A Story of Evil

Chapter 67

Chapter 67: The Clash

"And now it comes out."

Jubilee was sitting at the balcony of his castle room. Watching the projection of the odd balls which displayed the transformation of the earth titan. Although he was calm about it, the other rulers from the remaining domains wouldn't take the event lightly. He knew that things would get messy soon enough and, caught up in the middle of all this would be King Reckon.

"JUBILEEE!" Lilia slammed the door of the king's room open. Shaking the portraits that hung on the wall and making the king himself sigh.

"You could at least knock you know?"

"Knock? Aren't you watching the live feed?"

"As we speak actually." Jubilee said, pointing to the screen that could be seen clearly from his balcony. Displaying the monstrosity that was the earth titan.

"Let me guess, you also expected this didn't you?"

"Well, not to this extent. But I did." Lilia walked to the king, patting him on the shoulder.

"Things seem to be spiraling out of control. Are you sure you can carry all of this burden when it falls?"

"It's not like I have a choice on the matter Lilia."

Chaos was rising rapidly. To an extent which was about to shake the very foundations of the ten domains and all they believed. Yet only one man was truly prepared for this. It was none other than Jubilee. A king who wished for this chaos to start.

In that moment, the king saw his crown's gem glowing. Entailing a single thing. That there was a meeting to be held in the Sanctuary that same evening and that, Reckon would have to answer to whatever crimes he committed.

"I'll go get your equipment." Lilia said, understanding what the glowing gem meant.

"Please do." Was all Jubilee said in reply as he continued watching the footage on screen.

At that moment, he thought that fate must really be playing its tricks. Sol, the second inheritor of [S.W.] was fighting a bunch of fledglings which could turn into monsters. And he, as the first to obtain it, was about to meet the ringleader of these abominations.

"Old man, I hope you don't disappoint me. I got a lot of questions for you." Jubilee said, with a devilish smile drawn on his face. Prepared to take on King Reckon and whatever creature he made a deal with.

Havoc. That is the perfect way to describe what happened on the scene which Sol and Alice left. As soon as the other titans entered the wall, the mutated earth titan took notice of them. Creating rock bullets and earth spikes at the same time. Ten times in strength and destructiveness.

The first to meet this were the Frost and Flame titans. Both managing to defend as they expected an attack as soon as they went over the wall. On the other side, more enemies have entered the wall; meeting up with the earth titans who battled with the basilisk.

Yet, in the midst of all this chaos, there was one character that stood on top. Not Jade and his crew. Not the earth titan that mutated. Nor is its crew which has yet to meet the same fate. Not Sol and Alice. No. The one who came on top was the proud fire prince. With two black horns made of flames sticking out of his forehead. With his pupils covered in total darkness yet nevertheless retaining a human form. With flames gifted by the strange benefactor in exchange for his soul.

This same creature has just woken up to the sound of footsteps running towards him. As soon as he opened his eyes, he felt a push of cold steel piercing his flesh. And as he looked at it, a sword has pierced his chest.

The weapon immediately caught fire, making the perpetrator back off. Blaze got up, slowly, with his vision still hazy. His opponents weren't kind enough to let him recover. They continued with a barrage of long-range attacks. Yet, all of these were simply getting consumed by the prince's black flames. As if it had a mind of its own and, as if it was automatically set to do so.

"Ahhh why do I feel so lightheaded." He commented, still unaware of the predicament that he was in. His whole body recovering as all wounds got enveloped by black flames and healed.

"Kira this isn't good. We need to finish him before other titans come here."

"You think I don't know that Ace? Just keep using your long-range attacks, his defenses can't last forever."

Fortunately for Blaze, the first group of titans to find him were the Physical Enhancers. All their finishing moves were close range attacks, utilizing their weapons which was the closest to being high tech as Lilia's creations. Their swords created waves of mana shooting at their enemy. Their gauntlets created blows of wind as strong as cannon balls. One even had gloves that could materialize a solidified mana spike to throw at Blaze.

In the prince's seemingly half dead state, they knew that it would only be a matter of time before they broke through his defenses. Their stamina wasn't even close to dropping below [90%] at that point. Giving them just enough confidence to continue their assault.

Yet, unknown to them, Blaze wasn't even aware of their presence.

"Ahh that's right, some insects were trying to defy me." Blaze made a single step and the whole battlefield was instantly covered in black flames. Three titans were caught by the flames and instantly had it cover them entirely.

The smell of burning flesh and the agonizing screams of the dying could be heard by the two who remained. Kira and Ace stood there, dumbfounded and clueless about what just happened. How such an attack was possible and, how gravely they underestimated their enemy.

"W-what are you?" Kira saw Blaze's pupil turn blood red as a sword made of flames materialized in his hands.

The two were preparing to back away. However, they regained some of their calm as Blaze came back to his senses. Answering them in the same way that has made him look like a fool countless times over.

"Who am I? IS THAT EVEN A QUESTION? I AM PRINCE BLAZE!" He was back to his real self. The proud and idiotic prince. He was unaware of all that he did until that point and, simply focused on the enemies in front of him.

"Ah…I see that my fame is so widespread. Even the physical enhancers are out for my blood." Blaze said, pointing his black flame sword at the foes in front of him.

"Is this guy even real?" Ace said, thinking how their opponent has watered down compared to his unconscious state.

"I don't know but, now is probably our chance. Let's give it our all until the end."


The two released their limiters. A skill exclusive to physical enhancers allowing them to boost all their abilities twofold. Kira began by harnessing her greatsword, making one full swing in split-second speed. Blaze blocked this through his sword but was still sent flying to the air.

Ace chained this attack by leaping to the air and meeting the highest point of Blaze being flung. Using his javelin, he made a fury of stabs that made Blaze crash to the ground. The attack didn't end here as he continued thrusting his weapon which extended and retracted at his will. Effectively hitting Blaze which was caught in the crater below.

The bullet like speed was unnerving as it continued for a whole minute. Ace was slowly landing while making these attacks, using up all the strength on his arm to ensure that the enemy would not escape from the middle of the crater.

Kira was the next, leaping up to the same height and charging up her greatsword that doubled in size. She then threw this towards the crater which doubled in size as a great shockwave was felt on the whole battlefield. The ground tore open as large pillars of rocks shot up, blowing up a gust of wind that covered the prey of the two enhancers.

"I-Is that enough?" Ace asked, feeling the backlash from removing his limiter tearing up his muscles.

"I don't know, but it better be." Kira said in reply. Waiting for all the dust to settle in order to secure their prey.

But, all this hope was lost as soon as it appeared. With the whole area being surrounded by the black flames of Prince Blaze. There was no way out of it and as they looked at the figure that formed beyond the smoke, their eyes widened in horror.

What they were facing…it wasn't human anymore. Large wings flapped in the sky and a tail grew at his back. The red pupils of the prince glowed in the darkness, like a predator thirsty for blood. Knowing that there was no way out, the two went into battle pose again. With Ace giving half of his weapon to Kira as they watched Blaze bring up his sword.

Yet as soon as they blinked, their vision suddenly shifted. Suddenly they felt light and saw the world falling before their eyes. Their brains couldn't even catch up to the horror that they truly faced as, their heads finally dropped to the ground. Cut cleanly off their necks.josei

"Ahh…that's refreshing." Blaze took back all the flames he released. Retracting even the horns and the wings.

"Now. Let's see what other insect I can burn."

Just like that, the numbers on the scoreboard changed once again. And the physical enhancers who have stayed at a solid five titans, were wiped out in a single night.

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