A Story of Evil

Chapter 208

Chapter 208: A Demonstration of Strength

While Sol and the others were busy inside the library, a group of girls were watching them from afar. This being none other than Julia's group. They arrived an hour after the group has gathered in the library. Specifically because they thought that Sol's team would go back to the Academy for that day. The same place where Julia's scheme was supposed to take place.

However, since the location wasn't favorable to them, they needed to switch plans. Julia was pissed about this, making her new plan even more cruel than before. With summoners from the underground being hired to carry out the plan she had in mind.

Luz and Olivia were with her as usual. They had as much resolve as their leader in taking down those that didn't pay them any attention. That's what made them the best team. Because even though they were still afraid of incurring Julia's wrath themselves, they found pleasure in seeing other people get taken down by it.

At the moment, these three are sipping tea on top of a tall building. They had the best view of what was to happen while, also having the best spot to not get detected. A butler was with them, attending to their needs as the mellow sound of violin could be heard in the background.

"So where are the summoners we hired?"

"Where else? They're already within the vicinity of the library, waiting for those fools to finish."

"Isn't there someone among them who can sense danger?"

"Idiot, that's why we haven't made our lackeys bring out their summons yet. As long as we don't attack, I doubt they'd get any hint of what we're plotting."

"Oh my gosh Julia that's so brilliant!"

"Of course it is. I'm the one who thought of it after all." Julia proudly declared. Looking past the tinted windows as she raised her cup of tea.

"All we need to do is wait girls. The show will begin soon."




"Alice what's wrong?"

Cinder immediately noticed the change in the girl's expression – as if she felt a monster closing in on them. With Alice's [Danger Sense], she knew that this expression would be accurate and so the girl was worried.

"Nothing. I just felt something weird all of a sudden but, it's gone now." Alice said in reply. She did feel something or rather, she could've sworn she did. But then again, this feeling has already passed. Like a sudden cold breeze that lasted for only a second.

"Should we warn the others?" Cinder suggested.

"No. I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to attack us here anyway." Was Alice's reply as she went back to hitting the books.josei

The girl didn't want to disturb her whole team. They had something which they needed to finish and, if she told them of this hunch, then everyone would be on edge. They won't be able to focus on the task which Sol assigned to them. What would make this worse is if she was actually wrong which, Alice also thought to be highly likely. In this case she would've bothered with the productivity of the whole team needlessly. Resulting in a wasted day within their very limited span of time inside the domain.

Plus, as she looked around, she also saw that everyone was already immersed in their work.

Hendrickson and Jade were working hand in hand with their list. There was a larger mound of papers on Jade's side which was understandable, considering that the steel user was his partner. Both of them were writing on sheets of paper. With Jade circling out names and, placing lines on some skills while also adding a side note on these. Meanwhile Hendrickson was trying his best just to stay awake as he scribbled the details on his own sheet of paper.

Then there was Cain and Nathaniel. They had an equal amount of workload and, were synchronized in what they were doing. They even deliberated on some summoners, thinking that they would be possible additions despite not being part of Sol's criteria. That's why they created a separate list for these individuals which, they would endorse to Sol later on.

With all of this, Alice's determination to just stay quiet increased. She decided to just focus on her own task and, Cinder respected this decision. Thinking that Alice knows her own skill better than anyone else and that, there was no point in her prodding about it further.

However, there was someone who did feel the same thing. Not any of the current members of the team but, Lumina herself.


"What is it Lady Lumina?"

The Head librarian is part of those close to the queen. A kind and understanding fellow at that. Thus he isn't part of the general public which treats Lumina unjustly. In fact, he honors her as if she was the true daughter of the queen. That's why Lumina could talk to him so casually.

"Do you have a secret door in this place?"

"A secret door?" Braum repeated, unsure of what Lumina meant with her words.

"Yeah, something which nobody else would guess a person to come out from." Lumina explained, getting Braum to think of this statement for a little while. Stroking his beard a couple of times before finally giving his answer.

"Well we do have an old window at the back of the library. It's behind a shelf of books so nobody has seen it for a while. Plus, the place you'd see outside it is just a small alleyway."

"Perfect. Keep Shadow occupied will you?"

"What are you planning Lady Lumina?"

"Don't worry Braum, I've got everything covered."

"Honestly Lady Lumina, you should stop courting danger so much."

"I'm not. I'm just going to do some stretching." Lumina said, proceeding to the location which Braum told her of.

"Now let's see...which one of you guys should I be using for this." Lumina was deciding which summon she should use for that time. She couldn't make any noise because, she'd get the attention of the Shadow members. Taking away their focus which would be a hindrance to her job.

That's why what she summoned is a ghost like creature. Commanding it to make the whole shelf translucent which the summon easily did. Through this, Lumina was easily able to pass through the wall as she was brought to the slim alleyway which Braum described.

"Now...how many of them are there?" Lumina closed her eyes and focused on the small bat summons spread around the library's vicinity.

These creatures have been summoned even on the first day of her mission. Creatures which allows her to detect if there is any hostility nearby. These bats see and hear for her, making Lumina feel if there are any enemies. And, by closing her eyes and focusing on them, she could transfer her consciousnesses to the bats; one at a time of course. Something which she did at that moment.



"Five of them huh. Then there's the fact that they're also spread...this might be a bit more difficult to pull off. But, it isn't entirely impossible." Lumina created another summon. With her ghost, her bats and, the new one which was a small devil looking shaman, her mana was already running thin. Maintaining the three of them was not as easy as it seemed because, her mana was already reduced significantly by summoning the bats. Then there was the fact that the ghost and the shaman are both high level summons.

"I guess I need to take the mana of those goons then." Lumina said, proceeding to ordering her shaman to create a rune in the place they were in. This same shaman then held Lumina's hand, transferring more runes unto the girl's body.

Lumina then used her ghost summon again. This time, making use of its ultimate skill as the creature devoured her whole. Turning her into a ghost which could freely float in the air and pas through walls. Invisible, without a sound and, thus, undetected. And other than this, she was also able to move quicker – passing through every obstacle which cut her route short.

With this she was able to reach her first target. One who suddenly felt shivers run down his spine. This was all he could do however as Lumina materialized behind him. Without a sound and, in a fluid motion, she punctured the man on his nerves. Injecting a fluid that knocked him unconscious in not less than three seconds.

"Good. That's the first." She said, placing a couple of runes on the man's body. After this, she placed her palm on his chest. Making all the runes glow as the man's mana was transferred to her instantly. But this wasn't all. The man was also transported back to the spot where Lumina first placed the runes. That is, at the back of the library.

"Ahhh that feels good. Now time to deal with his buddies." Lumina said, resetting her mana pool as she used the same combination once again.

One by one the supposed assailants fell to Lumina's hands. There wasn't even any fight nor was there any resistance. The girl took care of things even before it got messy and, did so in such a quick and clean way that, even Julia, Luz, and Olivia didn't notice it.

With her task finished, Lumina tied the five men up and, let the shaman do its work. Transferring them to a spot away from the library as she herself went back inside. Acting as if nothing even happened.

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