy, feeling humiliated slapped the hand away. With all the strength left on his legs he began sunning away from her. Tripping a few times but, nevertheless getting to a safe distance. Leaving Lumina sighing once again as she continued heading for the headmistress' office – something which only took her five more minutes to reach.

"Headmistress." Lumina said, knocking thrice as she heard the invitation to come in.

As she expected the three heads of the school were there. Not only them however. Even the top three students were standing behind her. With their devilish smiles being worn.

"Aaaand...it's another setup," Lumina thought, closing the door behind her as she faced the six.

"Young lady, tell me: Do you think you did anything wrong this day?"

"Uhm...I think I forgot to fold the blanket on my bed but, other than that I believe I'm good."

"Don't mock us child!" Lord Trace raised his voice, making the headmistress extend her hand to silence him. After which she proceeded to saying:

"You see, these young ladies here have reported you."

"On what offense?" Lumina asked.

"Well they said that you physically assaulted them."

"That's a weird thing to claim for the top students of the Academy don't you think?"josei

"Pardon?" The headmistress said, shocked at the reply given by Lumina.

"Don't you think the whole domain would find it laughable if they learned that, the top three students couldn't even defend themselves? They're always together after all, so if someone could actually assault them then that just means either one of two things. Either they are weak, or this whole Academy's system is lacking."

"What did you just say?" Julia said from behind the headmistress.

"Well it's true. I mean, if they're vulnerable to assault from an unranked student such as me, doesn't that destroy the whole purpose of your ranking system in itself?" There was no way for them to respond to this. Lumina's initial shock was enough to throw them off their own game. And with her victory secured, the student took a bow.

"Now if you'll excuse me. I still need to attend to our guests." The girl said, slaming the door shut on the six infuriated individuals.

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