Abyssal Lord Of The Magi World

Chapter 282 - Black Hole Runic Set

Chapter 282 - Black Hole Runic Set

Zatiel took a step forward and appeared right in front of the Sage's frozen body. The entire room was covered with the black hole that surrounded him, but nothing was affected. The Neo-Demon had complete control over his power.

He analyzed the amorphous entity for a moment before touching him with his palm. Threads rose from his robe and covered the Sage's body. Zatiel's shadow robe was made of billions of runes so small that even the consciousness of a Soul Law Domain existence could not detect them.

'Not even a Rank 7 life form could free himself from this.' Although it may be overkill using that much power on the Sage, who had his soul frozen in time, Zatiel was not willing to take any chances with him.

Zatiel did not even look at the unconscious dukes in the ground since their destiny was already sealed, and there was nothing they or anyone else could do to change it. The Neo-Demon approached the clone and then tapped his head.

A wisp of energy entered the clone's body and decomposed him into two orbs of energy, one blue and another golden. An instant after their appearance, the orbs entered Zatiel's body, the golden one headed to his heart while the blue reached for his head.

A pleasant expression appeared on the Neo-Demon's face as the life force and soul he used to build the clone returned to him. It was only because they belonged to him that Zatiel was able to absorb them directly and not suffer any form of contamination of his life force or alteration in his personality and ego.

The wound on his soul was healing, and his life force was returning to its vigorous state. It was only now, as he waited for all the damage he had inflicted on his existence being fixed, that Zatiel took a moment to go through all the messages and information that the A.I. Chip had shared with him.

"Bip... Host has activated the key runic formation and sent the driving force to initiate World Rune: Usurpation of the World Consciousness.

World Rune: Usurpation of the World Consciousness and the supplementary core runes build in it will begin their activation immediately.

World Cloak activated: Every type of communication coming in and out of the world has been blocked. The Beta Heavenly World is completely isolated from the rest of the universe.

World Dream activated: Every sentient being will be pushed into an illusion realm where their memories will be modified.

World Consciousness has been put into stasis mode, and the host's consciousness will proceed to invade it.



Host's consciousness has occupied the World Consciousness and taken full control over its power and authority of the world's Origin Power.

WARNING: Host's soul is too weak to resist the pressure of manipulating the World Consciousness and mobilize the world's Origin Power.

Black Hole Runic Set activated: The runic set allows the host to resist the pressure of the World Consciousness and drive the world's Origin Power. The runic set enables a great display of offensive and defensive might but doesn't allow subtle control over the forces of the universe. josei

Unimaginable energy was infused into the runic set during its creation and has gathered power over millions of years, but the amount needed to use it is tremendous. Once the power storage is reduced to 0, the host connection with the World Consciousness will be stopped, and this one will be left in a dormant state.

Current power in storage: 100%



Current power in storage: 99.99%



Current power in storage: 98.7%."

'Freezing a Rank 6 life form in time used less than 0.1%, but utilizing a power that would incapacity a Being of Law was more than one hundred times costlier. It makes sense, after all, the difference between a Soul Law Domain existence and a Being of Law is immense.' Zatiel was truly happy with the information he received from the A.I. Chip since it meant that everything was going according to his plan.

He would not need the help of the Black Hole Runic Set if he had reached Rank 7, but trying to drive the entire power of a Middle World with the current power of his soul, would be like using the operating system of an ancient phone to make a supercomputer work.

It only took a moment for Zatiel to mend the damage to his life force and soul. His youthful appearance returned, and his soul had become stronger. He still needed to fill his consciousness with Abyss Aura and finish the transformation of his brain so it could withstand Elemental Chaos to reach Peak Rank 3, but that procedure would be faster now.

Once he had taken care of the Sage and retrieved the life force and soul of the clone, Zatiel did not waste more time with them and teleported to the sky above the Fornes continent.

The Neo-Demon closed his eyes, and in his mind appeared every single member of the Heavenly race inside the Beta Heavenly World, but he did not stop there. He raised his arm, and from the palm of his hand, a gravitational force that covered the entire world was released.

As soon as Zatiel did that, flashes of light appeared all over the world and headed in his direction. Their speed was amazing, and less than a second after he raised his arm, some of those flashes were already in front of the Neo-Demon.

It was only when they stopped that you could see what those flashes were in reality. They were wings that had been ripped from the back of members of the Heavenly race, and that was not all since soon hundred of thousands of space rings began to appear along with all types of precious resources.

The items formed giant mountains in front of Zatiel, and they were large enough to cover the entire Fornes continent. The Neo-Demon's eyes glowed, and a wisp of energy was sent from the black hole into the items.

That wisp of energy was thinner than a hair, but it absorbed every single item that was in front of Zatiel. Once it finished its purpose, it took the form of a black ring.

The Neo-Demon took the black ring and analyzed it. The dimension inside the ring could not contain life and was unstable, but it was large enough to collect most of the wealth of the Beta Heavenly World. Once he saw everything was in order, Zatiel made the ring disappear from his hand and reappear on Dante's finger.

The next thing Zatiel did was to send his consciousness into the ring in his hand. Inside the ring, there were all types of weapons, runes, and resources. In a corner, away from the rest of the stuff, there was a white egg resting above giant pink cubes and carcasses of magic creatures.

Each of those giant pink cubes contained the same energy as a million magic crystal. This was the nest Zatiel built for Sophia once he knew about her plan.

The white egg was swallowing the energy of the cubes and magic creatures, constantly enhancing the power of the woman inside it.

Zatiel took a black box from the ring before making it appear around Ezequiel's finger. The Neo-Demon's eyes narrowed as he focused on the box, and then he made threads emerge from his robe and cover it.

The power in these threads was twice as strong as the one he used to contain the Sage.

'I am 99% sure it doesn't have the energy to act, but I can't take the risk of it interfering during my transformation.'

With those preparations finished, Zatiel once again closed his eyes. This time he focused on the members of the Magi Invader Force, which included the people of his clan. An invisible power took control over their bodies and made them fly into the World Gate, where they would be transported to the Magi World.

There was a small number that remained where they were. Those were the people Zatiel had marked to get rid of like Uluizer.

The memories of everyone had been altered, and the moment they woke up in the Magi World, they would remember that the Beta Heavenly World suffered a cataclysmic event due to the acts of a Being of Laws. They managed to escape just before the world was destroyed.

Zatiel left a message inside the mind of Ezequiel, Dante, and a few others, explaining what happened here and instructions on what they needed to do.

As he saw the people leaving through the World Gate, a group of individuals appeared on Zatiel's mind.

'They are all Rank 0 life forms, so if I leave them here, they will die the moment I begin with the next phase of my plan.' Before, those people would not even have crossed Zatiel's mind, but the experiences inside the Deep Dark Dream made his heart a little less cold.

'The amount of energy needed to help them is negligible, and those who were able to survive under the hand of the Heavenly race should have strong wills.' Truthfully Zatiel had already decided to help them the moment they appeared on his mind, but by finding a practical reason, his decision was easier.

After leaving with Dante the instructions of how to handle them, Zatiel made his power cover every native in the world and sent them to the World Gate.

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