A Western Doctor's Happy Farming Life

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

After learning the truth from the cold mouth of Song Dynasty, Su Mo Wei was silent for a long time.

At last, he sighed and said slowly, "han'er, it's the female father who hurt you."

Song QingHan's heart was tight, thinking that Su Mo Wei was going to tell the truth.

"If you had not been born so beautiful, you would not have caused disaster."

After listening to Su's words, song QingHan couldn't help laughing. Seeing his frown and a sad look on his face, he knew that he really thought so, so he had to stop smiling and persuade him: "don't think so, my father. If I'm ugly and can't get married, then I'll be worried again."

Su Mo Wei thought about it and thought it was too. After looking around the furnishings in the room, he sighed and said, "I didn't allow your father to hide that, but where can I persuade him? If you were married to Wu Dahu early in the morning, it would be better to live like this. If you don't have a bad reputation, you'll even have such a miserable life. "

Song QingHan Leng Leng Leng, know that Su Mo Wei did not participate in the event, the heart of his close to a few more points.

It's also true that no one will harm their own child born in October?

Su Mo Wei suddenly got up and put on his shoes and said, "since it's OK, I should go back. Your father will lose his temper again later."

Song QingHan's face sank and he took his hand and said, "you were almost killed last night. What are you going back to do in such a home? It's OK this time. I went in time. What if I don't feel it next time? "

Su Mo Wei sighed, patted his hand to show comfort, and said slowly, "no matter what, that's my home. Where can a female man not go home and stay outside all day? Even if you are my son, outsiders will gossip

"As for killing..." he paused, and then said: "even if it is the fate of it, but he hit such a big, this period of time will not start again."

Song QingHan couldn't understand it and said, "what's the matter? If you want, what if you live here all the time? Don't worry about a man like that! The big deal is to find a better one after leaving!

Su Mei as like as two peas, he would say something like that. He looked up at him seriously, and after a while, he shook his head with a bitter smile. "If you weren't the same as my son, I really thought you were someone else's fake. Han'er, I've been living here all the time. You can't do anything about it, but do you think about Tiger? It's not so easy to eat with one more mouth. Besides, apart from relying on his mother's family for a living, he has not found a better one to say

Song QingHan is still unconvinced and uses himself as an example: "I will marry a tiger! I have been abandoned! "

In response to him, there is nothing else except a sigh from Su Mowei.

When Su Mo Wei came to the door, he finally turned his head and said faintly: "that's because Dahu is a loyal man, like him. Don't say it's playing lanterns. Even if you find all the places, there's only one. So you don't have to be capricious and live with him."

Song QingHan sat on the bed sulking. He didn't notice that Su Mowei had a face-to-face with Wu Dahu when he went out. They nodded to each other. When they passed by, Su Mowei said softly: "han'er didn't know anything before. Although he doesn't understand it now, his temperament is not as reckless as before. You can be more responsible in the future."

Wu Dahu stopped, nodded, did not speak to stop him, only said: "I will be good to him, you... Take care."

At the moment when the gate of the courtyard was closed, song QingHan finally came out. When he saw Wu Dahu, he said angrily: "why don't you stop him? Is it really the same as what he said? It's hard to feed if you open your mouth too much! "

Seeing that he was excited, Wu Dahu carefully stretched out his hand to protect him and explained: "no, my father has been here for a long time. Outsiders will point out to him. Instead of going back at that time, it is better to go back now, and not to have a stiff relationship with song Shanming."

Song QingHan angrily said: "outsiders, outsiders, outsiders' comments are so important! Isn't it enough to live your own life well! What's more, their relationship is not rigid now! After returning, song Shanming doesn't know how to beat him! "

Wu Dahu was silent and suddenly took his hand and went out.

Song QingHan earned, see earn not open, simply follow him to see what he wants to sell.

Both of them are about 50 steps behind Su Mowei on the way. This distance not only enables them to see Su Mowei's movements clearly, but also prevents them from being discovered.

It can be seen that Su Mowei is very popular. Although this is not the village he knows well, there are many people who say hello to him. He smiles and responds one by one.

"If the reputation is bad, those people will not smile and say hello to him today, but point to him with disgust. Do you think your female father can stand it?"

Wu Dahu's voice sounded from behind, and the warm breath was sprayed behind his neck, which made song QingHan twist his neck.

After he responded to Wu Dahu's words, he remembered the scene of being surrounded by people when he came back from Xiaoqing's home that day. He was unconvinced and said, "I can't see them!"In fact, after saying this, he regretted that people are all social animals. How can they live without seeing others?

If he didn't have a baby in his stomach, he would have to run around, walk around, and make friends with one or two friends. It can be seen that he can't bear the pain of being invisible. How can he deal with others and let Su Mowei bear such loneliness?

Wu Dahu looked down at him. He kept silent and pulled him on.

After a while, Su Mowei went to the Song family. It can be seen that although he hesitated for a while, he still firmly knocked on the gate.

It was song Yaoguang who opened the door. After seeing who was standing outside, he jumped into Su's arms excitedly. Although he couldn't hear what he said, he could tell from Su's happy face that it was mostly warm words.

They went into the yard with each other and closed the door behind them.

Wu Dahu obviously doesn't want to stop. He takes song QingHan to the gate of the Song family's courtyard and signals him to stick his ear on the door to listen to the movement inside.

Song QingHan, half curious and half sad, leaned against the door. After hearing the voice of "I'm wrong, you're calming down", song QingHan grabbed Wu Dahu's arm and pinched it fiercely, as if he was venting his dissatisfaction.

Wu Dahu didn't say a word. He looked at his red arm and motioned him to listen.

Song Shanming was like a changed person. His voice was so gentle that he could drip water. He said with a smile, "it's OK. It's OK. I bought you a piece of meat and cooked it at noon to mend my body."

Su Mo Wei Ying a, said some gossip with him, the courtyard is a laughter.

Song QingHan straightened up and walked back without expression.

Wu Dahu knew that he must feel bad in his heart, but he did not dare to touch his bad luck at this time. He only followed him in silence and stretched out his hand to protect him all the way.

After returning to his own home, song QingHan turned around and angrily looked at Wu Dahu and said, "you knew it would be like this, didn't you? Did you pull me to see my jokes? "

Wu Dahu shook his head and carefully replied, "I just want you to know that the reason why he refuses you is that he has a hard time."

Song QingHan sneered and felt that his performance before was just like a fool. He said: "what's the trouble? I think they have a happy life. They have become the adjustment of life? If it's beaten like that, a piece of meat will be bought? "

Seeing that his eyes were red, Wu Dahu moved his hand. It seemed that he wanted to hold him in his arms, but for some reason, he held back and said slowly: "the female father is not unwilling to investigate, but he still wants to live together. What's the use of sticking to it? Since Song Shanming passed a step, he just went down. Besides, song Yaoguang is not yet an adult. If he doesn't care about his fame and reputation in the future, he still has to say whether he can grow up or not. "

Thinking of that wayward younger brother, song QingHan was even more angry. He snorted coldly: "Song Shanming has said that he will live with them. If he dotes on them, what's wrong with growing up?"

Wu Dahu shook his head. I don't know if he remembered something. He sighed and said in a deep voice: "if there is a female father, there is a stepfather. Song Shanming said that in front of song Yaoguang. But do you think he is a lonely man? I'm afraid that if the female father's front feet are separated, he will be able to marry a new man again

Although song QingHan was convinced by Wu Dahu, he was still angry. He didn't know what he was angry about. After careful consideration, he was angry. He didn't adapt to the rules here. He was always self righteous and applied his ideas to others, but he didn't know that others were ungrateful.

Seeing that song QingHan's face gradually became less ugly, Wu Dahu pulled him to the bed and asked him to sit quietly. Then he went into the kitchen to prepare lunch.

After they finished their silent lunch, Wu Dahu suddenly took out a string of coppers from his arms and put them into song QingHan's hands. A smile flashed in his eyes and said, "before, he sold hundreds of copper plates for selling Chinese yam, but today I bought some tools and rice salt. Now that's all there is."

Song QingHan quickly counted, 20, better than poor jingling.

He snorted and thought about it, but he put the money away.

It is said that men get worse when they are rich. Although they are still far from being rich, since Wu Dahu gives the money to him, he doesn't need to be polite.

Wu Dahu looked at his movements, and his smile deepened. He reached out and rubbed his head and said, "I went to work in the fields."

After he reacts to what he has done, he takes advantage of song QingHan to scold him and runs away. josei

Song QingHan touched his hair and murmured: "how can I get rid of it when I'm so feeble...

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