Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1202 - Discovery

Chapter 1202 - Discovery

Chapter 1202 - Discovery

The first thing that Thief God Milton saw when he was inside the training lab was a natural force circle that was made for druids. He couldn’t believe just how lavish this place was. This was a circle that was made especially for druids. Each of them had to be made with extremely rare materials. According to the legends, even the elven royal palace would just have one. Well, not that he was interested in his way. He was just admiring how wealthy Grandmaster Bennett was.

This was not a very big training room. Upon a quick glance, Milton couldn’t see anything in particular.

"Impossible!" he thought to himself. Most training labs were where class holders would spend most of their time. There had to be something important here. Still, apart from the circle that was meant for gathering natural force, there was nothing else that was in place. As far as he was concerned, there had to be some sort of hidden mechanisms here or some hidden secrets.

Slowly and carefully, Thief God Milton unleashed his power of the Will. He hadn’t done this the entire time since he went inside the golden castle. He was always using the special abilities of his divine spirit, but if he was to try to locate anything that was hidden and unknown, the power of the Will would be the fastest and most convenient method. Of course, he understood the risk of unleashing his power of the Will here. Slowly and carefully, he did a quick scan across the training lab, but he didn’t realize anything.

While he was extending his search towards the wall of the training room, an accident happened. As though something bit him, he could see that something was onto him. He just received an attack from the dark spirit. The strange power of the Will appeared right here, so the dark spirit had to do his part to attack. At the same time, it was also sent an alarm to the circle spirit and the research spirit.

The dark spirit quickly demonstrated its terrifying fighting capabilities. Inside the training room, it was absorbing energy right out of several top-level magic gemstones. The dark mist was dispersed out of the main body. The circle spirit was shutting the training lab gate immediately. It did this in the most brutal of manners, using all the circles available to the golden castle to perform a forced suppression to the training lab. This was a very common thing to do for city defensive circles against fighters of low capabilities.

Here, however, this was the golden castle, a structure that the dwarves had spent countless resources to build for Abel. Everything here, even now, could maintain the suppressive power of up to 40 starlight defensive circles in total. It was not a problem at all if they decided to block up a small training lab.

Thief God Milton realized that something was wrong. He immediately rushed towards the gate of the training room, but he could also see all kinds of spell circles that were drawn on the walls. He began switching his essence and used his special ability to open the door. Still, the situation was different from when he was trying to sneak in. He was now in a fight against the circle spirit and the research spirit. If he was using his special abilities now, the circle spirit might just respond very quickly.

The spell circles on the walls and gates started changing up indefinitely. This made it very difficult for Milton to blend in with the circle runes. If the circle rune wasn’t changing, all it would take for Milton to do was one adjustment. All of a sudden, he wasn’t sure how to keep up with the change. He knew that his track was already exposed, so he was no longer keeping himself under check.

This was a golden castle w any legendary fighters. It should be alright for a divine spirit like him to expose himself here. He unleashed his power of the Will very quickly, trying to make a forced suppression of all living things that were inside this golden castle. He wanted to make sure that he was not attracting the attention of the Moon Goddess whatsoever.

While Milton’s essence was rushing towards the wall, the thick dark mist appeared and engulfed all his essence. Of course, things wouldn’t just end like that. The mist struggled to neutralize the essence of the divine spirit, but more dark mist would come from the underground basement and reach to each side of the training room. That seemed futile, too. The quality of the dark mist was in no way in comparison to the essence of Thief God Milton and his power of the Will.

The dark spirit was hidden in the underground basement. There were enough top-level gemstones to supply energy. The dark mist it transformed into was virtually unending. No matter how strong Milton’s power appeared, the mist was just so plentiful that it kept Milton inside the training room.

Abel knew that the training room was just being intruded on. As the master of the golden castle, he knew that something was passing through the circle spirit to observe the situation inside the training lab. First of all, he knew that he was not seeing anyone inside, but he could see that a very strong essence was emitted from the training lab. The only conclusion was the opponent was capable of camouflage. He was very confused, in a way. A few months ago, he was just doing the same thing to sneak into the central temple of the Nation of God, but his home was just being invaded in the same way. If it wasn’t for the special ability of the dark spirit, he would have no means of knowing that someone was just here.

Abel was very surprised that something was on the circle inside the training room, "This essence!"

A divine spirit!

Abel spoke immediately, "Get everyone inside the elven royal palace! Hey, circle spirit!"

Thief God Milton reached out his left hand, which was wrapped around by the golden light. He was using his left hand to slam the gate of the training lab. He was obviously looking down at Abel and this entire building. The dark mist was more than he expected, but it was still nothing against the power of a divine spirit. Still, something that took him by surprise happened. While his left hand was just about to make contact with the training room, in the sky that was above the golden castle, forty battle forts that constituted that starlight defensive circle were all ignited.

An inspector was just looking towards the legendary light, "Is that a starlight?"

While the other guests were also noticing what strange things were happening, the dimensional suppression was already taking place. It was hit Thief God Milton from his head. All of this was done without Abel’s direct instruction, but the circle spirit and the research spirit were doing whatever they considered the most correct decision. Their immediate decision basically limited the amount of damage Thief God Milton could cause into something that could be controlled and manipulated.

Within a very short instance, while the dimensional suppression was happening, a short-distance teleportation circle was activated beneath Milton’s feet. Milton could feel that his body was getting lighter as he was sent out of the training room. The next thing he knew, he had steel walls on his four sides. The materials were something left from ancient times. He could feel the dimensional suppression on him disappearing, but he was starting to feel even angrier. He didn’t think that he could just be immobilized and teleported to an entirely different location. He was not the most prestigious god known to the world, but he didn’t like it one bit at all that he was played by a mortal like this.

Milton slammed onto the ancient steel with his left hand. There was about a meter indent into the steel wall. There was no penetration, though. The indent was quickly reverted to normal shape at a speed that was visible to the eye. josei

On the other hand, the golden castle started trembling. While the guest and the rest that were inside the castle had no idea what was happening, teleportation lights started shining beneath them.

The research spirit called out, "Please don’t resist, everyone! An accident just happened, so you will now be teleported to the elven royal palace. Please be quiet!"

They knew that something was happening. They respected the decision of the owner, so they complied with being sent to the large-sized teleportation circle and towards the golden castle. This included the servants, Butler Meyer, and Abel’s three followers. While all the guests were leaving, the golden castle started shaking. Thief God Milton just commenced a devastating attack.

Abel was not very far away from Thief God Milton. There were just about 500 meters of distance between, but Milton was inside the starlight defensive circle while he was looking from outside the circle. Yes, just then, by the work of the circle research, Thief God Milton was put into the starlight defensive circle without his control. He was put into the most indestructible part of the entire golden castle. The sturdiness of this spot was even more than what the circle spirit could estimate.

The steel walls surrounding Thief God Milton were from ancient times. It was literally a cage that was about ten meters thick. Thief God Milton could try to break out, of course. Each one of his terrifying attacks could change the shape of the walls, but with enough energy to supply the fort, there wouldn’t be any chance as long as the core was not damaged. Also, every hit would be dispersed to all directions, so the starlight defensive circle would sustain longer than what the energy inside could maintain.

Thief God Milton just unleashed his invisibility powers. His attacks became more and more serious, but the effects were starting to become more insignificant. He tried to scan with his power of the Will, but the dark mist would continue to eat away his power of the WIll. There was not even the chance to conduct a full scan. This had to be the most terrible situation he was in for the past few millennia. He was trapped inside the castle of an ordinary man.

He knew that the walls around him must be something from the ancient ruins, but he had never heard of anyone using ancient items like this. Anyways, after the 100th hit, he stopped attacking and realized that there was not going to be a lot of damage inflicted on the steel around him.

Thief God Milton shouted, "Let me out! I won’t come here again!"

He was not in a happy place to say these words. His face was even blushing at the thought that he, a divine spirit, had to lower his head to a mortal. He had lost the sense of shame for a while. The god of theft was notorious for not being accountable and always capable of making a slippery escape. He could do any despicable things he’d like without being caught, and most of those were towards fighters stronger than him. This time, however, he failed against a grandmaster alchemist that he knew was much weaker than him.

Abel was just starting to notice what happened. Actually, he didn’t think that a divine spirit would end up like this.

"Who are you?"

Abel passed his voice into the starlight defensive circle. It was not a respectful tone, and Thief God Milton was starting to get angry. Still, Thief God Milton figured that this was as good of a chance for negotiation as it could get.

Thief God Milton replied, "My name is Milton! I was just curious about this place. I’ll be willing to pay for my misbehaviour."

Abel began searching for a name that was related to what he was hearing. He wasn’t sure why, but he couldn’t find anything relevant with his research spirit. Quickly, he went ahead and allowed the research spirit to search for permission to trade internet access from the Wizard Union. There should be more information over there, especially now that he was the honorary elder of the Wizard Union.

Thief God Milton, on the other hand, startedto feel very uneasy. There was no reply.. Maybe the one who caught him was having a change of thought.

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