Abe the Wizard

Chapter 587 - Assembly Time

Chapter 587 - Assembly Time

Chapter 587 Assembly Time

Abel arrived at the armory around 8 o’clock. He came a little late, partly because of the fact that he spent too much time creating a more powerful spirit guardian last night.When he arrived at the armory, he saw that K3306 and K3308 were waiting for him. Head commander Bodley was next to them. There was also someone whom he didn’t recognize. Judging by how valuable his equipment was, he was probably also a head knight commander.

On the other side, there were two elite warriors. The aura they emitted was not something to be ignored.

“Excuse me, K3615. I should’ve told you that we’re leaving a lot earlier.”

Abel immediately went for a bow, “No, no. It’s my fault for making everybody wait.”

“It’s my pleasure to work with you, Wizard Abel,” Head Commander Brodley said.

K3308 was already jumping in to show off his new gear, “Hey there, K3615! What do you think of my new magic staff? Ain’t it pretty impressive?”

“K3516, you go ahead and rent a horseback deer. After that, we’ll depart,” K3305 said.

After Abel readied himself, the team departed from the southern gate.

K3305 said as he was on his horseback deer, “K3516, it’s not like I can just shake him off, but I don’t really want to take K3308 with us. After he heard that you were joining this mission, he’s been insisting that he’ll accompany us.”

“Of course, I am coming with you guys!” K3308 shouted, “And come on! What’s there to be worried about? K3516 is with us!”

K3305 pointed towards Head Commander Bodley, “This is Head Commander Brodley. It seems that an introduction isn’t necessary.”

He then pointed towards another head commander, “This is Head Commander Markham. He is the master of defense; he will be the shield for us wizards.

“K3305, you’re too kind!” The Grand Knight Commander of Markham said with a smile as he bowed to K3305 and Abel.

“This is Joel and Basil. They are our guides for the mission. They are excellent hunters with extensive knowledge of surviving in the Budapest Mountain Range.” K3305 introduced the two warriors to Abel.

Abel politely greeted his new acquaintances and companions.

“This is K3516. He is an extremely powerful wizard. He killed a Head Commander with a light longsword during the annihilation mission in the Miracle City. His battle credits by himself were more than a hundred of knights in the squad !” K3306 introduced Abel to the others in the team.

The atmosphere of the team became more harmonious once K3305 introduced everyone in the team.

“Let’s talk about the mission. I traded my battle credit a few days ago for a low grade tier spirit beast. It was a fiery bear at the Zephyr Lake. That’s my first choice, and if that doesn’t work. We will talk about other options!” K3305 introduced the mission to the team.

Everyone knew that it was a mission to encounter a low tier spirit beast. K3305 was a level 6 wizard. Therefore, only a low spirit beast would be useful for his promotion.

Head Commander Markham frowned when he heard the name of Fiery bear. Then he said in a deep voice, “The Fiery bear is the strongest spirit beast in the low tier spirit beast. Fighting it might take some extra effort.”

“What do you think? Head Commander Brodley.” K3305 asked.

The two Head Commander Knight were once comrades who fought together on the battlefield. One was very good at attacking, and the other was good in defense. They both knew each other very well.

Head commander Markham could always stay calm on the battlefield and think about the worst possible outcome for his action. Meanwhile, Head Commander Brodley was an excellent leader. He could make good decisions at crucial moments on the battlefield. His decisiveness was what made him very crucial for the team.

Head Commander Bordley said with confidence, “I would have been worried about the fiery bear a month ago. Now, I don’t think I’ll worry too much about it.”

K3308 was curious about Head Commander Brodley’s confidence. So he asked, ” Brodley, we’ve been through a lot of battles together. How did you gain so much strength in just one month ?”

“It was all thanks to him. I got two very powerful weapons from our trade.” Head Commander Brodley said and patted his knight greatsword and the magic shield on the side.

“You gained your weapons from K3516 ?” K3308 asked curiously.

“But your new shield doesn’t look much different from your previous one,” K3308 asked. josei

“Hehe, It was a magic shield that Abel forged. Didn’t you know? He’s a master blacksmith!”

“You must be joking, right?”

For a second there, K3308 noticed the angry stares from Abel, Head commander Brodley, and K3305. After he realized that he had misspoken, he looked at Head Commander Markham to seek assistance.

Instead of defending K3308, Head Commander just apologized for him, “Sorry if he upset you three there. He’s a bit of a fast talker, so don’t pay too much attention to what he says.”

K3306 whispered to Abel, “Markham was K3308’s personal bodyguard. He ditched Markham and secretly joined a mission without him last time. So this time, Markham insisted on following K3308.

Abel immediately understood; it turned out that Head Commander Markham was K3308’s bodyguard. Only Miracle City could arrange a bodyguard to join a mission; K3308 must have a very high status.

“Is Head Commander Markham the reason that you allowed K3308 to join us on this mission?” Abel asked softly.

K3305 dodged Abel’s gaze. Abel immediately knew that he had guessed rightly. K3305 had been complaining about K3308 strength from the very beginning. He wouldn’t want to bring dead weight with him for no reason.

“Bodley, are you really confident you can handle a fiery Bear?”

Head Commander Markham was still a little uneasy about the mission. He knew that if K3305 as a fire spell caster was able to get the crystal of Fiery Bear as a core component for his promotion. His wizard promotion would have a very high chance of success. However, he still had to estimate the risk before the encounter.

As his priority was to ensure the safety of K3308, then only he could help K3305 to obtain the crystal of Fiery Bear.

“You know why I’m confident? If I get a chance to attack ten to fifteen times with my sword, I’ll have enough mana to cast my Head Commander skill ‘Charge’!”

Head Commander Bodley didn’t keep it as a secret. He knew that his comrades would find out about his skills when they fought together in the next few days.

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