Abyssal Lord Of The Magi World

Chapter 774 Universe Destroyer Vs Universe Creator

Chapter 774 Universe Destroyer Vs Universe Creator


The sound of glass shattering echoed through Avernus as the burst of black-white lightning shattered the lightsabers.

Venganza felt immense pain and his entire body trembled as the lightsaber in his hand also shattered, generating a severe backlash that temporarily paralyzed him. He barely managed to raise his arms to protect his head from Ezequiel's fist.

That punch sent the Depravita of Revenge flying away, and things were far from over as Ezequiel positioned above him before crashing down, sending both toward the ground.

A huge pit formed as the Supreme Neo-Demon buried the Depravita of Revenge thousands of kilometers into the ground.


Less than a second later, a blast of dark fire emerged from the crash zone, pushing Ezequiel away.

There was a large cut on the Supreme Neo-Demon's chest, and the Flame of Revenge made it hard for him to fix the wound. Instead of waiting for his cells to expel the flames, he triggered their self-destruction and used the energy to improve his might. left the pit, and his eyes narrowed as he saw how the Supreme Neo-Demon's wound fixed instantly once the infected cells were gone. His injuries also healed at an extraordinary speed, but not so fast as at the start of the battle.

The Eighth Wrathful Revolution and the constant use of his bloodline regeneration abilities pushed Venganza's body to the limit, and he will not be able to keep fighting for much longer.

Venganza took a deep breath as he focused on the Virtual Dream Universe, more precisely on the Rank 8 Depravitas sealed in Eternal Nightmare. Those monsters began to wail in pain as the Depravita of Revenge charged their essence into the lightsaber, strengthening the Flame of Revenge.

Ezequiel's face grew solemn as he saw the burst of destructive power in Venganza's weapon. His body was also reaching its limit, and he would not resist much longer if that flame kept destroying his cells.

Immediately, the Supreme Neo-Demon drove the Supernova Art with even more power, equaling Venganza's aura. Still, a flash of silver light appeared in his eyes as he decided to go even further!

"AHHHH!" Ezequiel roared as the Astral Black Holes glowed with even more force. Not only did the amount of energy in them grow, but the nature of their power became clearer.

As that happened, a sight that shocked the entire Prima Universe occurred. Behind Ezequiel, the phantom of a man with four arms and three faces manifested.

The phantom was so immense that it grew beyond the edges of Baator, extending into the void. All those who saw it, including Venganza, felt a sense of awe and respect.

It made perfect sense. After all, from a certain point of view, that was the phantom of their Ancestor, the Prima Universe's creator.

Pan Gu!

Venganza drew a breath of cold air as he stared at the massive phantom. His eyes showed him that it was not a mere illusion but the manifestation of the power sealed in Ezequiel's Astral Black Holes.

Although unaware of the events inside the Sacred Trial, Venganza knew that Ezequiel performed his First Ignition using a Demodand.

However, the Depravita of Revenge's eyes made it clear that whatever Ezequiel had sealed inside the Astral Black Hole in his stomach was not something so simple as a Rank 8 Archfiend.

After a Neo-Demon ignited an Astral Black Hole, reverting the process was almost impossible. According to the Baernaloths, it will require the power of several Extreme Rank 9 life forms with Omega Laws that control space-time along with life and death.

Of course, none of those gray fiends had come in contact with a Rank 10 life form before and did not understand just how powerful a Fourth Realm existence was.

Pan Gu helped Ezequiel revert the Astral Black Holes to their raw state. As for what they sealed in them. Those were the Lord of Emptiness' stomach, liver, lungs, heart, and brain!

Each of those organs had more energy than a Rank 9 life form could endure, so Pan Gu sealed their essence. Over time, as Ezequiel's grew stronger, the seals would weaken, improving the might of the Astral Black Holes.

The Supreme Neo-Demon knew the danger of temporarily weakening the seals put in place by Pan Gu, but there was no hesitation on his face as he decided to unleash everything he had in the next attack.

Venganza saw how Ezequiel's power reached an unprecedented level. No matter how much energy he charged into the lightsaber, it would not be enough.

"Fine, let's get outlandish." A wild smile appeared in the Depravita of Revenge as he rose to the sky. His eyes began to bleed as he channeled all the power of his bloodline and True Name.

His aura reached an incredible level when a karmic thread emerged from his existence's core and vanished into the void. As for the place it connected, that was the First Layer of Final Purgatory!

Venganza's body began to tremble, and an unbelievable amount of power began to course through his veins. Slowly, the gargantuan phantom of a man with obsidian skin and hair made of sunlight manifested behind him.

Using the power of karma, the Depravita of Revenge managed to draw a fraction of the Incarnation of Death and Destruction's power!

The phantoms of the Incarnation of Death and Destruction and Pan Gu unleashed an aura that expanded through the Prima Universe. They belong to entities that stood in the Realm of Truths, one a Universal Destroyer and the other a Universal Creator.

Void Creatures billions of light years away did not understand what happened, but they lowered their heads and shut down any form of defense. The terror in their hearts forced them to surrender to the higher life forms.

The answer from intelligent life forms was not better. Many could not endure the pressure of the phantoms and look away from the battlefield.

Ezequiel's eyes narrowed as he stared at the giant phantom of the Incarnation of Death and Destruction and felt the aura of the entity that sundered the Eldritch Universe, leaving nothing but an empty shell of the super universe. It was a terrifying aura but could not affect the True Godking of Freedom's heart.

"I remember when I first saw his figure, thousands of years ago, in that illusion brought from the Scientia Kingdom. Back then, his power was something I did not even dare dream of achieving, and now I am facing him. Destiny is certainly a wonderful thing."josei

Ezequiel showed a smile full of battle intent as he began to channel all his power into the Equilibrium of Man and World Omega Law.

Venganza did the same, channeling all his power into the Destiny Karmic Reincarnation Omega Law.

A cycle of samsara manifested behind the Depravita of Revenge that contained the destiny of all life forms from the Prima Universe and Eldritch Universe.

The phenomena that manifested behind Ezequiel was the illusion of a place made of pure light that extended into infinity.

The power of the Supreme Neo-Demon and the Depravita of Revenge reached their zenith simultaneously and unleashed their ultimate attack.

"End of Samsara Reincarnation!"

"Fall into Emptiness!"

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