Abuse of Magic

Chapter 236

Chapter 236: Epilogue 3 Babysitter Stella

Joseph stood at the pinnacle of the mountain, looking over the dead realm before him. A great city used to be here, and he had explored it all. The inhabitants, a form of lizard people, had overthrown every other race, and the few that survived, were used as slaves and sport. He had even found evidence of one race being used for food.josei

The world tree had died a long time ago, despite the lizards' best efforts to keep it alive. Stella had wanted to come with him today, but she had babysitting duties. Her nieces, Selena's twins, the dryad from the dwarven realm, and the elven twins were all enjoying a playdate together, and Stella somehow was roped into watching the children play. Joseph thought it was because the news of her pregnancy had leaked out, and they were trying to prepare her for the future.

Joseph chuckled at the betrayed look she had shot him when he informed her that he was coming here today, to plant the world tree seed she had been given. PLANT had given it to her when she successfully saved the world tree in the industrial world.

Flying further into the mountains, he looked for a secluded place where the seedling would be protected from the violent storms this realm kicked up, now that everything was dead. Coming to a valley, he studied it for a moment, to make sure there wasn't a risk of avalanches, rock slides, or floods, before he settled gently in the middle of it. He knew that once the world tree got big enough, it's trunk would completely fill this valley, and wanted to make sure it would be able to survive until then.

Taking the bag of pure essential earth out of his extra dimensional pocket, he poured it into a small mound, then pulled out the seed. It was the size of a pinhead. Setting it into a small hollow, that he made with his finger, he gently covered it up and then sprinkled the essential water from his water bottle over the entire mound. Stepping back, he watched as the magic in the area was sucked towards the seed, and decided he needed to step even further back. This may have been why PLANT assured him he could plant the seedling, instead of Stella. He was able to handle the sudden mana drain, where Stella may not have.

Reaching twenty feet, he felt the drain lessen, and then a green leaf appeared at the top of the mound.

Satisfied that he had completed his task, Joseph jumped back home.

Stella was standing on top of a table, trying to coax the elven boy off of the chandelier, while the dryad laughed from the other side of the room. The elven girl was stuffing her face from a plate of cookies, and Selena's girls were playing peek-a-boo in the fireplace. Stella's niece was sitting quietly in a chair, watching everyone with wide eyes.

"Unca Joseph!" cried all of the kids, stopping whatever they were doing to jump up, or down by the elven boy, and rushed over to him.

Stella glared at him, sitting in the chair vacated by her niece.

"Have you guys been good?" he asked, ignoring the glare.

"Yes!" they all piped up, excitedly.

"Are you lying?" he asked, with a frown.

"Yes!" they all laughed.

"Well, I applaud your honesty in lying, but you should be nicer to your aunt Stella. She is about to have a baby too, and you are making her work much harder than she should."

They all hung their heads at his words and turned to look at Stella sadly.

"We're sorry, Aunt Stella," they all said, and she just sighed.

"Sit at the table, free play time is over now that Uncle Joseph is here. It's time to eat whatever is left for snack."

They were all quickly sitting around the table, kicking their feet, and the dryad was fluttering her wings in excitement.

Stella picked up the plate of what cookies were left, and started handing them out. Joseph smirked as she pulled extra's out to make sure everyone got some.

"Did you manage to plant the seedling?" she asked, still not looking very happy.

"Yes, and it's a good thing you weren't there," he said, giving her a kiss on the forehead. Even though she looked upset, he could tell through the mind link that she was having a blast.

"Why? Did you have to kill someone?" she asked, confused.

"No, everything was dead there, just like we were told, but when the seedling went to sprout, it sucked all of the mana in the area into it. That would have definitely hurt you and the baby."

"Oh," she said, cheering up a bit as she began to understand. "I still wish I could have see it."

"Alright," he shrugged, and formed an illusion in the middle of the tree, showing how he made the dirt mound, planted the tiny seed, then watered it.

Everyone in the room stopped whatever they were doing to watch as there seemed to be a whoosh, that no one could feel, but they could all imagine, then the first leaves began to push out of the dirt.

"We'll have to check on it in a couple of years, and make sure it's doing all right," said Stella, completely cheered up.

"We can take our new baby with us too," agreed Joseph, patting her belly. He knew what sex the baby was, but Stella wanted to wait. She was so excited and nervous, that he agreed not to tell her. They had a name picked out for both a boy and a girl, and both of them were eagerly awaiting its birth.

As soon as the parents of the children around them, arrived to pick them up, and they were all sent home, Stella settled onto the couch, and rubbed her stomach. It wouldn't be long now, and she would be holding their child in her hands. With a nod, Joseph settled down next to her. They had both vowed, this child would never have to worry about starvation or abuse, beyond what a normal child suffered when being disobedient.

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