Abe the Wizard

Chapter 887 - Official Member

Chapter 887 - Official Member

Chapter 887: Official Member

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Johnson began to move at an unexpected speed as soon as Abel dodged the lightning strike from Wizard Frank.

Something as big as Johnson was not supposed to move fast, but Johnson’s speed was almost invisible with the naked eye.

Johnson was next to Wizard Frank in one step, the lightning spear in its hand struck down, and air penetrating blasted out.

Wizard Frank was a member of the main team because of his battle experience. He snapped himself out of the shock and moved in a flash. He vanished the moment the spear struck down.

Afterward, he saw a hole opened up by Johnson’s spear. The hole was filled with lightning arcs, and cold sweat dripped down from his forehead.

He knew how hard the ground of the arena was. If Johnson’s strike had hit him, he would be in critical condition even if he didn’t die.

That arena was made for elite wizard battles. It had the ability to suppress spell power. Although they still look powerful, the damage they caused in the area was 10% of the original strike.

However, that didn’t apply to Johnson’s brutal physical force, so Wizard Frank had to be extra careful.

Abel quickly threw a lightning strike towards Wizard Frank as soon as he appeared. The timing was just right, and the strike was a hair away from Wizard Frank.

Suddenly, the power of an elite wizard from the Lightnings was on full display. He had another move in a flash spell prepared on another hand as soon as he appeared.

He remained calm and vanished in another flash of white light. Abel missed.

However, he couldn’t lose his dominance. Once he did, he would be bound by Johnson’s lightning-like speed and Abel’s spell-casting speed.

Wizard Frank couldn’t find an opportunity to attack during the next 2 minutes. The arena was too small. All he could do was to move in a flash.

“Ok, stop!” Wizard Hogg lowered his voice.

Wizard Frank let out a long breath of relief. He finally got a taste of Abel’s power. If his talent for lightning spells and battle experience did not allow him to flash so fast, he would have been beaten up by Abel and Johnson.

Abel also had a lot of respect for Wizard Frank. Quite a few rank 17 wizards had died in the hand of Johnson alone, but WIzard Frank had lasted so long in such a small space even with Abel and Johnson teaming up.

Of course, it was also because Johnson had held back. It did not use the 10 lightning strikes from the spear. It was just a friendly fight, so Wizard Frank also did not show his full power.

“I’ll give Abel the victory for this challenge!” Wizard Hogg gazed at Abel and announced to the team.

“Haha, Wizard Abel. You are the first rank 16 wizards to join the main team!” Wizard Evans smiled and congratulated Abel.

“Yeah, that metal monster is really something. Frank, next time you should run slower to test out its power!” Another rank 19 wizard in the team laughed.

“Wizard Lamo, you can test it out yourself. The weapon is weird. I don’t want to get hit!” Wizard Frank shook his head.

“Ok, we are dismissed. Everyone can get back to their business. Wizard Abel, we have a mission in 10 days. Someone will let you know when the time comes. Just get prepared. Get some potions and scrolls. If you need anything, you can talk to Wizard Lamo. He is the vice-captain of the team!; Wizard Hogg lowered his voice.

Afterward, WIzard Hogg turned into a flash and vanished.

“Wizard Abel, I’ll go gather some ingredients so you can help me make a magic staff!” Wizard Evans smiled and stepped up to Abel. The Lightnings never had a blacksmith of their own. So almost all their gears were obtained through battle.

Everyone in the Lightning clan had lightning talents, and most of them almost exclusively used lightning spells in battle. However, no one would make an exclusive magic staff like that. That’s why the Lightning clan had so little magic staff.

With Abel as a blacksmith, this fact had changed. The wizards in the team began to look towards their magic staff.

They greeted Abel one by one, and Abel could sense their sincerity. Especially the ones from the main team.

After the greeting, the members went off on their own. The only one who stayed was WIzard Lamo.

“Wizard Abel, isn’t everyone friendly?” Wizard Lamo smiled and said. josei

“Vice-captain, yes!’ Abel nodded. He had been through a decent lot, and he had never been accepted by a group so quick.

“The main team often goes through a lot of dangerous missions, so we need to trust each other with our lives. What you’ve shown today has gotten the other’s recognition. From now on, we are on the same team. We are like true brothers.” Wizard Lamo explained.

Abel nodded and put Johnson back in his monster ring.

“Wizard Abel, I’ll take you to the team’s inventory and see if there is anything you need. Since you have become an official member of the main team, you can pick a piece from the inventory as a reward!” Wizard Lamo continued.

Abel realized why the other members had only greeted him and left. Maybe they knew he was about to pick a reward from the inventory, so they gave him a bit of him.

The inventory was in the operation space on the first floor, and soon he followed Wizard Lamo to the front of a door.

“Only the captain and the vice-captain have the permission to open this door!” Wizard Lamo said as he took out his wizard badges and scanned it

The door opened, and Abel immediately sensed he was being watched as soon as he stepped it. It seems like there were a lot of surveillance circles in this place. It was almost impossible to break under normal circumstances.

It was no surprise since all elite wizards were skilled in moving in a flash. They would not be safe without large amounts of surveillance.

A row of 20 metal doors was etched with magic patterns, and each door was labeled with a number.

“Wizard Abel, be careful. Don’t get close to the other doors. The one for our team is number 3!’ Wizard Lamo warned as he stopped in front of the third door.

“The lightning spirit is monitoring this place 24/7. Once something odd occurred, it would directly contact the law-defying wizards in retreat!” Wizard Lamo took out his wizard badge again and said.

Abel didn’t want to provoke the law-defying wizards in retreat, so he became extra careful. Being bothered in a retreat was the last thing a wizard want, let alone a law-defying wizard.

Abel followed Wizard Lamo into the inventory behind the third door, and 10 racks emerged in front of him. The racks had all kinds of weapons, valuable resources, books, and almost everything you could think of.

“Where did we find all this stuff? Abel couldn’t help but ask. It was only a little team’s inventory, and it was already at this scale.

“Most came from battles. We already exchanged the ones that could be exchanged with credit points, so all of these are the ones we couldn’t get rid of. As time goes on, we just end up with more and more!” Wizard Lamo explained.

“So they all belong to us, right? Abel asked.

“Other than training resources, they are all owned by the team. Just select one that you like!” Wizard Lamo pointed at the shelves and said.

Abel began to examine the things on the shelves. Actually, he didn’t have much need for resources. He was a Master Alchemist as well as a Grandmaster Blacksmith. He could basically have any resource he hoped for.

There were gears from all occupations, even the Dark style gears of the Holy Knights. There were also many valuable alchemy ingredients. With all that together, this inventory was the most valuable inventory Abel had ever seen.

“Oh!” Abel gasped as he saw a black-colored rock on the ground.

Although that rock might look ordinary to normal people, Abel was a Grandmaster Blacksmith. He could tell that rock was pure iron ore. Not just any pure iron ore, pure iron ore with the lightning attribute.

Pure iron ore was one of the rarer ore. It could be incorporated into other ores to strengthen its durability. Just a tiny bit could protect a shield or armor by a lot. It was definitely not something you use all the time.

Abel picked up the ore. It was gushing with lightning elements. If he could hammer a condensed pure iron ore out of it, almost nothing could break it.

However, that thing was too small. Abel sighed.

“Who put that thing here? Maybe it was Wizard Frank. He always liked to put rubbish in his portal bag.” Wizard Lamo shook his head.

“Vice-captain, do you know where this thing came from?” Abel asked.

“Oh, Wizard Abel, I almost forgot you were a Grandmaster Blacksmith. This is pure iron ore, but lightning elements corroded it. It is worthless now!” Wizard Lamo sighed.

“I don’t understand. Why is this pure iron ore worthless?” Abel asked again. Those things were only possessed by the dwarfs in the Holy Continent. It was priceless on the market.

“This iron ore is the product of the Thunder ground. When invited a master blacksmith to look when we first discovered it, they had all exploded during the forgery process. According to that master blacksmith, these ores’ lightning attributes will create a resistance to the fire element when put into a furnace. So, all the ore from the Thunder ground is useless!” Wizard Lamo said helplessly.

“Vice-captain, give this ore to me. I’ll see if I can forge something out of it!” Abel smiled. He disagreed with that master blacksmith. Yes, this iron ore did have strong lightning attributes, but forging it shouldn’t be a problem as long as it was balanced well with the fire element.

With the world stone’s sight and data analyzing ability on top of Abel’s powerful strength and coordination, he could basically do anything at perfect precision.

“Wizard Abel, just to be clear, you can’t take anything else if you take this rock!” Wizard Lamo warned.

“Vice-captain, I do not lack gears or potions. I just want to study this rock for a bit, so I’ll take it!” Abel said in confidence.

“I really can’t understand you. If you want iron ore, there are a bunch outside in the Thunder ground. There is no need to take this one!” Wizard Lamo suggested.

He thought Abel as a Grandmaster Blacksmith, had a special love for iron ores, even more than ingredients and gear. He just couldn’t understand.

“Vice-Captain, no need. I’ll take this one!” Abel put the ore in his portal bag and said.

Wizard Lamo saw Abel’s gesture and kept his mouth shut. All he could do was to led Abel out of the inventory.

On the way back, Abel felt a strange joy filling his heart. Those were iron ores with lightning attributes, and Wizard Lamo said there were a bunch of them in the Thunder ground. He didn’t need too much. Just enough for him to make a new body for Johnson was enough.

Johnson had gotten quite good with lightning attributes ever since it got the Titan armor and lightning spear. Since Jason’s body was made with fire attribute iron ore, which gave it the ability to control fire elements, Abel wanted to create one with a lightning attribute for Johnson.

The enemy they faced was getting stronger. Johnson’s body was no longer indestructible like it was in the Holy Continent. It was time for a change.

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