Abuse of Magic

Chapter 238

Chapter 238: Epilogue 5 Joseph’s Firstborn

"It's time!" sang Selena, dashing into the room. Her twin girls trailed behind her, curious about what their mother was so excited about.

Joseph chuckled as Stella rolled her eyes. She hadn't had any issues with the pregnancy and had actually just returned from a trip to check on the newest world tree seedling.

"Are you going to wait until your sister gets here?" asked Selena, sitting down in the metal chair that was reserved for her. Her daughters climbed into her lap and started playing with her hair.

"Of course!" said Stella, placing a plate of cookies on the table in front of them, which the girls dived into eagerly.

"Not too many, girls. You'll make your stomach upset," cautioned Selena.

"I'm here!" gasped Stella's sister, dashing into the room. "I left the kids with your mom, Joseph. I thought she was going to bite off my head when she found out why. Don't worry, she's waiting for you to bring the baby by. Though, you better tell her first, before anyone else finds out about the sex and name."

"I fully intend to," said Joseph very seriously. His mother had wanted to be here, but he had convinced her that Stella was under enough stress without her being there too. Though their relationship had improved, Stella still wasn't sure she wanted his mother there, when the baby was born.

"Alright, I'm ready," said Stella, laying down on the bed. Joseph came over to her and held her hand for a moment with a smile. He was thrilled. His first child was about to be born, and he got to hold it first!

Taking a breath to calm his nerves, he cast the magic necessary, and reached down to hold his child. Feeling him wiggle before pulling him out of Stella's womb, Joseph saw his face wrinkle in discomfort as the light hit his face for the first time.

"Here's a towel," said Selena, handing him a warm towel.

Joseph wrapped the babe in the towel, and snuggled him for a moment, before handing him to Stella. She held the baby to her, one hand over her deflated belly, a look of wonder coming over her face.

"He's perfect," she whispered.

Joseph couldn't help but grin ear to ear. Glee was racing through him. He had known almost from the beginning, what sex the baby would be, but to see him, and watch Stella gazing down at him was almost more than he could bear.

"What's his name going to be?" asked Stella's sister, looking over her shoulder at the baby who was still screaming at the top of his lungs. He did not appreciate being born. Stella stood up and began to walk with him, trying to get him to calm down, as Selena and Stella's sister excitedly began talking to each other about who got to babysit and when.

Joseph walked up to Stella, who was starting to get frantic, and wrapped her in a warm soothing hug. Letting out a little calming magic as he did so, and both Stella and the baby calmed down almost immediately.

"He's hungry, and not used to being hungry," whispered Joseph.

"Oh," said Stella, understanding causing her to flush in embarrassment.

"So?" asked her sister again, not letting them get out of telling her the baby's name.

Stella sat down, to try and figure out how to nurse him, and Selena came over to offer support.

"His name will be Merle," said Joseph, watching as Stella took to the baby immediately. He was so proud of her. She had been so nervous about this baby, because of her own poor upbringing, but he could tell that they didn't have anything to worry about. Seeing the magical glint in his boy's eyes as he suckled energetically, Joseph knew he was going to have his hands full as he grew.

"That's a wonderful name," said her sister, sitting down next to the twins and snatching the last cookie from the crumb covered plate.

"As soon as he's done eating, we're taking him to be seen by my parents, and then we'll make the royal announcement, because the rest of the kingdom knows today is the day too."

"Good luck!" she laughed, bouncing to her feet. "I have to get my kids and get back to the world tree. I don't want your mom to get too overwhelmed by them."

"How's your husband doing?" asked Stella, not daring to look away while Merle was nursing.josei

"He's busy as always, though I do appreciate actually having a baby daddy, instead of just the world tree gifting me," she said, waving as she left.

"She's always in such a hurry," said Selena, shaking her head. "If I didn't know any better, I would think she was pregnant again, already."

"She is," confirmed Joseph, as Stella finished and put Merle up on her shoulder to burp him, being careful to hold his unsteady neck.

"But she already has four!" exclaimed Stella, shaking her head in disbelief.

"She can handle it. I hope you have far more than that," Joseph said with a grin.

"Not immediately, I hope!" cried Stella, with a small smile.

"No, Selena and the twins would need to leave first," he laughed.

"So, Selena, want to help me for a while?" joked Stella, making Selena and Joseph both laugh.

"I think the two of you better tell your mother about that baby before your sister does. I don't imagine she's going to get her brood from her, without having to give up all her secrets," said Selena, standing up and motioning for the twins to head towards the door.

"You're probably right," sighed Joseph, coming to stand next to Stella, looking down at little Merle as he slept in his mother's arms.

Teleporting to his mother's room, they arrived right as her sister arrived, so the news wasn't spilled.

"Joseph! Let me see that little baby!" cried his mother, her hands held out in excitement.

Stella's face froze for a moment as Joseph watched her struggle with a sudden rush of motherly hormones, before she smiled warmly, and handed her the baby.

"He's so darling!" she crooned, rocking him in her arms. "What did you name him?"

"I hope it's something impressive," chuckled his dad, coming over to them, beaming with pride.

"We've decided to name him Merle," said Joseph, wrapping an arm around Stella's shoulders as she struggled not to snatch the baby back. "I think we're going to take a week to let Stella get used to the new baby."

"That's a wonderful idea," his mother sighed, handing the baby back reluctantly. "I always seem to forget how small they are when they're born. He's going to grow so fast, though I sincerely hope not as fast as you did."

"I assure you, nothing bad will happen to him, while I still live," growled Joseph.

Outside, Orion (the system) faltered in his steps as he was walking down the street. For some reason, he just had a chill run down his back.

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