A Story of Evil

Chapter 97

Chapter 97: The Chaos IV

Death. That was the fate awaiting Sol and his friends. With all the variables and, with the current predicament, this was the only outcome. They were all going to die because Sol needed to keep the secrets of the king. The secret to obtaining the powers which the Seraphims, for so long, have been unsuccessful in obtaining.

Yet something strange occurred. All the bullets stopped in midair. Just before hitting Alice and Cain, the bullets were suspended in space. All the soldiers froze in place; not understanding the phenomenon in front of them. But Sol knew exactly what it was or rather, he knew exactly who caused it. 

"I think you should be asking me those questions Felicity." The voice of the Void's authority trailed from the gates. Everyone gazed and, the soldiers immediately froze in fear. It was the Void King.

Soldiers immediately changed aim. Pointing their guns at the king. Yet even before they could shoot, the king squashed them flat. Literally. Turning them into the same size as a marble in less than a second. With their blood spraying all around the area.

It was a good thing that Cain was facing the ground. Should he have seen it himself, he would've definitely puked in disgust. It wasn't a sight that one could easily get used to, proven by many of the soldiers who did this exact thing.

"M-My king, what brings you to this – "


Every soldier in the area went into the said position. Including Felicity. The watch towers were also squashed flat. Spiling the blood of the soldiers on top which stained the prison walls.

"I don't want to waste time. Where is Kingsley?" Jubilee asked the knight, knowing full well that this was the opponent he was facing at that time. 

Just like Sol the king felt the resemblance of Reckon's aura to that of Felicity's. Ensuring him that the opponent that time was the same creature. 

"I don't know what you're – AHHHH!" The king pushed all the bones on Felicity's right shoulder to come out. Shooting through her back and leaving her in agonizing pain. She dropped to the ground, shaking as she saw her own bones outside her body.

"Ready to talk yet?" The king followed, still on his horse.

With just his presence, the whole situation was turned. It didn't matter who the opponent was. It didn't matter how strong they were. The Void king showed that his authority was absolute and that, hell awaited those who went against his will.

But Felicity was far from allowing herself to get subdued. Just like Reckon, she was corrupted by Kingsley. In her mind, there was nobody stronger than her and, at that moment, she wanted to prove this.

"HAHAHAHA! You really think that you're all that don't you?" Malevolent aura oozed out of Felicity's body. Dark runes mixed with the air, allowing even Cian and Alice to see them. All because it wasn't just Felicity who was transforming but, everyone else in prison.

"With our numbers, we can easily defeat you! It doesn't matter how strong you think you are. This is where you'll die Jubilee."

Every soldier within the area mutated immediately. Orcs. Ogres. Great Apes. Armored Humanoids. Felicity herself was able to restore her arms. Turning into a sort of devil like creature. With red skin and black horns sticking on her forehead. With four eyes instead of just two while, her weapon turned into a giant lance.

It was the first time Sol saw that many monsters appearing at the same time. But both the boy and the king were unfazed.

"This will actually be a good demonstration." The king said, finally getting off his horse as he stood in front of Sol's group. Gazing one more time at them as he furthered:

"Stand back and watch, I'll show you how a king deals with this mess." These words were also heard by Felicity. Pissing her off even more than she already was as she screamed.

"Don't act so high and mighty! I've always been disgusted at how you acted as our king. Always aloof and uncaring. Busy with your worldly pleasures while this domain rotted!"

"Yet you joined the knights didn't you Felicity?" The king responded calmly.

"Joined? Ha! Don't lump me together with your zealous knights! The only reason I joined the knights of the round table was to make a difference. Yet here you are wasting my potential through years of agonizing incompetence brought by your leadership!"

"I see. So you resented me that much."

"I resent you until now! It is Kingsley who unbridled me from all these hopes. He has freed me and given me power! For that, and only that, I will take you down Void king!"

Even without stepping up, Sol and Alice understood that Felicity was bad news. She was still manaless but, they knew her physical prowess at that time was already superior to any of the mutated earth titans. Alice knew this especially well, needing to be on constant guard as her [Danger Sense] went off the charts in the face of the knight.

"It's a shame. Should you have lived a few more months, you would've seen the great changes to our domain. For that, I deeply apologize."

"APOLOGIZE WITH YOUR LIFE!" Felicity said, ordering her monsters to attack all at once. Yet none of them could move at that moment. All because Jubilee restrained them once again with gravity.

"However, I won't allow you to end my life. I am the one who decides how I will perish and, you are not the reaper I seek."

"SCREW THIS!" Felicity was able to escape the gravity bind with just her raw strength. Walking, slowly towards the king who did not move from his position.

"You think I can be beaten this easily? You think I can't handle my own against you?" She said, slowly getting back her momentum.

"I'm sure you can Felicity. Unfortunately, it isn't me you will be facing." The king said, increasing the gravity holding Felicity down and, making her drop to her knees yet again.

"What do you mean?" The knight asked, trying her best to get up. Yet the king stood silent as he began to prepare his skill.

"Multiple cast…" The king released an overwhelming amount of mana. He then swung his left hand forward as he casted the skill:

"Void Expansion." Multiple black marble sized objects floated in the area. With each being in front of  a monster except for Felicity. None of the monsters realized what horror they were in until it was too late. 

The black marbles pulled them in, stretching their bodies in a weird way as they were consumed little by little. Their blood and their organs splattered across the open field. Screaming in horror as Felicity watched the whole thing. Until all the monsters were wiped out except for her. Until King Jubilee completely destroyed her forces.


"Do you see now? You aren't even worth my time Felicity." The demon clenched her fists. It wasn't an empty declaration made by the Void King. Without even looking like he broke a sweat. Without even exerting any effort, Felicity and all she worked for was once again denied.

"Are you going to keep denying my efforts you filthy trash!" Felicity screamed from the top of her lungs, getting even stronger than she already was. 

"Oh I'm not. It's just that I've finished scanning this whole place and I know exactly where your leader is." Felicity leapt at the king but Jubilee simply swung his arm again, sending the devil crashing to a nearby wall.

"Sol, handle her for me will you."

"You want us to fight that thing my liege?" Sol asked again to confirm. Alice and Cain were already looking at the monster and, Cain already knew that he wasn't fit to go against such a creature.

"Yes. The only way for you to get stronger is if I place you in real danger. If you can't survive her, then I have no need for you anymore. However, you are also free to escape if you wish." The king said, still restraining Felicity at that point.

"I will my liege but, under one condition."

"Oh? You're setting up conditions now?"

"Yes. I believe it is only fitting for the amount of danger you are putting me in."

"Hahaha. Fine boy, what is it that you want?"

"After we finish this, please tell me the history of mankind's fall."

"Didn't I already tell you that?" The king asked.

"No my liege. You didn't." King Jubilee looked at the eyes of Sol and, sure enough, he saw that Sol believed this completely. Although puzzled, the king decided to leave things at that. Sighing as he gave his response.

"I don't know where you got that idea from. But I know how to make and keep a deal when I make one." The king stared at Sol with dead serious eyes.

"Fine, I'll tell you everything you want to know. Besides, that might motivate you more to live against your opponent." King Jubilee said, finally taking off Felicity's restraint. The demon immediately leaped at him again but the king flicked her again, making her crash to the other side of the open field.josei

"Good luck." King Jubilee said, finally walking inside the prison and leaving the monsterized knight to Sol.

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