A Villainess Should Be Strong

Chapter 99

Chapter 99: Time For More Work

Estelle nodded as she calmed herself down.

Her first reaction was to utilize the method she had used in the Eterna. To use combination magic and increase her soul count.

However, she was hit hard by the cruel reality as her magic was actually still blocked inside the realm, and her element of nothingness wasn't as prominent as it was in the Eterna.

Eterna propelled the existence of nothingness because the realm itself was a landfill of congruent elements that bound together. Now that she was out of that realm, with her current level of manipulation, she wouldn't be able to extricate the nothingness out of herself.

She was at a loss. What other way would be there? Her soul was dying as they speak. She was worried to death.

-Don't do it that way. If you tried to increase it gradually like you did in the Eterna, you will just aggravate that child's actions even more. He will become defensive and increase his work.

The unknown's being voice acted as a guide, making Estelle immediately stop her wishful thinking and wait for further instructions.

Estelle bit her lips, acknowledging the unknown being's statement. If you can't persist through one way, then look for another.

[Then, what should I do?] She asked for guidance.

-I will lend you my power, use it to break off your seals.

Estelle widened her eyes. To wield the unknown being's power. What type of power would it be?

Estelle already had an inkling on who she was talking to. Even if her primary guess was wrong, Estelle should be talking to an omniscient being of the Ruler's level or even higher.

To wield their kind's power, Estelle pondered what it'd be like.

However, she noticed something.

[..Wouldn't that be what Heine is trying to achieve? To break off my seals?]

Heine was trying to cooperate with Duke Miller to perform a strange type of ceremony. She didn't know what the specifics were, but if Heine is looking to borrow Duke Miller's power, then there should be something that Duke Miller has, but Heine doesn't.

Estelle's first guess was Duke Miller's [Spectre]. According to their conversation, Duke Miller should've borrowed assistance from Heine in the past, which he then demands payment by signing up to participate in this ceremony.

-He is using the misaligned way. With that method, you will lose yourself. You will lose the memories of Kirisaki Reina and Estelle Clareste. Not only that, your first life's memories will be restituted, but you won't be a complete being. It's all because of his method.

Estelle was aghast. Then, her facial expression twisted and turned as she digested the being's words.

Her perception of herself was that of Reina and Estelle. To her, if those memories and personality were going to be erased, then it would be the same as erasing her entire self. Even though that wasn't true.

Estelle and Reina were two similar personalities because her same mind had gone through the two lives one after another without losing the memories.

She was not only scared of discovering what Estelle's first life's experiences might be, but also that she would have to begin another long process of acceptance because of their merging.

-Luckily, you are not in complete danger yet. You still have a chance of overturning everything. It's not too late.

Estelle had a determined, fired up look as she circulated her thoughts around. If she really had to merge with her first life, she wanted herself to have the authority to choose when it'll happen, and how it'll be done through.

Not forcefully extracted like what Heine is envisioning.

[If I might ask, before you lend me your power.. what was my name in the first life?] Estelle gulped and questioned in curiosity.

-The Goddess of Creation, Estraea.

With that simple reply, Estelle was able to enter another series of epiphany. The name Estraea seemed to resonate directly with her.

It really seemed like there was a separate entity lying within her that created these unexplainable feelings. The attraction she felt to the name was strong.

Inside her mind, there seemed to be a cloud that covered her memories.

The cloud prevented her from retrieving her experiences, but it still shouted out when the name Estraea was mentioned.

Estraea must've been a very important name, seeing how big the reaction was.

After the talk ended, the being began to drift off to the impending matters.

-We have no time. I will explain to you what you need to do, but I won't accompany you for the journey. You will have to struggle by yourself, understood?

[Understood.] Estelle replied with haste.

-Remember your experience in the Eterna. I want you to replicate that, but use my magic in a huge burst. Only by doing that would you be able to restore your condition in large amounts. Small changes won't make it, so you have to do it in batches. Wait for the perfect moment to strike and increase your soul count in one go.

-Once your seals are unlocked, you will be able to utilize some of your true Creation Magic. Your stay in Eterna is somewhat of a preparation for this moment. The combination magic you learned, it is extremely similar to the one you are going to use right now. Instead of using a combination of Creation Magic and nothingness, use the True Creation Magic and my magic instead.

-Only, the soul you will be working with is extremely turbulent and uncontrollable. When you entered Eterna, your soul was calm because of the supportive conditions you possessed. You had all the time to work. But this time, you won't be able to do that. You will have to keep a steady mind all the time, or else you are going to get backlash. The true Creation Magic can be your savior, but it can also be poison. The concept is similar.

-Think of this time as a hardcore mode of the previous one. If you manage to succeed, then not only are you going to unlock your seals and unleash your power, but you are also going to regain your memories. Be prepared for that. Do not fret, you are stronger than you think.

-I believe in you, my child.

[..Wait, are you-> Estelle was about to question this unknown being's words.

Because, if she went by his choice of words, then he should be the world's Creator. The Absolute himself.

He referred to Goddess Estraea and God Astarte as his children and talked about 'his magic'.

A new magic outside of everything. Was this the last element? Or would there be another element that appears in the future?

Estelle was thrown into another frenzy, as the being did not allow her to rest. The being disappeared after his speech ended.

Their time was limited, and she now had to attend to her matters seriously.

She was shielded with a large array of magic that spread throughout the place, making the environment dense with the same energy that was slowly entering her. The being's energy mixed with her own and got absorbed into her mana circuits, leading Estelle to gain back some control over her body due to being able to utilize magic.

Estelle understood the severity of the situation and didn't bother with the being's identity any longer.josei

What kind of being he was didn't matter. Even if the being was a devil, at least Estelle would be granted with the chance to escape. Another fight for her life was about to start.

Before Estelle could confront the unknown being on his true identity and more questions, Estelle was left alone.

She was left with the magic the being gave her.

The magic was hard to describe. It was akin to a soothing, smooth sailing stream of rich liquid.

It traveled all over Estelle's body and merged with herself. Particularly, the magic went towards her soul.

Her soul was already being attacked by Heine's influence. Whatever he did definitely impacted her soul and drained her.

In contrast, the magic she received did the opposite. It enriched her soul and tried to recover it. Alas, it wasn't able to stand alone.

That was why the existence of her True Creation Magic was needed. Because the magic she was lent and the True Creation Magic Estraea used to possess went hand in hand and would create a unity that encompassed everything.

Estelle had received intel on where her seals laid within in previous occasions. The remaining seals were spotted at two separate locations.

One was inside her head, and the other was in the middle of her chest.

Ultimately, this led Estelle to believe that whatever Heine was doing had something to do with the seal inside her head.

Because that was where he targeted his moves at, and they all fully knew that there was a seal hidden within the place.

Estelle decided to unlock the seal inside her head first.

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