A Villainess Should Be Strong

Chapter 113

Chapter 113: The Duke's Story

"Origin Magic... No, it's extremely diluted. It wouldn't be that," Estelle wondered.

How could this happen? In the memories, she saw the Absolute wield the Origin Magic and that the being decomposed that element into two: Creation and Destruction.

Could it be, you can just mix the two corresponding elements and obtain Origin Magic? That wouldn't make any sense.

Origin Magic should only belong to the Absolute because of the characteristic it brought- the catastrophe it could yield when used in the wrong way.

But now, in Estelle's hands was a diluted version of said Origin Magic. Clearly, something was off. The Absolute wouldn't let this happen, would he?

Or perhaps, he was the one who made the change possible?

If anything had to be noted down, it would be the Absolute's clear favor for the Goddess Estraea. He treated her very kindly.

"Even so... I don't really have a purpose for this magic as of now," Estelle mumbled. Her current priority was to unlock her Constellation powers.

And possibly, if she had to, appoint Heine as one of the members.

Estelle sighed. She checked her status, making sure that once again, she had all the necessary ingredients to become the Constellation Leader.

"The Ruler told me that I needed to seek Duke Miller with my ring, but my seals are actually finished right now. Doesn't that mean.. I'm done here?" Estelle mumbled, twisting her hand in the air while she looked at the ring.

The ring that the Absolute had created.

"No, you are not," Duke Miller's voice came from behind.

Estelle was instantly alerted as she turned around with haste, noticing that Duke Miller was now inside the room without any notification.

How did she not realize his arrival?josei

Estelle immediately became on guard. Sure enough, Duke Miller's power was the [Spectre].

"..What do you mean?" Estelle was in her fighting stance, ready to counter the Duke if it came to the point of confrontation.

"Your work here isn't done yet, there's still some things you don't know. Follow me to my study and I shall tell you. I'm not hostile,"

"Even if I knocked down your son?" Estelle pointed to the floor, where Adrian was laying down at.

"..It's his fault to begin with. Come, I don't have much time," The Duke walked away slowly.

"..." Estelle considered her options and chose to follow the Duke because of the sneaking suspicion behind her family's history. Something that the Duke must know.

Looking at Adrian and Heine's sorry state, she quickly turned around and caught up with the Duke's walking pace.

Within minutes of walking , they soon reached the Duke's study. Duke Augustine immediately went to the chair and sat down, whereas Estelle stood in front of the Duke's table while scanning the surrounding area.

It was a nicely kept, clean room that contained nothing but necessary items. Simple and minimalistic.

As soon as the Duke sat down on the chair, he began talking.

"As you might have already guessed, that ring belongs to Silvanna Villarante. Your grandmother," Duke Miller sighed as he looked at the girl before him with melancholic eyes.

Estelle's ears immediately perked up, wishing to hear the story. Her grandmother's surname, it was actually Villarante?

"You have gotten this far, and I suppose I am now allowed to say the truth. Although the way you approached things was largely different form what you're supposed to do, you have indeed 'proven your worth',"

"Silvanna Villarante is- well, she used to be a royal princess from Alfheim, the Kingdom of Elves. She didn't want to be constrained to her post and sought freedom. As such, she fled to Alynthi and disguised herself as a human adventurer,"

"To be precise, that ring is a royal heirloom that was supposed to be carried by the reigning Ruler. A statement... concrete proof that you are indeed the genuine Ruler,"

"If we are going by the tradition, that ring should now be in the hands of Shirley Villarante, the current Elven Queen. And yet, on the day that Silvanna escaped, she was still the possessor of the ring. She was the strongest candidate for the throne, but she didn't want it,"

"Silvanna carried the ring with her down to Alynthi, where she met your grandfather and got very close. They both didn't know each other's true identity. At that time, I was a thriving adventurer with your grandfather, although Richter didn't necessarily want attention,"

Here, the Duke Miller made a small gesture. He chuckled with a hint of mockery and rubbed the tips of his fingers together. Estelle didn't know if it was because of her grandfather's lack of desire for attention or for the Duke himself.

Right after, Estelle received her answer.

"I was someone who chased success. The thrill of adventures. Even so, I ended up here, being a near powerless man,"

Although vague, Estelle could feel a huge regret piling behind the Duke's back.

"No one approved Silvanna and Richter's marriage. I have to say, they were suitable for each other. More than love, the sentiment they shared was that of lifelong companions. It was a surprise that they were able to develop such a thing after only meeting and interacting for months,"

So far, the story was still in line with what Estelle had learned.

"But the thing was, luck wasn't on their side. It was on whoever their enemies were,"

"..Enemies?" Estelle frowned. Going by the gist of things, this should be the part where the couple disappeared to never be found again.

Everyone assumed that they eloped, but it seems like the truth begged to differ.

"Yes, enemies," Duke Miller coughed. "The world really didn't favor them. In fact, they were hated by life itself. Nothing worked well for them even though they were talented people with a high potential,"

"I myself do not know what happened. I do not know the specifics. I just know that there was a point in time where the coupled fled to Alfheim. No news were heard from them after they disappeared. Not even to me," Duke Miller said in a grave tone.

"This is.. where the story ends. It's a dead end. However, if you truly desire to find out deeper, then go to Alfheim and you should be able to seek more from your.. maternal grand aunt, I suppose,"

Estelle lowered her gaze hearing the title maternal grand aunt reach her ears.

"In this case, am I royalty?" Estelle was curious.

She should be. In fact, the clues pointed to her being the Moon Goddess Alfheim worshipped. Because in her past life, she was Estraea, and the Goddess elves spoke about should also be Estraea.

"You are. And you actually have stronger Elven qualities than your father.. Alan. It's meant to be, I suppose. Go to Alfheim through the portal in your father's study. Richter once told me that the portal was used for Silvanna and Shirley's secret meeting. Once you get there, Shirley will notice and realize who you are," Duke Miller explained before getting up from his chair with great efforts.

Estelle processed the guidance given to her, nodding in agreement as what Duke Miller told her was essentially the same thing as what the Ruler said.

"One more thing. Do you perhaps know where my father currently is?" Estelle still had worries about her father's disappearance.

She hadn't checked on her mother Sheila yet, but the long disappearance will definitely not end up well if left untreated.

"I do not," Duke Miller replied.

"I see.. That's a shame," Estelle was distressed. It would be great if the answers were neatly presented to her in such a pressing time.

After Duke Miller finished his lengthy speech, silence elapsed over the room.

Then, the Duke spoke once more.

"...Child," Duke Miller called out to Estelle, who tilted her head in confusion.

"Yes?" Estelle responded.

Duke Miller took a sharp breath in.

"The meaning of sacrifice, you must grasp it for your future,"

A vague expression that made Estelle's heart tingle with a hint of anxiety.

Added on to Duke Miller's grave tone, it made her overthink. What was the old man implying?

Saying that after she asked about her father. Was he saying that Estelle had to sacrifice her paternal figure?

"That is all," Duke Miller waved his hand, gesturing for the little girl to leave and do her own thing from now on. "I have said what I needed to say,"

"...Thank you very much," Although she was rather displeased, Estelle made a light bow and expressed her gratitude. Even so, she couldn't shake off the ominous feeling she gained after hearing Duke Miller's parting words.

Estelle's next destination would be her own father's study. She desired to use a space rift.

After bidding her farewells, she left and connected her rift to her father's study.

Entering the loop, Duke Miller was once again left alone. Stress could be seen vividly painted all over his face.

"I have finished my duties.. could this count as my repentance? My old best friend.." Duke Miller looked up to the sky, watching as the grey clouds filled the atmosphere.

Just as he was relaxing, the door was opened with a great force. From the entrance came Adrian Miller's limping figure due to his injured shin and ankle.

Not to mention, the vivid choke marks around his neck added to the bizarre state.

"Father! I have found out what you have been hiding inside that underground room! Estelle Clareste, the Duke's daughter, you have been raising her for years, haven't you?! Explain yourself!"

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