Abe the Wizard

Chapter 716 - Funny Domain

Chapter 716 - Funny Domain

Chapter 716: Funny Domain

The Head of the Benson Family was already kneeling on the floor; now he was shaking even more viciously. 2 elite wizards had arrived and condemned the Duchy of Thunder for offending Abel’s assets. Although he didn’t know what that meant, he knew the Duchy of Thunder would need to make a big sacrifice.

As the person responsible for bringing the Duchy of Thunder into the Duchy of Carmel, he didn’t even want to imagine what would happen to the Benson Family.

“Grandmaster Abel. I’ve asked Wizard Morton, and he said you came here. What a coincidence; I have something to announce as well, so we just saved a lot of time!” Wizard Dunn said in a somewhat mysterious tone.

Abel shivered. What did they need to announce at Bakong City?

“Hoover, it is a good thing you are here. Please let the nobles know about this later. Wizard Lorenzo, you can announce it!” Wizard Dunn said.

“The Duchy of Carmel’s George Family had been condemned for doing business with the orcs. They had been supplying a large amount of military and training resources for the orcs. This formed a big threat to the human race. In regards to race traitors like this, the human wizard union in the Kingdom of St Ellis made a decision: Dethrone Algernon George and banish his family!” Wizard Lorenzo announced.

Head Commander Hoover and the head of Benson were shocked. This was one of kind news.

Nobles, especially royal nobles of a duchy, were above the law. They could buy their way to freedom with wealth, and it was their rights as royals. josei

However, the Duchy of Carmel’s king Algernon George was dethroned. The place they banish his family was even scarier. It was a deserted land next to Mount Budapest.

A powerful wizard or knight might be able to survive in a deserted place with spiritual beasts lurking around, but it was basically impossible for a normal person.

But if you considered that the George family had betrayed the human race, this was actually not too surprising.

Even a noble could not escape the worst of the worst, and being a race traitor was one of the worst things you could be.

So, what was the Duchy of Carmel without a king? Head Commander Hoover thought. Wizard Dunn had just condemned the Duchy of Thunder for offending Abel’s assets, could it be...

“Grandmaster Abel, you had gained a large amount of war glory from protecting the Miracle Wall. The Miracle Spirit had submitted a noble title granted request for you, and the Kingdom of St Ellis King Ambrose had agreed to grant you the title of a duke. The Duchy of Carmel will now be your domain!” Wizard Lorenzo followed.

A strange look emerged on both head commander Hoover and the head of Benson’s face. They all thought of one thing. Did they banish the George to free up the duke position in the Duchy of Carmel for Abel?

Too many things defied logic. First was the title granted from war glory. How the attack on the Miracle wall had gone down was only commonly known among the kingdoms and the wizard union. Therefore, Head Commander Hoover and The head of Benson knew very little about it.

Head Commander Hoover was the only head commander in the Duchy of Carmel. He could not leave this Duchy, so he wasn’t really connected with the outer world.

The head of Benson also couldn’t imagine the amount of war glory a person needed to be rewarded a duke position. A duke was the highest position anyone could be rewarded. The next step above was the king. Only a small amount of nobles in the kingdom could obtain this position.

Non-royalty couldn’t reach this position. Unless Abel had married a princess, a duke was the highest position he could get.

Another thing that made no sense was that there wasn’t even a ceremony for this dramatic shift. The whole duke granting process was completed just like a little game.

King Ambrose from the Kingdom of St Ellis couldn’t do much about this either. He couldn’t organize a big ceremony just to force Grandmaster Abel to kneel in front of him.

Abel’s status as a Grandmaster Blacksmith was prestigeous in the Holy Continent. With his support from the dwarfs and clear romance with the elves, even King Ambrose was stressed about how he could grant Abel his title.

Abel’s status in the Holy Continent was above everything. He was a wizard, so on paper, he couldn’t interfere with the common world. However, since his Grandmaster Blacksmith Status was higher than his status as a beginner wizard, every wizard had to call him Grandmaster when they saw him.

Therefore without any other option, King Ambrose listened to Prince Dereck’s suggestion and let the wizard union take care of the procedure.

Abel began to question his ears. At first, he didn’t have much to do with the duchy of Carmel, but all of a sudden, it had become his domain.

Although he was a duke, if you had a duchy under your sovereignty in the Holy Continent, your citizens would need to address you by the title of a king. So, Abel had become the King of Duchy of Carmel!

“Grandmaster Abel, you know that title granting is the core of human virtues in the Holy Continent. Countless knights and wizards died guarding the human status, so it would only make sense to reward them with a title and domain! You had so much war glory that an entire duchy was now granted to you!” Wizard Dunn said with excitement as he looked at his successor.

“Wizard Dunn, Wizard Lorenzo. This is too surprising. I don’t have any experience when it comes to running a duchy. As a wizard, I also don’t have much time for it!” Abel shook his head with an awkward smile.

“Grandmaster Abel, duchies are very easy to run. You can just let the nobles take care of everything; you just need to select the most suitable ones!” Wizard Dunn said with a smile.

Abel didn’t know that there were already regulations and laws in place when it came to these long existed duchies. The royals only had one task, select new nobles.

Every noble in the duchy of Carmel controlled their own domain, and they all inherited their own knowledge and experience when it came to running a territory. This was what sustained the stability of the duchy of Carmel.

“Grandmaster Abel, you are the first person granted the title of King by the wizard union!” Wizard Lorenzo said with a smile.

“I pledge allegiance to the prestigious King Abel on behalf of the Benson family; we will forever remain loyal!” The head of Benson regained himself and yelled.

Abel sighed. The head of Benson was too good at talking. No leader in history had ever rejected their first follower. Also, the Benson family had only gone against the George family. It had nothing to do with Abel.

Head Commander Hoover couldn’t help but shake his head as well. He couldn’t help but respect how the head of Benson had managed to turn the situation around.

The smile on the head of Benson’s face was so wide; he almost seemed like a blooming flower. As the first one pledged allegiance to the new king, his status in the Duchy of Carmel would be secured. Also, since the throne had now been claimed, he would no longer be held accountable for bringing the Duchy of Thunder into the Duchy of Carmel.

“Head Commander Hoover, please help me take care of the palace!” Abel turned to Head Commander Hoover.

Head Commander Hoover immediately kneeled and said seriously, “I, Head Commander Hoover, swear on my honor that I will forever remain loyal to king Abel, his majesty!”

“I accept your loyalty!” Abel quickly stepped up and helped Head Commander Hoover up.

“Head Commander Hoover, don’t be like this!” Abel said awkwardly.

A Head Commander in a duchy was extremely prestigious. They didn’t need to pledge allegiance to the king since their power was basically on par with each other.

What head Commanders Hoover had done was showing his biggest support towards his new king, and he had done so genuinely.

Abel looked around the palace, then gazed at the city outside and the land beyond. Just like a movie, the Duchy of Carmel had become his Duchy.

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