A Villainess Should Be Strong

Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Aftermath

Only after they regrouped with the others did Estelle have the time to relax and rest her brain.

Her emotion spikes were too much to handle, especially after the period of time where she had to bear the pain of extracting the spear.

She only had one worry left in her mind, and that concerned her father, Alan.

In order to protect her father, she had shown her barriers, which was impossible to mask as a normal spell.

Her instincts told her to go all out, so she did. Her father, who worked with the higher ups in the country should be able to tell that her magic was not comparable to the normal shields people see.

It was a higher ranked barrier magic that required an astonishing amount of mana. Not to mention, she cast a space rift right in front of him to toss him down to Minerva. Space rifts required a profound understanding on Spatial Magic.

If someone said that a five - year - old child cast a space rift, they would be mocked and treated as a clown.

Estelle turned her head left and right in search of Alan and Sheila.

She wasn't worried about Sheila's reaction, because the woman had a natural disposition that allowed her to relax and calm down in every situation. However, her overprotective father was a different case.

Let alone trying to explain how she learned ancient magic, she'd have to bear the reprimands from him.

Her eyes met with Derrick, who was sitting right beside a sobbing Sierra.

When Estelle tried to approach them to look closer previously, she discovered that there was still a large gash that started from the knees and down to the ankles.

Derrick was one of the wounded that Minerva talked about.

Blood stained his surrounding equipment, but it was not seeping out as much as the wound's exterior appearance.

Judging from Minerva's familiar mana that was attached to it, it seemed like the first aid she talked about was actually stitching the wound with magic threads to contain it.

Nevertheless, he was still losing blood.

[It won't be long until he collapses.] Estelle knew what being at a deficit for blood felt like, so she was worried for Derrick.

After all, he was still her personal Knight and Sierra's brother.

Estelle walked up to the slumped man.

"Derrick, where are my parents?"

"With... that Witch. They are talking about the damages," Derrick was indignant as he was not willing to say Minerva's name and could only address her as the Witch.

"See, she's not a bad person, right? She saved you, you better stop thinking about foolish things like you did before," Estelle knew that his heart was still unsettled.

"...I am indebted with her," Derrick lowered his head down. Amidst the glaring pain, it was a wonder how Derrick was still able to hold a conversation with her.

Derrick was an upright man who counted his debts very well. Since his life was saved by the Witch, he wouldn't do something as outrageous as openly rebuking her. He would be washed down with shame.

Sierra's sobs were ringing out right beside them.

"I'm going to ask big sister Minerva for help, so don't cry, 'kay? Your stupid brother will definitely be fine!" Estelle made an 'OK' sign with one hand, the other rubbing Sierra's already disheveled crimson hair, making it even messier.

"...Liar," Sierra mumbled, lines of tears decorating her face.

Estelle could only smile in a relenting manner. She herself knew that her words could not be believed that easily. She hadn't shown the people her healing magic.

Even though she showed them her outrageous arsenal, a normal person wouldn't think that someone who was well versed in offensive abilities could also display large - scaled regenerative magic.

"Take care of this stupid brother of yours, make sure he doesn't act rash," Estelle patted the girl and left for the door.

She could

First and foremost, there was something more important than Derrick.

Her parents.

Estelle found her parents and Minerva sitting against each other and seemed to be discussing something in a serious manner in an enclosed room.

Concocting her plan, she rushed at Sheila at full speed and dove into her embrace.

"Motherrr!!!" Estelle cried out. Her first plan was to play foolish.

"Waah~ Our little star, were you scared?" Sheila placed a hand on top of Estelle's head, stroking it with gentleness.

"No, Estelle is only scared about one thing in this world..." Estelle looked up and scrunched her face.

"And what would that be?"

"Father!" Estelle pointed at the unsuspecting Alan and declared.

Play dumb.

Play childish.

"Father, can I ask you something?" Estelle was still buried deep in Sheila's warm embrace, muttering.

"Hm?" To be honest, Alan did not object to her daughter's secret studies and surprising potential. Any parent would not despise having a talented child.

There was no reason on why Estelle's magic was wrong. She wielded magic, but did not trespass to the forbidden area of curses and black magic.

In fact, the only worry Alan had concerned Estelle's safety. Just like before, he was worried that his baby daughter would get accustomed to fighting and put her life on the line multiple times.

Contrary to Estelle's distorted imagination, Alan took it pretty well.

Rather than regarding Estelle as a ticking calamity bomb, he thought of her as a guardian angel- after all, if it was not for the child, the manor wouldn't have been able to survive without losing a lot of lives.

Minerva only associated herself with them because Estelle was there, so they would've had to deal with it through strategic fighting and not whatever Estelle did.

"The injured people... I can save them," Estelle raised her head to look at Alan in the eyes. "They are our people... Can't I save them?" She continued, her eyes watery with tears.

Alan was hesitant. Even though most of the people in question were loyal to them, they could not risk a spy or an outsider working for their enemies discovering that the Duke's daughter possessed astounding power.

They would definitely use this to their advantage.

Worst case would be selling the information to the Church. Healing magic, especially those who pertained to healing another life was rarely not categorized under the Light Magic faction. Other forms of healing existed, but normally it was Light.

The Church could possibly take advantage of this knowledge and push Estelle to the spotlight. If the Church or the Royalties discovered this piece of valuable information, they would certainly aim to make Estelle their weapon. If the nobility, the Royals, and other sly foxes got involved, it would be hard to dissolve their desire to claim Estelle.josei

It wouldn't be strange if the Church tried to make Estelle their saint or priestess. Or even made Crown Princess and the future Queen by the Royals.

Knowing that Alan's thoughts were leaning towards this downside, Estelle continued proving her point. "Minerva can help me. I'll cast magic outside the room, I just need to coordinate the movements," She appealed. She hadn't planned to showcase it directly either.

The matter of the spy was something that Estelle was aware of.

Such a large attack couldn't be coincidental, especially when the monsters' direction headed straight towards their home and not sporadic. It was as if someone controlled them and gave them specific orders to take down the Dukedom.

The fact that they were able to think in the first place was a shocking reveal.

The amount of Knights were significantly lower that day because it happened to be near the day of Rosealte, a festival that was held in commemoration of the world's peace. Some of the Knights went home. Some were sent to the Clareste territory to help out the masses. As for others, they were stationed at the capital as envoys and part of the cumulative help to succeed the festival.

Alan let out a dejected sigh.

It had to be known that not once did Estelle back down on matters that she was dead set on.

He knew of Derrick's large injury. In fact, the reason Derrick had gotten injured in the first place was because he stood in front of them, shielding them from the four creatures' attacks alone before Minerva's arrival.

The creatures seem to have noticed that Alan and Sheila were the ones that held the most power and focused their attacks on them. Derrick, who realized this fact jumped straight at the couple and wielded his blade with bravery. In the midst of panic, he was the first one to have splendid reflex. His battle instincts was honed enough to be able to react that quick.

Through deduction, he discerned that she was bringing this matter up because Derrick was her personal knight.

It wasn't a foreign knowledge to them that Estelle treasured and prized her close companions.

"As long as you make sure you are not detected, I will allow it," Alan relented.

"Roger!" Estelle made a salute with her hand and got off Sheila's embrace.

Like a little devil, her mischievous grin shone through. The weak and pitiful act she displayed seconds prior was no more.

She immediately turned to Minerva, who stood in the corner of the room silently the whole time and grabbed her wrist, dragging it while running off.

The benevolent parents that were left behind could only stare at the leaving people's back in wonder.

Sheila was not unfazed, but it could be said that she was quite calm in regards to the whole tirade. Alan was riddled with worries, but he also approved of his daughter's power as it would do nothing but benefit her when used in the correct way.

"Our daughter... Let's just watch over her, alright?" Sheila leaned against Alan. They were truly worthy of the nickname 'Cheesy Couple'. They were actually seven years in the marriage, not counting the engagement years, but the amount of love they had for each other was still so abundant.

Whether it was envy or admiration, all sorts of viewpoints were directed at this couple.

Estelle told Minerva about her plans. Minerva would be the leading actress, while Estelle would be the mastermind behind the whole play.

"Minerva, I'll be standing on the rooftop. Tell me when you're about to heal. Remember, use the light magic first, then give me the cue," Estelle reviewed the plan one last time before earning a nod and leaving for the rooftop.

They were going to mask Estelle's magic within Minerva's magic. People viewed high - leveled spells as flashy and overflowing with grandeur. Minerva was capable in performing some tricks that would help her in her Holy Maiden act.

Not long after, Minerva managed to act alongside Estelle's directions and healed the heavily injured patient ward, that of course included Derrick. Naturally, Estelle had to hold back on the heal, because Minerva was not known for her healing abilities.

It was a combination of layering healing spells and supplying the patients with 'high grade' potions.

Instead of allocating all of the achievements to Minerva, the 'high grade' potions were called in. They were introduced as treasures concocted by an alchemist Minerva knew, who had top notch skills.

As a public figure that had stayed in the world for more than a hundred years, her abilities were pretty much vaguely leaked to the public.

If she displayed too much of it, Minerva could be held up for the ability in the future. If Estelle was present, everything would be fine, but if she wasn't, there would be trouble.

Even worse, if the royals and the Church heard the rumors, they might even attach a High Saint title to Minerva and force her to join the Church under the name of God and...

It was better not to think of it.

Thus, the people were told to stay silent about the potions and Minerva's 'healing prowess'.

After the healing process was done, Estelle entered the room and walked up to the pair of siblings who was now somehow quarreling.

Estelle approached them and had Derrick be dragged away for further treatment, as his injury was one of the threatening ones that could not be healed fully in fear of Minerva's name.

Once Derrick left the vicinity, Estelle faced Sierra with a triumphant look.

"How is it, Sierra? You didn't believe me, right?" Estelle grinned. The little girl doubted Minerva before, but now, she must be giddy with happiness.

"Never said that your words were wrong. Sis Minerva isn't capable of that kind of magic, Sierra personally saw her struggle to retain brother's condition. The potion is also part of the fraud, it's just a normal potion with hallucinatory effects that could incite euphoric sensations. Sis Estelle, Sierra is also a Witch," Sierra pouted as she decimated the fraud case, exposing it with a low voice.

Estelle blinked, not knowing what to do.

Sierra was a bright child, adding that to her Witch blood indeed led her to have a constitution sensitive to magic.

Although she didn't think that she'd be found out, it wasn't strange. A Witch was a Witch. You couldn't measure them with normal standards.

"I guess.. I was found out?" Estelle scratched her head, laughing weakly.

"Un. Thank you, Sis Estelle," Sierra walked forward to give Estelle a tight hug.

[..Well, there goes that. It's fine, right?] It was Sierra. Estelle didn't think much of it and smiled.

"Sierra is so smart~ You must continue to be this way, don't be like your brother," Estelle received the hug without restraint.

They were both children that could be categorized as having a delicate visage, so the scene that was created by the two of them hugging was quite exquisite to look at.

It made the surrounding onlookers' hearts be filled with warmth.

Wholesome was the perfect word to describe the aftermath of the invasion.

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