A Story of Evil

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: The Maze VII

"Are you sure he's twelve years old?"

"Definitely. All the data about him are accurate."

"Then how the hell is this happening?"

Within the control room of Pandora, Onyx and Colonel were watching the group. From the very first stage until the third level, they couldn't help but be in awe at Solomon's performance. One which never failed to deliver even in the item choices made.

Not only was Solomon able to get through the first three stages without any difficulty. He was also able to pass through these without any causalities. And every time they went a level higher, Solomon would simply get better and craftier with his methods; with the third level being the most amazing part of it. All because he was still able to guide the team properly and avoid any error even in his weakened state.

He wasn't the only one which the two was impressed with. They also took notice of Alice and how she saved the team whenever Solomon needed a reliable partner. They worked hand in hand and the two knights couldn't help but be proud of the physically gifted Alice and, the genius boy Solomon.

"The two of you should stop murmuring that low, I could still hear you." There was another person in that room. One who made the two stand perfectly still as they responded:

"Yes my liege."

Sitting right in front of the screen was King Jubilee. He analyzed all the numbers displayed. The level of logic and quick thinking that Sol had and everything else. It was slowly getting to the point that Jubilee needed it to be. The part where he could open the gates to Solomon's Wisdom.

There was just one trigger that he needed at that point. Something to kick start the system and, as this thought entered the king's head, his lips began curving into a devil-like smile. Sending chills to the two knights who dared not look at their lord at that moment.

"Onyx, what level comes after this one?" King Jubilee asked.

"That would be the Dune Worms in the desert my liege. Then there would be the Infernal Basilisks within the magma craters. After that would be the Glacier Bears within Mount Everest."

King Jubilee thought of all three stages. On the possibility of what he wanted to occur on those areas. Yet, he somehow knew that Sol would be able to navigate through all of these. What he needed was a dragging stage.

"That won't be enough."

"Pardon my liege?"

"The next stages, they won't be enough. Solomon is already at the stage where I need him to be. All those levels will not benefit him anything."

"What are we supposed to do my liege?"

"Jump them up to the tenth stage and increase the number of monsters. Make the weather condition twice as bad and create a mist to obscure their vision." King Jubilee commanded, surprising both Onyx and Colonel once again.

"My liege, do you mean the Lightning Wolves within the forest storm?"

"Yes. Exactly that." The king's voice was flat and demanding.

"But my liege." As Onyx began speaking, King Jubilee stared at him. With the eyes of a cold murderer that seemed to have seen through hell itself, oozing in thick bloodlust that made it harder to breathe.

"Talk back again and I'll skin you alive Onyx." Were the final words uttered by King Jubilee as he pulled back his killing intent. With the two knights finally taking their leave from that room.

Once again things have changed for the worse. Onyx and Colonel didn't understand why but, the king seemed to be in a hurry. It hasn't even been three whole hours since the children entered the maze. The deception on the children's perception of time was simply due to the rune structure that powered the maze. One which was directly connected to the core of Pandora which, only King Jubilee could access.

"Ony, those children are gonna die aren't they?"

"I don't fucking know Col. This is so frustrating but, we have to follow orders." The knight clenched his fist so hard that he even clawed his own chest, making blood drip on the corridors of Pandora.josei

"Orders huh. How many people have died because of those orders?" Colonel's tone was trailing to the distance. Like he was thinking of a possibility out of all that nightmare but, it was simply wishful thinking for him.

"We've already stained our hands with countless innocent blood. Now's not the time to be a hypocrite Colonel." Onyx said, making the other knight chuckle as he responded.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

The next fight which the Void titans were going to encounter was no joke. It was the stage that took the most lives within the maze. The one which pushed everyone to their limits and, most of the time, they weren't even killed by the lightning wolves.

The storm. The chilly wind. The dead of the night offering no light aside from the sudden streaks of lightning. Illumining strange objects and split - second shadows. The eyes that gleamed in the darkness, watching every step like a predator about to pounce. The howling that continued in a seeming melancholic requiem of death; harmonizing with the loud roar of the thunder, the heavy drop of rainfall and, the wild flailing of branches.

Out of all the levels of the maze, it was the tenth that took the largest mental toll on all who entered it. So much so that, when the wolves finally corner their prey, the person would be in a state of madness.

This was the place that awaited Sol and the others. And by increasing all of the dangers, it was like King Jubilee was saying that, he wanted the children dead. That he wanted them broken.

Those were the two likeliest possibilities that may happen in that stage. And in fact, the two knights already had a few strong speculations in their minds. That all five of the children might just die.

But, if by some stroke of miracle, Sol managed to survive, then he would be in a state worse than death. The boy's very core would get torn apart.

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