A Story of Evil

Chapter 36

Chapter 36: The Agreement

Sol stood there completely frozen. He didn't know what to make of the command which the king just said. Those were persons he spent a lot of hours and even days with after all. Even if they have gone a bit insane, he would still be able to use them in the Culling as bait and, the very thought of killing Alice itself was a bit nerve wrecking for him.

"Are you hesitating Sol?"

"No my king, it's just that…I'll be needing them in order to survive until the last phase of the Culling." The king looked at the boy, immediately understanding the truth behind his words.

"I guess everything hasn't really sunken in to you yet." King Jubilee's tone was cold and distant. Sol didn't even have time to read the whole situation as the king stabbed the shadow sword right through Sol's chest. Leaving it there as the boy dropped to the floor, screaming in pain.

"I have awoken Solomon's Wisdom just like you. I've been using it for a long time, mastering all its tricks and abilities. I'm not dumb boy, I know what's going through that head of yours."

Solomon's vision was going hazy and he could hear a loud ringing on his ear. It was probably due to the sword which felt like it was spreading something on his bloodstream. Doubling the amount of pain as the boy's scream echoed throughout the room.


"Do you think you can win without killing anyone?" Jubilee moved the sword around, stepping on Sol's shoulder which prevented the boy from getting away. Solomon continued screaming but, in that room, nobody would hear his cries.

"Countless lives and probably a lot of good people are going to be sacrificed just for you to win. This is the reality you live in Solomon." King Jubilee pulled out the sword, sending the same amount of pain once again. The boy's blood was eaten by the shadows and, Sol's wound was stitched back by the same medium.

"I do not know what is going through that head of yours boy but, you cannot give me victory unless your hands have been stained by blood. Unless you gain the cold ruthlessness of any predator." King Jubilee finally withdraw his sword, releasing it on his shadow which absorbed the weapon.

"That is the first and the most crucial step for you."

Solomon couldn't say a word. He was still wincing in pain but, he was trying his best to come up with an excuse. Any excuse just to avoid the bloodshed. Yet, he had nothing. It was like they were playing another game of chess.josei

No matter what angle Sol looked at. No matter what piece he moved. Everything will result in the same "checkmate".

"Do you understand now?"

"I do. But I have one question to ask." Sol said, standing back up and finally regaining some of his composure. It was taking all of his effort just to keep his legs from shaking at that point because, at that moment, King Jubilee felt more frightening than any Direwolf.

"Was the sword through your shoulder net enough of a lesson?"

"It was my liege. It's just that, you told me that I should feel free to ask questions a few minutes ago. You didn't halt that so it's still in effect." Jubilee was caught in Solomon's trap. Through the words of the king itself, Sol was able to navigate a way out of the situation.

"I should at least save you." Sol thought of Alice and only her. Knowing that he still owed her and that, she couldn't die without these being repaid.

"Alright, out with it then. What is your question?"

"What if we use them a little longer and, if they prove to be useful, you could at least extend their sentence until the end of the training."


"I demand that we give them an opportunity to fend for themselves; to fight for their lives. I won't be getting any other teammate because all of them would be dead so, I request that they be killed in the simulation of the map I gave you. That way, I'd be able to get the hang of the terrain while also executing your command."

King Jubilee studied the boy's eyes. He was looking for any sign of lie, deceit or trickery. Yet there was none. Solomon had an unwavering resolution to follow the king's order if and, only if, it would be done this way. Hence, the king finally decided to agree.

"Fine. The stage will take a day to be created. You can say your final farewells to the other titans before then."

Sol had no plans of doings anything of the sort. He figured something out. If King Jubilee wanted to have the highest chances of winning and, if he was desperately looking for those who could unlock the powers told, then Solomon just needed to unlock it on the most likely candidate. Alice.

"That's not all my king. I want to add a little something."

"What is it now?" The tension was slowly defusing and just by reading this atmosphere, Sol knew that his final petition would have a chance.

"If I could awaken an ability in any of them, would they not be of use until the end of the Culling?"

It was dead silent once again. Both Solomon and King Jubilee did not move. Both also had a stoic expression on their faces. That is, until Jubilee's lips began curving towards a smile, trembling at that as he finally let out a laugh.

"HAHAHAHAHA! There really is no end to your insolence Sol." The boy simply continued at this point. Advancing from a position that looked hopeless a few seconds ago.

"If I take them all out using the map then I'll get that cold predatorial side awakened while also getting a feel on the location of the Culling. If I awaken one or two of them within that same duration, then they would make it easier for me to win the Culling. You have nothing to lose and, have everything to gain from this offer my liege."

Solomon's eyes were resolute. So much so that the king knew a second stab won't make the child change his mind. He didn't want to hurt Solomon too much nor to get on the kid's bad side. He was, after all, an important piece to the plan. Hence, making a sigh of defeat, the tension in the room diffused completely.

"Okay. Okay. I'll allow that much, in fact, I may even be able to pull something else while the Culling goes on if you achieve the second thing you mentioned. But, I don't wat to give you hope so don't count on that." Solomon simply nodded his head, thankful that he was able to alter the king's order to that extent.

"Anyway, I agree with all that you have said, it does make sense." King Jubilee extended his hand.

"This is a deal made on equal grounds. I have my honor as a king so I'll simply wait for the results." Solomon recached for it and, with that, they shook hands.

"Thank you, my liege."

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, you'll be needing this for now." King Jubilee brought out another item from the shadows and threw it at the boy.

It was a black circlet. There wasn't much design to it if one looked from far away but, upon closer inspection, there were actually runes placed on it.

"That will prevent you from accidentally activating any of the powers related to Solomon's Wisdom. I believe Pandora already warned you about your body tearing apart if you used too much accidentally.

"She did my liege."

"Good. I want you to wear that as much as possible especially in the middle of the battlefield. It also serves as your link to Pandora, as long as you have that, you can access her realm in your sleep."

"Thank you, my liege." Sol said as he gave a bow.

"You can leave now. I bet you're hungry and, it's already lunchtime." With this, Sol finally took his leave and, as he did, Pandora finally spoke.

"You're being too soft on the boy."

"Are you blind or did you just miss the part where I stabbed through his shoulder?" King Jubilee said, looking straight at the seeming corpse of Pandora.

"Oh we both know how that's just an act Jubilee."

"Can we skip that part? Anyway, what do you think about the offer he made?"

"I think it's a decent plan. Sometimes miracles can start a chain and, if Solomon is a catalyst as strong as that, then we might just awake all five in the near future."

"That's funny. I thought you were on the doubting side?"

"That was before the child showed as much promise against the Direwolf. Anyway, you need him more than I do Jubilee."

"I know. I know." The king said, thrilled at what horizons Solomon could open for the Void Domain.

"Let's just wait and see for now."

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