Accidental Ascendance

Chapter 3 3

Chapter 3 3: DragonSlayer?

Chapter 3 3: DragonSlayer?

The sun bathed the streets of the town that the Montclair family ruled over, casting a warm glow on the bustling scene. Cedric, now four years old, walked hand in hand with his mother, Lady Isabella, as they strolled through the lively marketplace. The townspeople beamed at their young ruler, waving and greeting them with warmth and respect.

As they walked, Lady Isabella gently squeezed Cedric's hand, her voice filled with a mix of pride and responsibility. "Cedric, my dear, you are part of a very special family. Our role as rulers means that we must always strive to protect and guide our people. When you come of age, you will inherit these lands, and it will be your duty to lead with wisdom and compassion."

Cedric looked up at his mother with wide eyes, a spark of curiosity dancing within them. "What does Papa do, Mama? And what will I do when I'm in charge?"

A tender smile graced Lady Isabella's face as she explained. "Your father, Lord Montclair, is a leading expert in combat magic. He dedicates himself to mastering the art of magical combat and using his skills to ensure the safety of our people. As for you, my son, you will be entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing the welfare of our lands, making important decisions, and upholding the honor of our family."

Cedric's gaze shifted to the grand castle that loomed in the distance, the symbol of their power and prestige. He felt a mix of excitement and trepidation, realizing the weight of his future responsibilities.

The cheerful atmosphere of their walk suddenly shifted into one of tension as Lady Isabella overheard a conversation between two villagers. Their voices carried a sense of urgency as they spoke of the next Archmage, the vacant seat of power that held great significance in the magical realm. Lady Isabella's heart clenched as she considered the implications.

In a hushed voice, she thought to herself, Cedric's powers are too great for his age. If the other golden families see him as a threat to their own heirs, his life could be in danger. Her mind raced, grappling with the complexities and dangers that lay ahead for her beloved son.

However, her thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a collective gasp that rippled through the crowd. The sky darkened, and a massive shadow fell upon the town. A colossal dragon descended from the heavens, its ferocious presence casting a spell of fear and chaos.

Amidst the commotion, Cedric and Lady Isabella found themselves separated. Cedric, his attention still captivated by the dragon, remained unaware of his mother's absence. The dragon, its eyes scanning the crowd, noticed Cedric standing there, an enigma in its sight.

As the dragon's thoughts drifted, memories surfaced of a girl with long blue hair and horns, her tattered clothing a stark contrast to her radiant magic. In their encounter, she had revealed a startling truth. The girl spoke with confidence. "During my journeys I encountered something quite fascinating. A man whose magic even "I" couldn't sense."

The dragon asked her. "What happened did you fight him?"

She smirked with a sense of pride. "Yep I couldn't pass up the opportunity."

With a slight chuckle the dragon asked. "So how did he do did he last for more than a few seconds?"

The girl laughed. "Yep and I lost brutally."

The dragon, bewildered, questioned "How that could be possible. Their should be no mortal that could face you and win!"

The girl, her expression grave, warned the dragon. "Listen, if you ever run into someone whose magic you can't sense. Then even if it hurts your pride your only option is to run or..." The girl then turned toward the dragon to reveal her missing arm, a testament to the consequences of the battle with the man. "You'll lose more than just a missing limb."

Ignoring her warning. The dragon shuddered at the memory. Returning to the present, the dragon scoffed to himself, dismissing the memory as irrelevant. If I defeat this boy, it will prove that I am superior to "That" woman the dragon thought. The dragon's gaze locked onto Cedric's innocent face. Cedric, noticed the dragon looking at him and an innocent smile that would scare the life out of anyone who saw it formed on his face. This, however in at least the dragon's eyes, Cedric's peculiar smile looked like a taunt—a challenge that said, "If you come at me, you'll die."

With a roar of anger, the dragon lunged at Cedric, fueled by its determination to prove its superiority. However, just as the dragon prepared to strike, a beam of brilliant light erupted from the sky. Cedric's smile faded as Megna, the Fairy Queen, materialized before him, her magic blazing with power.

Unseen and unheard by the dragon, Megna's voice rang out, taunting the dragon. "Merlin doesn't have time for small fry like you!" A pulse of magic surged from her, striking the dragon with a force that left it fatally wounded. The mighty creature crashed to the ground before Cedric's feet, its life force ebbing away.

Cedric stood in silence and stared confused at the dragon who was laying on the ground. The dragon opened one eye to observe Cedric as he thought. 'This kid he blasted me with a spell without a single incantation. How strong is he? Look at his face it is unfazed as if telling me I told you, if you bear your fangs you will perish.' As the dragons vision and life fades a last single thought rang through his head. 'I should've listened to "That" women.....'

The crowd, including Cedric's mother, had witnessed the scene unfold, their eyes wide with astonishment and awe. They believed that Cedric had singlehandedly slain the dragon with an instant spell—an act of power and mastery that defied comprehension.

Cedric glanced at the crowd, his nerves getting the best of him. A nervous smile formed on his lips, but to those watching, it appeared far more sinister than intended. The crowd, their imaginations running wild, interpreted his smile as a proclamation that he considered the fears of the world to be mere ants, waiting to be squashed beneath his might.josei

Lady Isabella, her heart heavy with both pride and concern, watched as her baby stood completely victorious over a dragon that a grand mage would struggle with. She smirked wickedly as she thought. 'It's not me who should be worried for Cedric's safety. Its anyone who would be dumb enough to gain his Ire.' Lady Isabella began to laugh hysterically with a snubbish grin.

The news of Cedric's astonishing feat spread like wildfire, reaching the ears of the world, but more importantly of the other golden families. The world trembled with anticipation. Cedric, the young boy who effortlessly slayed a dragon, was now at the center of a grand narrative. Then suddenly out of no where a rumor started circulate Cedric is a god in human form.

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