A Story of Evil

Chapter 214

Chapter 214: Battle Between Summoners III

"Holy shit Sol, that explanation was awesome!" Alice exclaimed as soon as Sol returned to their pit. 

"Trust me, that's just the beginning." Sol said in reply.

The crowd was silenced by his explanation. In fact, it was so quiet that even his footsteps could be heard. 

It was just as Sol thought. Because they were so loud when everything began. Because they went on to brag without even producing results first. Because they allowed the norms to get the better of them. Because of all these things that placed them on a shaky and high pedestal, their fall was the worst that one could imagine. It wasn't something they could recover from quickly, nor did Sol plan on giving them time to do so.

With the plan he had in mind, they would simply continue snowballing from that point. Securing victory, after victory which, creates two things. The first is a change in the perception of summons. The second is a way to prevent more meddling from the higher ups. But, there was another thing which the tournament did. Something which was simply a personal preference of Sol's. That is, giving the summoners he recruited a way to have a better life in the Academy.

"That actually worked Sir Solomon." One of the first years said.

"Yeah it felt good that we were able to pay them all back for belittling us." Another one commented, with Sol patting them at the back one at a time as he said:

"I'm glad you liked it." 

He then stood in front of everyone. With the first match finished, the remainder of the fighters were already in a better state. They weren't as nervous anymore.

"I'd like to congratulate you on the first fight. With that, we have everything turned to our favor so you don't need to worry about anything anymore. They can cheer for your opponents all they want. They can laugh and even ridicule you and I say, let them do so. Because the joy you'd feel after taking them down would be much more delightful." Sol said, his remaining fighters having determined look in their eyes. As if they were ready to go to war.

"I only need one thing from all of you. Keep on following my plan. That is all we need in order to win. Understood?"

"Understood sir!"

"Good. Now go out there and make me proud."




As for the second fight, Eleanor used up the best among the second years as well. And matching up against these are once again three unranked second years. Nobody was laughing anymore, nobody was cheering nor was there any festivity. Everything died out and all that the crowd could hear was the intensity of their own heartbeats brought about by nervousness. Because if there was one thing that was made clear to them in the first fight, it was that their victory wasn't secured.

The summoners used by the second years were a pack of wolves, an orc priest and, stone turtles. There are also other summons added to this which rose the hopes of the crowd. One which was heightened even more after seeing how lousy the ones used by Sol's side was. There was a steel porcupine, a couple of electric butterflies and, a shadow ghost. No other summon was used other than these three.

That's why the crowd began cheering again. These creatures alone looked underwhelming compared to the massive number of summons of the headmistress' fighters.

Their cheering wasn't as strong as before but, it was nevertheless hopeful for a comeback in the situation. Waiting for the battle to commence as the announcers finally declared: "FIGHT!"

The second years of the Headmistress who were strong at multi summoning didn't waste any second. They made all their monsters attack at the same time. There was no jammer that time around so their monsters were able to move freely and quickly.

However, the opposing shadow monster created a large hole in the middle of the arena. A seeming cliff cliff made all of the advances of the enemy halt. Hesitating because they thought it is real. This illusion is followed by the porcupine firing its needles trough the pitch black darkness which suddenly moved at that time.

The truth was that the shadow didn't delete the floor. It just made it seem like so. An optical illusion brought about by how deep the shadow seemed. And with how fast the shadow transitioned from this into moving to the enemies, there was no time ro properly respond. The creature released all of the needles on the enemies. These punctured them but, didn't do anything more than this. That is, until the butterflies finally began their work.

The creatures were actually electric. But the problem is that, their electricity is too scattered, That's why they needed a metal pole to attach to. The same thing provided by the porcupine's metal needles. Through this, the butterflies released an overcharge of electricity, frying up the enemies in the same voltage that would paralyze them all.

After this, Sol's summoners released a group of other monsters. Killing off the paralyzed ones as the fight ended in another one sided victory. One which was more undeniable than the first bout. Forcing the announcers to say the things which the crowd didn't want to hear.

"L-Ladies and gentlemen, it seems like the Shadow Unit has casted a fluke spell on us."

"Y-Yes. They managed to win two fights merely through a fluke."

As they said these, Sol's second year fighters already went back to the pit. Giving a high five to their fellow summoners and to the members of Shadow as well. With a gleeful expression on all of their faces nonetheless. They even gave a high five to Lumina which shocked the girl.

"Forgive us Lady Lumina. We we're just caught up with the hype."

"No it's fine." Lumina said, actually glad that they approached her all on their own. However these students didn't stay in her presence for long. They soon returned with the others and continued on with their good and upbeat mood.

"Looks like you've got some admirers now. I'm actually a bit jealous." Sol said, walking up to the princes.

"Want me to punch you?"

"Woah calm down. I'm complementing you." Sol said jokingly as the, entrance of the third contenders finally began.

With two fights already won by Shadow, everything finally seemed hopeless. The crowd would've believed that they still stood a chance with the roster that they had. But with the first fights ending in a one sided victory created by unranked summoners, they weren't sure anymore. In their heads they were beginning to doubt how well the system was crafted and, how true everything within it was.

But they weren't given much time to contemplate as the third fight finally began. The headmistress was forcing the crowd to cheer for her team but, nobody wanted to do so. They didn't want to get humiliated a third time. Not until they have actually won.

But they didn't. They lost once more and, in the same manner as the first two fights. It was a complete and one sided annihilation brought about by Sol's summoners. Creating a three loss streak for the headmistress which dealt the finishing blow.

"We lost again ladies and gentlemen...uhm...should we push through with the fourth fight?"

"There's no need to. We're ending the exhibition matches here." Lady Eleanor declared. Not wanting to get humiliated any more than she already was. But Sol was far from allowing this. The boy went out from where he was and took the mic from the announcer once again.

"Why are we stopping the fights exactly? Weren't your announcers even so brazen as to declare that a five loss wasn't a big deal?" Sol said, making the said announcers shrink where they were. Wanting to just vanish from the face of Ether altogether.

"I believe that three victories are enough to know who has won in this fight Sir Solomon."

"Is it? I thought the agreement was five fights no matter what?" Sol added, cornering the headmistress and using her own promises made in both pride and arrogance eat her up.

"We've seen enough for today I believe." She continued, her voice almost fading in the silence of the background.

"I don't think the students would like to witness their own Headmistress going back on her words. Right?" Sol added, pushing the headmistress to the edge of a cliff. Without any other choice but to give him what he wanted. 

The paladin was right. There was no reason for her to deny the remaining fights because, it was part of the agreement. She needed to keep her word. Otherwise, her image would be damaged to the whole student body. It was checkmate. Sol had the headmistress completely outdone and, there was no move left for Eleanor.

But fate seemed to have other things planned as, the doors of the arena opened up. Appearing before them are the top three students of the Academy which, made the crowd cheer once again. That's not all, with them are six more individuals, wearing school uniforms.

"I don't like where this is going." Sol said as Julia took the other mic from the announcers as she proceeded to assisting the cornered headmistress.

"He's right. The fights are not over headmistress." Julia added.

"Julia what are you doing? And who are those people?" The headmistress probed.

"OH them? They are transfer students of course."josei

"Transfer students? Why did you bring them here?"

"Why else?" Julia asked as she stared at Solomon before declaring that:

"They are the ones who'd continue the remaining matches."

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