A Story of Evil

Chapter 99

Chapter 99: The Chaos VI

Solomon's plan was simple. While distracting Felicity as he fought against her, Alice was to go around the battlefield. Collecting all the grenades and, placing them in a circular position. 

Normally a plan like this wouldn't work. But because Felicity was so stuck to the idea of taking down Sol, the knight's vision was also one sided. It was only Solomon whom she was taking notice of and, this proved to be her downfall.

The skill Solomon used was another variation of gravity spell. Creating a singular point which sucks in everything within a certain radius. Sol placed himself at the center of this, sucking in Felicity who tried attacking him.

He also placed a single line which was unaffected by this, running away in this direction as Felicity continued getting sucked in. Felicity screamed and tried flying away with all her might. But it was no use. Sol drained all of his remaining mana on the attack. Making it stronger than anything he has used thus far.

Felicity continued screaming from the top of her lungs. Using whatever strength was left on her body. Her muscles tore and her body bled from forcing herself out of the skill's radius. Yet all of this was in vain.

Felicity was completely consumed in the center and, as soon as she reached it, the grenades finally exploded. Creating a shockwave stronger than before. With the remains of Felicity scattering in the open field. Indistinguishable parts of it at that as, Sol and Alice were finally able to take down their opponent.

"I thought it was supposed to be harder." Alice said in between rugged breaths.

"Yeah, this is a piece of cake. It isn't even a challenge." Sol followed, also feeling drained as the two of them lay flat on the ground. Waiting for King Jubilee who was still inside prison.

But just as they were resting, Sol remembered something. He remembered seeing violet veins on the soldiers and, remembered one more person who had it.

"Shit! Alice we need to move." Sol said, springing back up. His body still completely worn out but nevertheless capable of movement.josei

"Come on man can't we rest a little?" Alice asked. Almost falling asleep at that point.

"No. This isn't done. We still have someone to take care of."

With this the two rode King Jubilee's horse and made their way to the inner walls. Leaving the area behind. 


The air was silent and heavy inside. Although all the monsters were destroyed, their blood was sprayed all over the prison floor. Not a single prisoner nor soldier was spared. All of them were killed by the Void king at that moment.

All that was left was the creature named Kingsley. One whom he finally met, locked up and taking the form of the bishop.

"You know, I always thought that Baron was evil. But actually turning him into the devil himself… man, I couldn't ask for anything more." Jubilee said, disabling the lock which separated him from Kingsley who still donned the Bishop's form.

"So you are the one who killed my precious specimen." He said, also making use of Bishop Baron's voice.

"Is that how you refer to those who follow you?"

"No, that is how I refer to all you lower life forms."

"Another cocky bastard huh." 

King Jubilee was already using his analysis on the creature.The problematic part about this is that, he couldn't actually see anything. All that was displayed were Bishop Baron's attributes and stats.

"What do you want from us?" King Jubilee asked.

"What I want is far beyond anything you humans could comprehend. I'll tell you what though, after this incident the people won't trust you anymore. With all the killings you needed to do and, all the mutations that happened, it would take nothing short of a miracle for you to gain back the people's trust."

"So you wanted to ruin the kingdom I was planning to build?"

"Maybe. We'll never know. My job here is done so there isn't any reason for me to stay." Kingsley said, prepared to escape through the shadows. 

Nothing has ever stopped him. None of the humans had either brain or power to catch him. But that was only because none of them was Jubilee.

Kingsley froze in pace as something odd happened. The shadow wasn't allowing him to get back in. No matter how much he tried using his skill, the shadows were rejecting him. 

"Are you trying to escape after all that talk of yours? I don't think that's very polite of you." Kingsley simply looked at him and laughed. Finally understanding what was happening at that moment.

"Where is Pandora?"

"You keep on asking me things like you're higher than me. How about we establish some ground rules and hierarchy first." King Jubilee expanded the shadows around them covering the two inside an infinite black space.

This surprised Kingsley even more. Yet the same malice filled smile was still worn on his face. Calm at a moment when other opponents would be scared to their wits.

"This is where you were planning to go right? You were planning on escaping through the shadows. How about you try that now?"

"We both know that is not possible." Kingsley said, taking off the chains he wore and dropping it to the ground. With the item immediately disappearing in the infinite darkness. There was no ground nor ceiling. It was a space of infinite darkness.

"This is an extension of Pandora's powers right?" 

"Like I said…" Jubilee swung his hand, cutting off Kingsley's whole arm without even getting near.

"...I have no obligation to tell you anything."

"Hahaha you really think you're all that huh? Why don't we continue playing this little game of yours then. After all, you're not the only one gifted by the Seraphims."

Kingsley began transforming. Having six black wings on his back and a dark halo on his head. His aura devouring the whole subspace and creating a chill that went beyond the depths of the netherworld. 

King Reckon wouldn't even begin comparing to the amount of raw strength being displayed by Kingsley at that time. A level which almost shattered the space created by the Void King who remained calm nevertheless.

"I have never been forced to use my true form on anyone. Be glad because, you're the first to witness it."

The creature wasn't all talk. Jubilee couldn't see much through his [Analysis] at that point. Making him understand the danger he was in. Something which he knew was impossible to escape unscathed. However, [Cold Blooded] prevented any of his emotions from showing as he unsheathed his sword.

"Just shut up and fight."

Kingsley began by using pillars of stone which shocked Jubilee. Making the Void king continue evading as his enemy disappeared from sight. Kingsley continued by firing a pillar of flame from above. Covering the area where Jubilee was and even beyond it.

However none of these hit. With [Spatial Awareness], Jubilee perfectly followed Kingsley's movements. Allowing him to evade each and every time. 

"So you can devour other people's skills." Jubilee commented; with a smile forming on Kingsley's lips as he replied:

"I'm not required to answer that am I?"

Kingsley continued by bolting out of sight, reappearing next to the king. He then materialized a spear which he swung right away. Parried by Jubilee as he moved to the side and, in a fluid motion made his own swing. This was blocked by even more pillars of rocks. 

The Void king continued his assault with a marble sized black hole. Passing through the pillars and beginning to devour Kingsley. The creature cut his own wing in order to get away. Regenerating it just as fast as he fired a ball of scorching inferno at the king. This was deflected trough the use of space magic that redirected it back to Kingsley who simply devoured it.

It was an even match up. Nobody had the upper had in that fight. A fact which proved to be deadlier to king Jubilee who began coughing out blood at that point.

"Now don't go dying on me human. This is the first time I have been genuinely entertained."

The fight resumed once again. Kingsley fired pillar after pillar of rock. With rock lances and flame spears all being mixed in the fury of blows. He then flapped his wings, releasing the feathers which turned into steel daggers. 

Jubilee tried blocking this all out - creating a wall of space. However, the spell simply kept shattering as the projectiles came nearer and nearer. And with one final push, Kingsley strengthened his attacks even more. Finally freaking all of Jubilee's defenses as the creature's attacks hit him head on.

"Is that all you have Void King?" Kingsley began laughing non stop. Assured of his victory at that point. Jubilee was still alive but barely holding on.

The king used one more skill, creating a massive black hole. But Kingsley simply destroyed this by overfeeding it with green flames. Burning the spell and negating the attack altogether.

"You know, I actually thought that you would be a decent match. Turns out that was too much to expect from trash." Kingsley said, gathering all his power to a single point, aimed at the half dead Void King as he said:

"Farewell Jubilee."

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