A Story of Evil

Chapter 91

Chapter 91: The Ordeal

The bishop was still in solemn prayer when someone entered his cell once more. Yet, unlike the queen which he didn't pay much attention to, he turned to look at his new visitor. None other than Felicity.

"Did she finally leave?" The bishop asked.

"You sound like you didn't like her visit. The queen did her best to come here you know."

"Yeah, unfortunately, the bishop she knows is no more." The bishop began shapeshifting. His whole body being covered in darkness and, as soon as he came out, a totally different appearance was donned by the supposed Bishop Baron.

His facial features however was something that any of the Monarchs would recognize. It was none other than a young King Reckon.

"Is that your favorite face now lord Kingsley?" The knight asked.

"Don't be silly. I have nothing of the sort. The only reason I chose this is because I need to use his powers."

"So after I die you'll also absorb my body?"

"That won't be necessary, you cannot provide me with much. You're just a normal Void Felicity. Don't overestimate yourself." Kingsley said with a bored smile on his face.

"Ouch, that actually hurts my feelings you know." The female knight sarcastically remarked.

"Feelings are reserved for those who are still alive Felicity and, you are far from being one."

"Hmm I guess you are right about that part."

"Let's go back to topic. Did she bring everything along with her?"

"Yup. Not a single crate was left for us. She took it all and went to the slums bringing it."

"Fantastic!" Kingsley said, with a twisted smile formed on his face as he continued:

"Let's see how that Void King will handle this."

It was the second day of Sol and Jules working together in the plantation. They were supposed to assist each other and team up. At least that was how it should've gone.

"Let me make this clear, you are not allowed to assist in the farm. You and your dirty hands need to lay off if you want to see tomorrow."

It was an early morning. Sol made both Alice and Cain assist him while Prince Jules still had his two maids accompany him. Just as they arrived, Jules was already ordering Sol around. And, because Sol didn't like the command nor the reasoning behind it, the boy gave his response.

"I'm sorry your lordship but, I believe that is not possible."

"What do you mean it's not possible? Is my order so complicated that your miniscule brain can't comprehend it?" Prince Jules had his eyebrows furrowed in irritation.

"It's actually the opposite your lordship. I understand your words completely and all the implications it would bring."

"What do you mean?"

"First of all, an order higher than yours precedes what you have said. Your father told us that we get halves of the plantation. If I do not perform under that then, I would be severely punished and, you will also be so for directly overruling it. Secondly, I am not your lackey." Both Cain and Alice were smiling at the back as they witnessed Sol humiliating the prince firsthand. Pitying Jules for coming across someone who never lost an argument.

"I suggest we simply divide this plantation in half…Prince Jules."

"You dare speak up against me!" The prince raised his fist, about to swing it at Sol when the boy spoke.

"Careful now. Odd Balls are floating everywhere. I'll have enough evidence to make you look like a bad guy. Not that it would be that difficult."

Sol wasn't just a normal citizen. He had the king's favor and, was part of the only duo which ever won the Culling for the Void. The only duo at that seeing as the incident of having two champions won't repeat again nor will another Culling ever occur. This was enough of a reason for Jules to hesitate. Clenching his fist as he gave his response.

"Fine! You take the inner plantation and I'll take care of the one outside." The prince didn't allow himself to be completely beaten. That's why he issued the said command and didn't take no for an answer; marching together with his two maids.

"Wow, you really have a way of getting into royalty huh." Alice sarcastically commented; referring also to how Sol literally got inside the late Prince Blaze's body and blew it up.

"That's a very dark humor for you to make."

"Yeah I know. But it works right?"

"Sure does."

"Hey we need to get going you two." Was Cain's response. Excited about coming back to the upgraded plantation.

The reason why Jules took the outer plantation as because of its setup. Not much workers needed to be commanded and, the plants themselves are almost self-sufficient. Making his workload lower than normal and, his task easier.

The varieties were still a bit confusing for him. Even with just the trees this was his problem. That is why he didn't choose the inner plantation which used the inter cropping method, One which housed triple the variety of plants.

The prince was no fool. He devised this plan if the boy opposed him. Thought about it carefully throughout the night and into the morning. At that moment, he felt like he already won. However, nothing could be farther from the truth.

Sol was the most competent person for the job. He knew how each and every crop worked because, during the time of his recovery, he immersed himself fully into the study of this. King Jubilee didn't fall short of providing books for Sol to read and, the boy gladly accepted this offer. Memorizing every type of plant and, every planting method that existed when Ether was still Earth.

Whether it was on the outer plantation or the inner plantation, Sol would be able to perform better than the prince. The only difference was that, by being inside, he would be able to create more output. And he didn't miss a heartbeat as he began acting at that moment.

"Cain and Alice, I need you two to work together."

"Wait, are you serious? She's just gonna drag me down." Cain said in reply.

"What did you say you wimp?" The irritated Alice voiced out.

"You may be more experienced when it comes to fighting but, crops happen to be my specialty. You'd be nothing but dead weight to me." Cain said, making Alice even more irritated.

"Why you…"

"That's enough from both of you. Look, we only have a week to work with and the only reason I asked the two of you for help is to increase the king's favor on all of us. You need to settle your differences and work together otherwise we won't have anything done. Do I make myself clear?"

"Fine." Both Alice and Cain said, making Sol proceed to giving the instructions.

"I need you both to observe if there are any insects around."


"Yup. This battle is one which we will have with a lot of forces. Although we can control both the weather and the humidity, we have no say on the plants until we have a proper insecticide."

"Inbesticide?" Alice repeated in confusion.

"INSECTicide." Sol reiterated.

"I want to avoid using one as much as possible so, as soon as you see a type of insect, capture it. Bring everything to me at the end of the day and see if some leaves have changed on where you spotted them."

"Well okay then."

With this the group dispersed as everyone began fulfilling their roles. Sol made his way to an area where he could get a full view of the plantation. It was also a place where another familiar person would be. Someone whom Sol was well acquainted with.

"Hey Grumps." The old man turned at took a look at the child.

"Well look at we have here. What's mister bigshot doing in the plantation?" Grumps had a wide grin on his face.

"Don't act like you don't know. I bet all the gossip has already reached your ears."

"Hahaha you really are from the slums." The old man said in reply.

"I heard what you did for Cain. Thank you, I'll make sure to repay the debt."

"Bah, don't sweat it kid. That one was for charity's sake. You don't need to give me anything."

The old man's response caught Sol by surprise. Making his lips curve to a smile as he gave his response.

"You know, for an old man who exploits us, you actually have a good heart huh."josei

"Don't make me take back my words kid." The old man said, staying true to his name and being grumpy all of a sudden.

"So what do you need? I'm pretty sure you didn't just come here to thank me."

"It was a convenient part of the agenda. Anyway, I need to go up your watchtower"

"Oh? And why would I allow a kid to enter that place?"

"It's simple. I'm your boss now."

"Hahahahaah…" The old man continued laughing but, because of the unchanging expression on Sol's face, he gave his reply.

"You aren't joking, are you?"

"Nope. It's only for a week though so you don't need to worry too much."

"Good lord, our king really knows how to make a good joke huh." The old man said, rubbing his nape as he moved his neck from side to side.

"Okay then follow me kid." The old man placed a crystal on the wall of his tower. Opening a portion the size of a door with a platform waiting on the ground. One that worked like an elevator. Sol and Grumps stepped on this and, as they went up, the old man said:

"I'll give you a front seat view of the plantation."

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