Abe the Wizard

Chapter 594 - Sheep

Chapter 594 - Sheep

Chapter 594 Sheep

Abel wrapped the mount wolf under him with his power of the will. He held his leaf magic staff up high and kept unleashing charging bolts; with each flash, a sea of lighting rushed forward.

Although that mount wolf was not Abel’s mount wolf, nor was it bound by his soul chain, the lighting still avoided due to Abel’s power of the will.

All that lighting emerged suddenly and caught the wolf riders off guard. If you asked a Wizard what the fastest spell was, they would all give you the same answer: lightning spells.

Soon after, the charging bolt spell pattern faded from the Leaf Magic Staff, and that group of charging wolf riders were struck by the sea of lighting. The only thing waiting for them was the numbing effect.

The mount wolf under Abel acted like his actual mount. Under his precise control, they arrived in front of 15 wolf riders. To Abel, the numb wolf riders looked just like sheep waiting to get slaughtered.

He gently dragged his light weight long sword on the neck of those wolf riders. Its sharp blade on top of the double attributed force of the fire enchantment killed the wolf riders in an instant.

“My god!” k3305 mumbled. He could no longer believe his eyes. Was he even looking at a Wizard?

Although what Abel had done looked simple, k3305 knew exactly how complicated it was. First, he unleashed a spell while moving. This could normally be achieved when a Wizard had reached a certain level of skill and experience.

Unleashing a spell while moving did not mean throwing a spell while being fully protected inside a knight formation; it was unleashing a spell directly on to your enemy while controlling a mount. It was a form of multitasking.

Although any Wizard with at least 10 years of experience could unleash a spell while moving at a basic level, none of those beginner wizards in the battle of the orcs mission was anywhere close. The only wizards with more than 10 years of experience in Miracle City were the ones who stayed long term.

Unleashing spells while moving was an extremely advanced skill for wizards in Miracle City. This was not something normal wizards could do.

k3305 realized that Abel had always been a wizard who knew advanced fighting skills.

At first, he thought Abel’s wizard skills were just average, but now he realized Abel’s wizard attacks were just as scary as his physical attacks, which he was not expecting at all.

Unleashing a spell while moving was not the most shocking thing to k3305. Abel was also simultaneously attacking with a light weight long sword in the midst of all of this, which is why k3305’s jaw dropped. He had no idea how Abel was doing this.

Drawing a magic pattern was an extremely complicated and delicate process. You needed to dedicate attention to it, no matter how experienced you were. How did Abel still have the energy to control a long sword? This was beyond his imagination.

Actually, the way Abel unleashed his spell was different from other wizards. Normal wizards needed to draw out a magic pattern, but Abel just unleashed a spell through the skill tree in his Horadric cube.

In the past, Abel would need to use his Druid soul to trigger the spell while he was attacking with a sword, but ever since he got the world stone, his main soul could do all the work, which was a lot more convenient.

The fighting continued on the battlefield, and both of the humans and orcs were stunned by what they saw. Abel dodged every arrow shot out by a wolf rider. The battle was just like a walk in a park to him.

The flying arrows were just like flowers in the park, totally harmless to Abel. All he needed to do was twist a little, gently lift, or a slightly slow down on his mount wolf. It was almost like those arrows were avoiding him intentionally.

Since those wolf riders had already gone mad, the uselessness of their arrows just added to their fury; they howled and dashed towards Abel like they no longer cared about their lives.

Abel did not stop his leaf magic staff from unleashing charging bolts as the sea of wolf riders rushed towards him. Large amounts of lighting landed on them.

As soon as they were struck numb, what was waiting for them was Abel’s red fire enchanted longsword. It was a massacre. A wizard with a light weight long sword was massacring a group of insane wolf riders.

The men on the rocks had stopped their attacks. By this point, it was no longer necessary. Those wolf riders were basically killing themselves by rushing towards the Abel. The only outcome was getting their neck slashed by Abel’s cold blooded sword.

“Maybe this is how wizards can grow!” Said k3305 with eyes flashing in admiration. He was a little bit more thoughtful than the others.

This one handed magic staff fighting style had never been seen in the Holy Continent before, and the result was clear. Every wolf rider who rushed towards Abel was numbed, then all Abel needed to do was to control his mount wolf to pass by those wolf riders and slit their throats.

Soon, k3305 realized the spell Abel was unleashing was a lightning spell. K3305 had learned lighting spells in the past, but he gave up soon after. It was because of how weak their power was despite being the fastest spell.

The most irritating thing about lighting spells was that most of the time, you could only make 1 point of damage to your enemies. Forget about powerful enemies; this one figure damage could not even do much to those wolf riders with combat qi.

Lightning talent!

K3305 thought to himself. This talent could make any wizard jealous. He had heard about this talent a lot ever since he started wizardry, but there were just too few people with this talent.

By this point, k3305 had given up his idea of fighting with a magic staff one hand and a sword on another. A wizard with lightning talent could play by his own rules. Even if he was unleashing a spell lying down, the speed and effect would still be unmatched by many.

All the wolf riders in the battle field had dropped dead, so Abel put away his leaf magic staff and long sword. He then put his fist in front of his chest and did a Knight’s honor bow to those wolf riders. No matter the race or interest, any combat qi practitioner was worthy of respect.

Abel was very careful with his strikes, so there were still around 50 mount wolves on the battlefield well and alive, howling for their owners.

Abel jumped down from his mount wolf and gave it a little pad, but his eyes were fixed on another mount wolf, a mount wolf king, a low ranking spiritual beast. It was the one that the head wolf rider captain was riding. josei

Abel gently stood on the ground, and a strand of dragon vigor scattered around. This soundless vigor shifted through the air, and every mount wolf could feel it. Afterward, they all kneeled down and lifted up their heads.

Of course, Abel did not do this for fun. These mount wolves were the best mounts out there. Since he had the ability to control them, these mount wolves could all become the mounts for his family knights.

However, Abel would not let this first generation of mount wolves become the mounts immediately. Abel was after their offspring.

A sense of unwillingness flashed in the gaze of that mount wolf king standing beside the dead head wolf rider captain. It then let out a long howl, but still, it also kneeled down and lifted up its head like the others with a face full of surrender.

Mount wolves were not intelligent creatures, so they were not cunning. Once they surrendered, they would truly surrender and would not betray their owners.

Abel walked to the side of that mount wolf king and began to stroke its fur. Although it was still far behind Black Wind, it looked a lot more vicious than any other mount wolves. Abel was happy with it nevertheless.

From that point on, Abel no longer had to rent a horseback deer when he went out of Miracle City. Although the renting process was easy, those horseback deers were way too slow compared to a mount wolf, let alone their flexibility. Abel was used to riding mount wolves, so he just could not get used to other mounts.

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