Accompanying the Phoenix

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Chapter 50 . 1

At the moment she stepped into the Demon Realm, Shen Li felt that the air was three times worse than in the past, even more filthy . It was different from the usual miasma . Now there was killing and violent intent permeating the air everywhere, even the people in the capital were anxious .

Shen Li walked from the central avenue of the capital to the Demon’s Lord palace with a calm face .

The broken houses along the way told of the panic the Demon Realm suffered that day, and the white banners hung messy and deserted by the roadside, this place isn’t the Demon’s capital she knows, but more like a ghost of the former city .

In front of the palace gate, the guard had a white cloth strip on his head . The expression on his face was not like the usual calmness, but a bit of strong majesty .

The guard on the left side saw someone rushing towards the palace gate, and didn’t recognize Shen Li . He only raised the spear in his hand and yelled: “Stand, stop!”

Shen Li frowned and said with a slightly harsh expression “Why are you so flustered!”

The two guards were stunned . After seeing that the person was Shen Li, one of the guards twitched his mouth, Shen Li didn’t know whether he was crying or laughing: “The King... the lord... the lord is back . ” His legs seemed soft . He knelt on the ground and squatted both heads fiercely, “Azure King is back! The king is back!”

Another guard stared at Shen Li silently and wiped his tears .

Shen Li clenched her fists: “What is this behavior? Crying on the job!” Her voice was majestic, “No matter what happened, as a soldier of this King you shouldn’t cry on duty! Don’t let this king see someone who is crying and shaking the morale of the army, cut it off now!”

The two guards kowtowed .

Shen Li calmed down a bit: “Where is the Demon Lord?”

“Back to the king, the Demon Lord is resting in the dormitory now...”

“Hasn’t he woken up yet?”

“Not yet . ”

Shen Li only felt that her heart was burning . The Demon Lord was powerful and very good at strategy not to mention that there was always Yan Chi Rong to protect him . It is usually extremely difficult to hurt him .

This injury was so severe... Shen Li rushed to the Demon Lord’s sleeping hall . Before she got close, she saw the maidservants coming back and forth from the sleeping hall . The water basin in their hands fell and stained the ground bright red .

Could it be that the Demon Lord injury has worsened? Shen Li became more anxious and rushed straight into the hall .

People kept greeting Shen Li . They were officials of the Demon Realm . However, Shen Li didn’t have the intention to respond to them . She went around the screen and went inside as soon as she lifted the curtain, the medical officer at the door could not persuade her .

The Demon Lord’s robes on the bed were not changed, and a little blood dripped from the neck . A medical officer pressed a clean cloth on his neck .

However, the cloth soon became wet, and the maidservant had to take it to wash it . And then replaced with a clean one .

The bloodstains on his clothes were dry . The mask on his face was not taken off, only the lower jaw was removed, and his lips were exposed to make it convenient for the servants to feed him medicine . The color of his lips revealed that his body situation was terrible .

His lips were blue...

Shen Li took out the pills there were in her arms and said loudly,

“Here are a few boxes of elixir given by the Heavenly Emperor . Physicians, please come to see if there are any that can be used now . ”

As soon as she said this, regardless of etiquette, the doctor on the side quickly took the pills off Shen Li’s hand, poured them out one by one, and carefully identified them, and then took one of them and put them in the mouth of the Demon Lord .

In a moment, the blue color on his lips faded slightly, and the blood on his neck slowly stopped .

“This pill is useful! This pill is useful!” The medical officers were ecstatic, and someone rushed to Shen Li to worship, “Azure King, really is the savior of the demon world . ”

“Forget the flattery, the Demon Lord is hurt to this extent . What’s going on?”

The physicians looked at each other, and after a while, an old physician replied:

“Master, the Demon Lord suffered only a sword wound on the neck . This wound was not critical, it just hurt the flesh . The thing that caused the devil to be unconscious... is poison . ”

Shen Li frowned, “What kind of poison?”

“It seems to be a kind based on miasma . This Poison can make people lose their minds, and then the person who was poisoned will fall into a coma . If there is a wound on the body, the wound will not heal, and the bleeding will not stop . But this kind of miasma is slightly different from the other miasma, it seems to be very harmful to the body of the demon, but it will not cause great damage to other things . This is like a poison made to go against the demons . ”

Miasma poison... Shen Li couldn’t help but think of the poison that Fu Sheng used when she was in Yangzhou City, but at that time the poison was not that powerful, and the miasma was dispersed with a little mana . Now this poison has something to do with the poison at the time...

Shen Li guarded on the Demon Lord side for a while, after eating the pill again, the blue color on the Demon’s lips faded away, and a pale white slowly emerged .

Shen Li could imagine how pale this face must be after under the mask . She looked at him quietly for a while, her fists could not help clenching: “Where are Qing Yan and Chi Rong?”

The guard on the side replied: “The two envoys didn’t show up in this campaign . ”

Shen Li’s complexion darkened . What a coincidence, it was almost as calculated... She was silent for a while and asked: “Those generals... Where are the generals who died?”

“They are still lying down in a military camp outside the city . It may take a few days to be buried . ”


The guard’s voice was extremely low: “According to military regulations, after the war, the soldiers must be buried before the generals can be buried “

Chapter 50 . 2

Shen Li turned her head to look at him blankly: “Five days have passed, but the soldiers haven’t been buried yet?”

The guard lowered his head and said nothing .

Shen Li’s head was empty for a moment, she stood up and took a slow breath, closed her eyes, and calmed her emotions,

“Keep the Demon Lord safe, and be sure to wake up the Demon Lord as soon as possible . ”

After saying this, she left the Demon Lord’s bedroom . She drove the clouds from the Demon Lord’s palace straight to the military camp outside the city .

Before she even got close she could feel a deep and decadent smell in the wind blowing from there .

The closer she gets the more she could hear people crying, some were hoarse, some were stern, it was unbearable to hear .

Shen Li flew over this area very quickly and fell into the barracks . The soldiers were busy . No one saw her . Shen Li dragged a soldier and asked, “Where are the generals?”

The soldier’s eyes were dull . Looking up at Shen Li for a while, the light slowly came into his eyeballs: “Master...” He called out in disbelief and blinked, then saw that Shen Li was still there . He was so excited that he held Shen Li’s shoulders for a while . “The King...Azure King...” he shouted with flushed face, “The King is back! The King is back!”

Everyone stopped working and looked there, everyone was overjoyed to see Shen Li standing there . However, listening to their cheers, Shen Li’s heart became even more serious .

The Demon World is not a mess of loose sand without rules . These soldiers should not behave as if she was their savior .

They should be orderly and act according to the expected plan no matter what happens, and usually, that’s what they do . If things were normal, even if they lose one battle would be impossible to see them like this .

It seems that the situation is more serious than imagined .

Shen Li was thinking . Suddenly seeing two generals hurriedly walking in front of her, Shen Li immediately greeted them:

“General Dao Mu, General Shi Fang...” She just said hello, but she barely had time to speak when the two knelt in front of her with a “puff” sound . josei

“This general is incompetent!”

“This general is guilty . ”

Their foreheads slammed to the ground with great strength, their faces showed extremely unwilling anger and irreparable regret .

“General...” Shen Li’s face moved .

No matter how much she told herself to be calm and composure at this time, she couldn’t help but be moved by the bows of these two veterans .

How big a blow is it to make the proud soldiers of the Demon Realm so depressed . . .

She stretched out her hand to support the two generals, “Let this King understand what happened to the Demon Realm first . ”

The two veterans got up slowly . They led Shen Li to the back of the barracks and explained: “Five days ago, A team of men and horses suddenly attacked from the south . ”

After only opening his mouth, Dao Mu’s expression was already anxious . Shen Li felt it was strange, and Shi Fang finally took the conversation and said: “The opponent only has two hundred men and horses...”

Shen Li was startled and couldn’t believe it: “How many?”

“Two hundred people . ”

Shen Li suddenly understood why the soldiers were so upset .

The capital guard army had a little more than 100,000, and the total number of generals must be more than two hundred .

So many soldiers were trampled by a mere two hundred people...

“What’s the other party’s background?” Shen Li’s voice was muted, and she had to say that even if she had not experienced the fight, she would inevitably be bothered when she heard this number .

“The soldiers carried the flag of the Beihai clan . Those soldiers were big men without armor, shirtless, and no weapons . They only fought with people with their bare hands, broke their necks, or beat them to death . What’s more, they just tore people with great power . ”

Shi Fang’s voice did not fluctuate, but even if he said these words so plainly, he still looked startled,

“Their skin seemed very different from ordinary people . It was difficult for ordinary soldiers to injure them even with swords or guns . Only the generals who have a little Taoist cultivation level could still hurt one or two by pouring mana on the blade . ”

“Can I see their bodies?”

The two generals looked at each other .

“No, at the end we decapitated at least 30 or so enemies, but their corpses were taken back by the opponent . Only eight or nine enemies were captured by the demon king . They were fried into the mud . ”

Shen Li pondered for a moment . The descriptions of the two generals made her involuntarily think of the three sturdy men she met in the city wall of Yangzhou when she and Xing Zhi were investigating the matter of the gods who were kidnapped .

If those two hundred people who attacked the Demon Realm were really like them their strength should not be underestimated . Thinking of the mysterious Fu Sheng, Shen Li asked: “Do they have a leader?”

“It’s a very young man . He looks no different from ordinary people, but his swordsmanship was weird . He was injured by the sword . ”

Fu Sheng’s figure immediately appeared in Shen Li’s mind . It makes sense to think about it this way . Those big guys are his subordinates, and the miasma was his thing, but how could he belong to the Beihai clan? Previously he was in the human world trying to kidnap the mountain gods, and now the attacks on both Heaven and Demon’s Real......

Shen Li whispered: ” By attacking the Demon’s world... what he is trying to do?”

The General heard her Muttering to herself, his fists clenched and he said:

“The Demon Lord’s golden seal was taken away by him . ”

The golden seal, a symbol of the power of the demon world . Thinking of the riots happening all over the Demon Realm at the same time, Shen Li’s eyebrows sank, is it really to seize power? But what kind of power can be seized just by taking a gold seal...

Shen Li was thinking and walked to the hall where the general’s bodies were lying .

Her face was stern as she stepped in . There were a lot of generals inside, and everyone let Shen Li pass .

A row of coffins, dozens of corpses . The people lying here, Shen Li could remember all their names, but now she could no longer recognize their faces, some of them are incomplete, some are totally unrecognizable .

Shen Li stops in front of a coffin . Live, there was only a sword and some broken pieces of armor in the coffin, and the bloodstains on it seemed to see people .

“Who is this?” she asked softly .

“It’s General Mo Fang . ” The general behind her replied, “He was on the battlefield, desperately fighting with three enemies, and finally he was surrounded by several of them...and he was... he was devoured by one of them...”

Mo... ...Fang

Was swallowed by the opponent... swallowed?

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