Abyssal Lord Of The Magi World

Chapter 390 - Zatiel Vs Heinz

Chapter 390 - Zatiel Vs Heinz

Zatiel teleported to the Fornes continent after the new Doom Brings finished planting their Soul Seeds. He waved his hand, making Zitra, Heinz, Totto, Juntu, Tyrus, Keizer, Ginic, and Kirin appear.

Their appearance was almost the same they had before becoming Neo-Demons. However, they all now had a set of majestic wings on their back, and the bloodline force they released was impressive.

Heinz had red wings with feathers made of blades. There were runes engraved in his wings that released a powerful killing force that seemed capable of severing everything.

Totto's wings were made solely of bones with dark runes. There was a terrifying aura in them, but instead of releasing fear force to the outside, they were swallowing it.

Zitra's feathers had flaming shadows on the right and liquid light on the left. The woman's spine glowed with white light and released a force born out of the friction between two great powers.

The three Blood Ruby Centipedes and two Abomination Gorillas all had the same kind of wings, made of red crystal. They released a vast blood aura and covered the Magic Creatures' bodies with a metallic luster.

The group was surprised by the sudden teleportation. When they noticed Zatiel, they immediately performed a deep bow.

"Ancestor!" There was immense admiration in their eyes.

After becoming Doom Bringers, they learned more secrets of the Neo-Demon race.

Just the fact they could assimilate and fuse bloodlines without side effects was beyond incredible. Now that they reached Rank 4 and obtained a True Doomsday Body and True Will, they had a hard time accepting that such a fantastic race where all of his members got unlimited potential could exist.

If that was not enough to shock them, they also learned that the place they lived the past few years was a galaxy named The Neo-Demon Realm.

An entity capable of creating a supreme race and a realm that could compare in size with Baator and Abyss must have reached the peak of the universe.

Zatiel signaled for them to rise, and his Rebirth Eye analyzed every one of them. He could see the thriving bloodline power, great physical might, along with a pure and dense energy pool in every one of them.

All of their bloodlines have surpassed that of even the mightiest Angelic Paragon. The reason was that they had fused two Peak Emperor Bloodlines in their Bloodline Hearts.

Although their bloodline had not yet reached Pseudo Law level, it was more potent than any other Emperor Bloodline.

Unfortunately, from now on, they would taint their bloodlines if they assimilate anything beneath the Pseudo Law level.

The Neo-Demon Race's Ancestor focused on Ginic, Kirin, and Keizer. He created three seeds of Mind Force and implanted them in their soul dimensions before speaking.

"Those seeds can be used to unleash a Soul Eradicator Spell capable of severely harming a Law Engraving existence at the 1st Engraving Stage. You three will go to the Magi World and assist your brethren in the wars raging in the Middle and Low Worlds."

Everybody understood what war Zatiel was speaking. They knew about the Neo-Demon race's goal of eradicating the Heavenly race, Mind Ruler race, Demon race, and Devil race.

The trio's law comprehension was the lowest of the group and could not use One with the Law yet, so Zatiel left them a soul invasion spell to help them in an emergency. josei

The two Blood Ruby Centipedes and the Abomination Gorilla bowed once again before flying to the World Gate.

After he saw them leaving, Zatiel stared at the five in front of him.

"You five will be assisting me in my mission in Baator and Abyss." Zatiel sent each of them a Doppelganger Fiend Rune.

The group did not hesitate to engrave the Animax Soul Rune into their True Souls.

The five obtained fiendish characteristics the next second. A Devil Lord's aura was present in Totto and Zitra, while Heinz, Tyrus, and Juntu acquired Demon Lords' auras.

A stream of information regarding the Doppelganger Soul Runes' abilities and limitations appeared in the Doom Bringers' minds.

"Other than tempering your True Souls and Soul Origin, those Animax Soul Runes will allow you to infiltrate Baator and Abyss. Sophia, Rax, Kylo, Dante, Ezequiel, and I have already formed our organizations, and we are expanding them."

A peculiar light appeared in Zatiel's eyes as he stopped for a second before continuing speaking.

"However, that is just the first phase of my plan. Now that our numbers are high enough, it is time to start the second phase. After establishing a foothold, you will begin to capture Rank 4 fiends secretly, and as we grow stronger, our prey will also become more powerful."

"How many do we need to capture?" The one who spoke was Totto. There was a thoughtful expression on his face since any plan or scheme involving Zatiel was bound to be anything but simple.

"In total, I need nine thousand Rank 4, nine hundred Rank 5, and ninety-nine Rank 6. From the Soul Law Domain existences, I need at least nine of them at the Rank's peak."

Zatiel's voice made it seem as if he was asking for little. However, the five Doom Bringers' utter shock was enough to prove how crazy his words sounded from a normal individual's perspective.

Such an immense amount of powerful life forms was something, not even a million-year-old organization could gather, especially the Peak Rank 6 life forms.

The Aeternum Empire was ancient and had the backing of Ivar the Flawless, an entity above the Prima Universe's laws. Nevertheless, they could count the number of Peak Soul Law Domain existences in it with one hand.

The reason why Zatiel targeted Abyss and Baator became more clear now. Only in these two evil planes that were as ancient as vast could you capture such an immense amount of life forms who had awoken their True Souls without attracting the attention of Law Beings.

"Although it will be easier to capture the fiends when you all reach Rank 6, this mission is also a form of training. Capturing someone alive is much more complex than killing them. Demons would usually self-destruct if they know they can not survive, and devils are always full of tricks and life-saving cards. This task will increase not only your strength but also your wisdom."

"What are you going to do with them?" Zitra's had just finished speaking when she noticed how the others were glancing at her. The woman made the question out of pure curiosity, but it may involve secrets that they should not know.

Luckily for her, Zatiel only smiled when he saw her starting to get nervous.

"I will use them to create a runic formation. As for what the formation's purpose will be, you will know in time along with the rest of the universe." Zatiel's eyes shone with eagerness. For a second, his entire existence shivered with excitement as he thought of the outcome of this grand scheme.

They did their best, but none of the five could understand what his goal could be. The one thing they were sure of was that it would be beyond incredible. After all, the last time he behaved like this was when he started the Beta Heavenly World War.

Zatiel calmed down after a second, and then he began a thorough analysis of Heinz.

Being stared by an ancient entity would raise dread in the heart of many, but the Cultivator's bond with Zatiel was one of true brotherhood.

Heinz felt no apprehension at all, and a funny smile appeared on his face as he spoke.

"Hey man, stop looking at me like that. I am sorry to say I am straight as an arrow."

Those words broke the solemn atmosphere that Zatiel's mission had formed, and the others could not stop from giggling.

Zatiel was surprised when he heard that, and an annoyed expression appeared on his face.

"Brat, do you dare to mock me?" The Neo-Demons' Ancestor's eyes shone with a menacing light, but no one felt afraid. They have known him for enough to know that he would have acted emotionless if he were angry.

Zatiel only sneered when he saw how they responded. He wasn't really mad, and this feeling of friendship was comfortable.

"I was analyzing your laws and body to figure out the reason why you chose the Superluminal True Doomsday Body. I can see that you are giving up the defense and focus on offensive might and speed. It is dangerous, but your striking power must be immense. Tell me, do you want to test how high your battle power is?"

When Heinz heard that, his entire body exuded battle will and the might of the Law of Killing at the Minor Completion level made itself present.

Zatiel clearly understood the Cultivator's answer and took a Rank 4 Demon from his space ring before transforming him into a Rebirth Incarnation and giving him his white sword.

"The best way to accurately measure your battle power is in a fight where you and your enemy can truly harm each other. The incarnation's current might is equal to that of a Demon Lord at the 1st Engraving Stage. Do not contain yourself and feel free to kill it."

Heinz stared at the Rebirth Incarnation that was a perfect copy of Zatiel and saw his brother's battle knowledge and experience.

He knew the fight would not be easy, but that only stirred his killing intent and battle will.

The duo broke space and appeared hundreds of thousands of kilometers above in the sky.

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