A Story of Evil

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: The Property

Nothing was scarier in the slums than an infuriated drunkard. Most cases of killings, ****, stealing, and other crimes were done by those who were under the deep influence of alcohol. But this didn't mean that they were coordinated.

They were sloppy. They were loud. And they, more often than not, hurt themselves before reaching their goal.

Yet there was nothing holding them back. They had no fear nor concept of nervousness. That is why they were so scary. And, right at that moment, a drunk Arthur carrying his sword walked around the alleys of the slums.


The ceremony just finished. Everyone was still wearing their ceremonial clothes, including him. There were creases on it and parts were wet from his drink spilling due to Solomons actions. His feet were also bare, forgetting his shoes in the bar which got stolen right away.


Arthur knew that the children would be back by then. There were already children walking on the streets back to their homes and, his house was nearer to the [Inner Wall]. He kept on barking out the order and everyone did their best to avoid him, not even daring to stare at the man who looked like he was about to kill.

"He thinks he can just walk away from his debt? After we've cared for him and fed him?" Arthur murmured to himself.

"I'm not done exploiting him. Who's gonna pay for all my drinks?"

Arthur had a lot of these sentiments running through his head. Even with how hostile he looked, none of the guards came to stop him. That is because he was a guard himself and, there was an unwritten rule that they will never mess with each other.

Hence, he arrived at the front of their house without any disturbance.

"COME OUT YOU UNGRATEFUL BASTARD!" He screamed, waiting for Sol to comply like he always did. But nobody heeded his words. Not even his wife who was supposed to assist hm as soon as he was nearby.


Arthur's blood boiled and his sight was dimming out. There was only a single thought in his mind. Whatever happens, heads will roll on the floor of their house that day.

"NO FUCKER DISRESPECTS ARTHUR BLOODBOURNE!" He unsheathed his sword and threw the scabbard to the ground.

"Their knees must be shaking from fright." Arthur thought as he walked all wobbly but still capable of killing a few people with ease.

With his hand finally reaching the handle of their door, he had an idea. He would throw the sword as soon as it opened, if he hits someone, then he'll proceed to massacring them all. If he didn't, he would still do the same.

"Arthur you're such a genius." He thought to himself, preparing to throw the sword.

"READY OR NOOOT!" He kicked the door open as he screamed:


He couldn't make out what happened but, he definitely saw his life flash before his eyes as his sword was returned back to him. His shoulder felt heavy all of a sudden and, as he looked, he saw his own word dug into his flesh.

"AHHHHH!" Arthur dropped to the ground, sobering up from the immense amount of pain.

"Wow kid, he really did exactly as you told." A dark-haired man said. He was a bit slimer than Arthur yet, one could tell from his composure and aura alone that he was accustomed to fighting.

"You're too kind to me sir." Sol said in a gentle mannered tone.

"Don't call me that, it makes me feel older."

Arthur didn't understand what was happening. Seeing his own blood made all energy drain away from his body. So, he stayed down and asked.

"W-Who are you?" The same man who was so bold a while ago was in a state of pure fear.

"Oh me? I'm Onyx, of the king's knights."

King Jubilee was fond of Sol's performance. So much so that he even made the said knight accompany Sol back home. He knew that there was a high chance for Solomon's life to be taken because of the embarrassment he caused to the Archbishop.

"You're not allowed to die until we play some chess." The King told Sol before the boy left the stage.

"Can I ask a favor then my liege?" As always, Sol saw opportunity in this moment. Without him around, he knew that Arthur would beat up Olivia more. He was also concerned for Cain who needed to solely bear the responsibility of providing for the family.

"A favor? Do you honestly believe that you are in a position to say those words?" King Jubilee was fond of him. But there was only a certain threshold he could tolerate.

"But my liege, you yourself told that I am not allowed to die until we play some chess."

"What of it?"

"There is actually a man who lives with my benefactress, I believe husband is the word for it. But you can simply call him a gambling alcoholic."

"Don't play with words boy. I am entertained with you but I have matters to attend to."

"Yes. Of course my liege. The thing is, I want him to be put in prison."

"And what do I have to gain from that?"

"My liege. I ask this with the consequence of him being released if I ever go below your expectations, or if I die during the Culling."


"I know that I am not much but, this ensures my top performance and adds to my resolve to win."

There was one thing running through King Jubilee's mind at that time. Sol was already amusing as he was. If anything happened to the ones he cared for, then the child may get boring. It would make his effort at saving the child look foolish if he was simply going to be dull.

"Okay, but I'm not accepting anymore requests got it?"

"Yes, my liege."

This led to the current situation. Olivia was already informed of what would happen and, she willingly accepted it. All for the safety of her own children and, for her own peace of mind.

"Arthur Bloodbourne, under the authority of the Void King, you are hereby sentenced to imprisonment until further notice."

"I-imprisonment?" Arthur looked around and in his drunken state, he could've sworn he saw sol and his family smiling devilishly at him. Suddenly, the pain was gone again


Sol refused to say another word and this infuriated Arthur even more. He took out the sword buried on his shoulder, impressing Onyx because the man was back up and ready to fight.

"You think you're hit stuff just because you managed to hit my shoulder? Think I'm an easy target?"

"Goodness, he's really full of himself, isn't he?" Onyx said to Sol. In this brief moment of distraction, Arthur lunged at them. With Olivia shrieking in fear while Eve was being protected by Cain.

"Hold this for me boy." Onyx furthered, throwing his sword at Sol and meeting Arthur head on.

The knight's reaction was quicker than Arthur's. He elbowed the blunt of Arthur's sword and used the same momentum in order to punch him down. The punch was so strong that Arthur's body even bounced once.

"Ma'am, I suggest you close your eyes." Onyx wasn't about to let a woman see his own husband get beaten up. He had some strange standard which he keeps on upholding. However, Olivia refused to do so.

"Suit yourself."

Arthur was able to get back up on his feet and, this was all that he could do as the knight planted his foot on the drunk man's stomach. The strength of the blow was able to fling Arthur out of the house, destroying the door in the process.

As always, people were already looking but, no crowd was being formed. "See no evil, hear no evil." This is one of the mottos upheld by the citizens within the [Outer Walls]. Not wanting to get themselves involved at something that would make their lives any more miserable.

"HELP! HE'S BEATING ME UP!" Arthur's sword flew back at him, grazing his cheek as its tip was buried to the ground. Onyx walked out of the house calmy, still refusing to use his blade.

"Well don't just sit there. We still have a long way to go."

"NO! PLEASE MY LORD SPARE ME!" Arthur was down on his knees, with his head hitting the ground. He didn't even pick up the sword nor did he have any will to fight.

"That won't do. You tried killing one of the king's knights after all."

"I-it was a mistake! My sword simply slipped out of my hands."

"All while shouting the word 'die'?"

"P-please forgive me!"

Onyx also lost all his will to fight. With his opponent in that state, he just didn't' have the energy for it anymore. The only command made by the king was to put the man in prison after all.

"Okay, I'll let you off with just that. Consider yourself lucky." He said, standing right in front of the kneeling Arthur. And, this was when the drunk man finally made his move.


Arthur immediately grabbed his sword and made a horizontal swing. He thought that, if he sliced off the feet of his opponent, then winning would be easier. Yet his attack met nothing but air as Onyx simply jumped up. The knight then stepped on the back of Arthur's head, burying him down the ground again.

"You don't seem to learn easy." Onyx kicked his face again, sending one tooth flying as Arthur's blood sprayed on the ground.josei

He continued doing so, kicking Arthur over and over again. The drunk man, made indistinguishable sounds all while this happened.

He looked at his wife who was at their doorstep. His arm reached out for her but the woman stood perfectly still. Like she was indifferent to all that was happening. Cain and Sol were also there, bearing the responsibility of the fate that befell Arthur.

"You're never coming out of prison Arthur. I'll guarantee it." Sol thought to himself as Arthur finally lost consciousness.

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