Abyssal Lord Of The Magi World

Chapter 350 - Count Kenner

Chapter 350 - Count Kenner

The next few days were normal for the Ice Devil duo. They guarded one of the entrances to the Iron City, collected taxes, and more than once made sure weak devils could not pass through the gates, chasing them away to kill them and steal their belongings.

Once their shift was over and two other Rank 4 Devils replaced them, they flew to their dwellings. However, when they were about to split apart, one of the Ice Devils sent a message to his comrade in a very discreet way.

'Turo, we need to discuss something. I found a powerful artifact in that weak devil's belongings.'

When the Ice Devil named Turo heard that voice in his mind, a flash of surprise appeared on his face, but he immediately hid it. He thought about those words for a moment before sending a message to his comrade's mind.

'Lopi, why are you telling me this and not just keeping that object for yourself?' Turo knew that despite knowing each other for more than one hundred years and fighting countless battles together, neither of them would hesitate even for a second in killing the other if they could gain something.

Devils were paranoiac beings by nature, so Turo immediately thought something fishy was going on.

'It is too valuable for me to use it in the open, and the moment someone realizes I have it, they will kill me and steal it. You and I know that Count Niko is a petty individual, and if I hand it over to him, not only I will gain nothing, he may search my soul to know for sure I don't have something else of value.'

Lopi words made perfect sense for Turo. Having wealth without power was a sin. That was even more true in Baator and Abyss, where its inhabitants killed each other for pleasure.

'Count Niko is currently part of an invasion force in a High World, and he will not return in at least one hundred years. You know very well that we are doomed if we remain as his subordinates since he will not allow us to enter Rank 5 and equal him in strength.'

Turo did not show anything on his face when he heard that, but he made a small gesture indicating his understanding.

'I know you have been developing a relationship with Count Kenner.'

The moment Turo heard that, his eyes widened, and killing intent was born in his heart, but he managed to hide it. He knew very well the horrible fate that would fall on him if his current master knew he was trying to leave him. The Devil Lord would torture him until his lifespan is over for his audacity.

His eyes were cold as he stared at Lopi and signaled him to continue.

'If we present this item to Count Kenner, he may accept us together under his wings and free us from Count Niko.'

Turo remained quiet for an entire minute before speaking.

'I will arrange the meeting with Count Kenner, but I need to examine the object before. If I displease the Devil Lord, the consequences will be dire for me. I have the tools in my castle.'

Lopi immediately refused but saw that Turo was unwilling to compromise. In the end, he did not have another option but to comply. If they separate now and rumors about him having a valuable item spread, it would mean his end.

The duo headed for Turo's castle, and once inside, immediately went to the laboratory.

The entire room looked exactly how you would expect from a devil's laboratory. There were living creatures kept in cages and mutilated corpses hanging from hooks.

"Follow me." Turo guided Lopi into the room, and the moment they were both inside, the eyes of the first one glowed.

The entire laboratory began to shine with red light, killing all the prisoners inside and releasing a power that made it impossible to mobilize Soul Origin.

Rage appeared in Lopi eyes as he attempted to escape, but chains emerged from the walls and immobilized his body.

A wicked smile appeared on Turo's face as he saw Lopi's fury.

"I am sorry old friend, but you know too much. Besides, if you knew Count Kenner's personality, you would have understood that you were bound to die. Now I will take the item and..." Turo could not finish his sentence since a special force had frozen his True Soul. It happened too fast, and he did not even notice it when it entered his soul dimension.

The rage in Lopi's face vanished when he saw the state of the Ice Devil. His right eye shinned, and the next second, it fired a wave of Mind Force that destroyed his bindings.

Lopi got closer to the Ice Devil and put his hand over his head. The next second, Mind Force began to brand Turo's True Soul.

It took two hours, but after it was over, the Ice Devil lost the ability to control his body and thoughts.

Lopi and Toru sit down the next moment, as the first one restored his strength.

Neither spoke a word and remained in complete silence inside the laboratory for two days before flying away.

They traveled at full speed for an entire week before reaching an impressive fortress. There was a giant ball of blue fire floating in the sky above this construction.

When the Ice Devil reached the entrance, Fiend Trent rose from the ground.

"Why have you come here, Turo, and with an outsider?"

"His name is Lopi, and he's also a servant of Count Niko. We bring an offering for Count Kenner. Show us the way, unless you want the Lord to know you are responsible for him not getting his gift."

A mocking smile appeared in the Fiend Trent when he heard that.

"There is no need for threats. I will take you two to the Lord."

The fortress was so great that it could be considered a city, and millions of devils lived in it. The trio flew through the sky until they reached an impressive castle.

The castle was more than ten times larger than Turo's, and countless runic formations covered its walls. The two Ice Devil entered it under the Fiend Trent's guide, who led them to the throne room.

After ten minutes of walking, a massive gate appeared in front of them.

"My Lord, Turo requests a meeting. He brings a comrade who also serves under Count Niko. They bring a gift." A few seconds after the Fiend Trent spoke, the gate opened.

The room was immense, but it was empty other than a throne where the Devil Lord was sitting.

Count Kenner had a four-meter-tall humanoid body, with a dark blue exoskeleton covering his skin. There were two horns in his head, and his eyes were closed.

The physical might this Devil Lord released was so great that it made the trio feel they were at the bottom of a deep ocean, and countless waves were crushing their bodies.

The Fiend Trent bowed to the Devil Lord and left, but not before giving a sinister smile to the Ice Devils.

Turo and Lopi ignored the Fiend Trent and walked forward until they were less than five meters away from the Devil Lord before kneeling.

"Great Lord Kenner, this is my comrade Lopi. During our job as a guard, we came in possession of a powerful item. We want to give it to you, Great Lord, and hope you could take us as your loyal subordinates." Turo's voice was full of respect and fear.

Once his comrade finished speaking, Lopi made a white sword appear.

It was only when the artifact appeared that Kenner opened his eyes. He opened his palm, making the white sword fly to him.

"What an impressive magic matrix. With enough resources, this sword could become a Rank 6 Artifact. Very good!." Although Kenner's voice was cold and full of viciousness, it made a smile appear in the Ice Devils.

"Unfortunately, I would have problems if I take two Rank 4 Devils from Niko. Fight among yourself, the winner becomes my subordinates, and the loser dies. By the way, if someone releases their Law Avatar and harms my castle, I will flay him alive." josei

When the Ice Devils heard that, they were surprised, but they attacked each other the next second.

Kenner began to smile once he saw that. This Devil Lord enjoyed putting people against each other and seeing them kill their friends and comrades.

Turo knew that and was one of the reasons he did not want to come here with anyone.

The fight advanced fast since both Ice Devils were attacking with everything they had. Turo lost an arm, but he kicked Lopi in the chest and managed to send him flying away in the direction of the Devil Lord.

When Kenner saw the Ice Devil about to clash with him, he slapped his body. However, when he touched Lopi, this one exploded, and a man with eight wings and three eyes came out of him.

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