A Story of Evil

Chapter 70

Chapter 70: The Monsters

"Mom, Sol will be okay right?" Eve was tugging her mother's sleeve.

Olivia couldn't answer right away. She was also worried but she didn't let it show. If she did, it would cause her daughter to get even more anxious. And this was the last thing she wanted.

"Of course he'll be okay Eve!" Coming to her rescue was Cain. The boy, unlike her mother and sister had a confident expression drawn on his face.

"Who do you think we're talking about here!" Cain proudly said, wanting to believe that Sol had a plan even in such a hopeless looking scenario.

"That is Sol! He won't bite the dust that way! Don't; you trust him?" Irritation could be seen on the face of Eve. She brushed off the tears forming on her face using her arm; replying to her annoying brother.

"Of course I do! I'm just worried about him!"

"Okay, break it up you two. Let's just hope and pray for the best okay?" Olivia gave a pat on the head to both her children. She then gave a quick glance to Cain and gave him a reassuring smile.

No matter how well Cain was able to hide it, he couldn't fool the woman who gave birth to him and raised him. He was just as terrified as Eve. He had the same thoughts running through his head but, was simply afraid to voice it out.

He didn't want to believe it. He wanted to discard the idea altogether. One that screamed of Sol death. One that spoke of hopelessness. One that whispered impossibility. Because, at that eleventh hour, he wasn't pitted against humans anymore. No. What Sol had to face were uncanny abominations.

The three earth titans had different heights and widths as well as appearances. One was still at normal height, holding and earth staff. Ram-like horns were on its head and rocks spun around him in a circular motion. It still had its mask on. Permanently hiding whatever face it had as, the item seemed to have engraved itself on his head.

Another turned into a basilisk like creature. Towering at thirteen feet in height. With wings of solid rock and teeth that resembled that of a shark's; crystalized as if to destroy anything it bites. Its tail had the same appearance, with the top filed by crystal spikes and the tip having a large chucked formation of it.

Then there is the third, floating in the sky with a total of six wings. It looked like a strange mixture of a hawk and a human. Having the said bird's head as well as claws instead of hands and feet.

Other than their frightening appearance, one could also sense that they were immensely powerful. There was no doubting about their strength. Each of which could place a monarch in staggering amount of pressure.

These things would've caused fright for a normal human. Unfortunately, their opponent that time was everything but normal. For Blaze who received a better fate, they were nothing but obstacles to be trampled upon.

"Don't get in my way. I have no time for weaklings like you." Blaze held the head of a wind titan on his hand. With the expression of fear permanently frozen on it. He burned the head as he stared at the new hindrances.


Basilisk screamed as it whipped its trail to the around, with Blaze leaping up to dodge. Falcon was the one that came next. Sending a volley of stone feathers that were faster than sound; raining down on the prince. Accompanying this were pillars of rock made by Ram – surrounding blaze and preventing him to get away.

Each spell could be treated as an ultimate based on its strength. Yet the creatures had no idea if their attack worked. There was no scream. No aura. Nor any flames. It was a full ten seconds of silence. With the thick amount of dust forming and making it harder to see. Then black flames rose from the center of the attack and, leaping out of it and onto one rock pillar was Blaze.

"I just don't get it. Why are you plebians so brazen?"

The Basilisk made a scream. Sending a strong shockwave that was beginning to destroy the earth where Blaze stepped on. The pillars fell down, tumbling over one another as Blaze was forced to take to the skies.

He used his wings of flames, while on his hand was his black flame sword. Ram followed by creating twenty earth hands that shot up from the earth; each trying to grab the prince who began dodging in the sky.

Basilisk whipped its tail over and over again, sending shards of crystal that aided the hands in cornering the prince. Meanwhile, Falcon created a sky halberd in its hands – charging towards Blaze with the intent to pierce through his heart.

The prince deflected the halberd while also setting fire to one wing. But this came at the price of some shards hitting him. Stunning him momentarily and allowing the earth hands to grip both his ankles; slamming him back to the ground. Following this was Ram casting a large spell, creating runes that were so powerful one could even see them.

The whole area trembled and the gravity became heavier. A meteor began shooting down from the sky, one which every other titan recognized immediately. All running for their lives to avoid getting caught on the impact.

These creatures are nowhere near normal. Their mere presence a possible source of calamity. But Blaze was just the same.

"Ahh… now that looks like a proper attack." Recognizing him, the three tried attacking once again but Blaze simply placed the whole battlefield on scorching black flames. This consumed the three creatures which began flailing around as they tried putting out the flames.josei

"You've already wasted too much of my time." Blaze created two swords on his hands.

"I still have a worm to squash." The prince bolted up to the sky. The meteor right in front of him.

It was hot and dense and made flying labored. Yet Blaze continued flying up, meeting this meteor head on. And as soon as he was within striking range, he thrusted both swords into the gigantic pile of rock as he commanded:

"Burn to ashes!"

The meteor immediately caught flames. Covered entirely in its dark and ominous glow. Other titans still saw this display from far away yet had no idea what cause it. All they saw was a black line coming up the sky and colliding with the meteor.

The object burned immediately. Shattering into smaller pieces and flying all around the eco park. Monsters which were unfortunate enough to meet the black flamed chunks of rocks began burning; adding up to the points of the fire domain as they inevitably died.

The earth titans may have been blessed. They may have been gifted with extraordinary strength. But in the face of one who was truly powerful, they were nothing more than regular monsters. And as Blaze descended to the ground, he was once again prepared to face the abominations that have been burned by his flames.

Two wings were burned, a tail, and half of Ram's head. Most of the body of the creatures was charred black; with cracks showing all around. Revealing a glowing red light on them.

"You know, I was trying to be benevolent. I told you to step away but what did you do? You faced me dumbasses."

Basilisk roared and created tremors once again. In the blink of an eye, Blaze disappeared, reappearing on top of the creature and stabbing its head with his sword. Setting it on fire which bursted through the wound. Coming out from the mouth and eyes of the creature which died instantly.

"I said…we're done."

Wings and Ram tried backing away. Blaze caught up to Ram first. Stabbing through its chest and pushing it against a pillar of rock which the creature created. Ram screamed as it continued trying to fire more rocks but, everything that came out was simply burned by Blaze.

"Die." Ram met the same fate, exploding in black flames as the entire battlefield turned into a sea of it. Wings was the only one left and, it finally understood the situation it was in. The creature tried flying away but with two of its wings gone, it was sluggish in movement.

Blaze had no difficulty flying above it and cutting its remaining wings. He then rode the creature's back as it crash landed to the ground. With its executioner standing just on top of it.

"You know, you guys are actually a bit strong." The creature tried to use its feathers scattered all around the battlefield. Firing them all at Blaze. Many of these hit and, one even pierced right through the prince's chest. Yet, instead of falling down, the prince remained standing, with a dull expression still drawn on his face.

"You think that's enough to kill me? You think I'm a fool?" He began remembering Jade and everyone else who belittled him at that point. Rousing his anger once more.

"I am the rightful heir to the throne! Nobody can defeat me!" Blaze began punching the creature destroying its faces little by little with each blow. His hands were wounded and bled over and over again. Yet the black flames continued healing these as well as all of her wounds created by Wings.

"I AM THE STRONGEST! ME!" Wings received the slowest death, tearing apart bit by bit as the punches continued coming. Until his head was no more and the prince was finally satisfied.

The whole forest was set ablaze once again. With all the water and wind titans dead, it was only the frost titans who could extinguish it. Everyone was running for their lives and, in that moment, prince Blaze was staying true to his reputation once again. Bringing chaos to all that was around him. And, that same harbinger of chaos, was finally free of all distractions.

Walking towards the last prey for that night. Solomon.

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