Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

Shi Lang got out of the bed, sorted his clothes, and after Amelia fixed his sleepy hair, he left the room. Amelia was a girl and she needed a little more time to get dressed. The youngster made his way from the accommodation to the drill ground.

It was a small area within the confounds of the command outpost, the soldiers will gather here according to when their shifts allowed them to regulate their condition by practicing drills, mock battles, sparing sessions, etc.

Today, happened to be a special drill session so almost all the free soldiers were present on the ground, at this moment, they were watching two people sparing with each other, these two people were their Commanding officer, Major Tiberius, and his deputy, Captain Rudolf. The two were not doing any extensive exercise, but sparing with a set of basic military boxing as a warm-up.

A few soldiers in the crowd were speculating about the upcoming duel. The spar was a term used by their Commander to cover up, they all were aware that their superior wanted to flex his skills in front of the girl.

A guy with brawny arms said in a hushed tone, “Yo, Ty, what do you think? Will that other guy even come here?”

Ty was the person standing next to him who replied, “I hope he does.”josei

“Why? Are you betting against our CO? Traitor.” said the brawny one.

“You say as if you did not? Hmph, hypocrite.” scoffed Ty back.

The soldiers did not have it easy on this place, they wanted to explore or fight, but the higher command has not given them the orders to, and their commanding officer was a person who loved to throw his weight around. In the name of protecting women, he would not give them tasks like patrolling around the wall, same for the other risky and priority tasks.

The people were aware that he was a master in the art of covering chuavanism with chivalry. The only reason Amelia was allowed to get out of the base and perform scouting and exploration missions was because her orders were checked by General Charlotte Knight.

Watching him inviting the secret division person over to spar, they all wished to watch him getting his ass kicked. However, Shi Lang was not here yet. After ten minutes, Tiberius stopped fighting and exhaled a heavy breath. He wiped of some sweat from his forehead and the ran his gaze around, he frowned upon not finding Shi Lang, and was about to raise his hand to contact the person, but before he could act, a voice gathered everyone’s attention.

“Good morning everyone, I apologize for the delay. Major Tiberius, you look all prepared. Shall we get started?” asked Shi Lang. Yes, it was he, who had just made an appearance.

Tiberius grinned smugly when he saw this guy walking over to his side through the crowd. He scrutinied the man from head to toe. He was looking for spots where he will hit him harder. However, as soon as his gaze landed on Shi Lang’s neck, his expression turned stiff. He did not know how to react and he was not a fool to not know what he saw.

Everybody noticed his gaze and when they scrutinized Shi Lang, they found out the cause of this stiffness presented by their Commander. A lot of soldiers, gave Shi Lang a thumbs up in their hearts. Tiberius asked in a low voice, “Sir, what are those marks on your neck?”

Shi Lang stopped and used his hand to trace the skin of his neck. After his hand finished caressing his skin he chuckled and said, “Do not worry, I am fine, my fiancee missed me more than I expected her to.” followed by a sheepish smile on his face. The marks were left after gentle bites and hickies left by Amelia.

His words were slapping the guys face directly. Shi Lang did not plan to hold back from demolishing this guy completely. Tiberius fumed and grit his teeth. Then he took a few deep breathes to calm himself down and said, “Come let us spar, sir.”

Shi Lang nodded and Tiberius said loudly, “Take three steps back.” this order was for the surrounding the crowd. He wanted to vent out his rage on Shi Lang with no obstruction. Shi Lang came to stand five steps away from the commander and assumed a boxing stance.

Tiberius also assumed a stance, but it was different from Shi Lang’s. Nobody knew when, but Yuu appeared at the side and said, “On my signal, you may begin.”

Nobody raised an objection because they knew this lady was capable of busting all their teeth out. She gazed at the two people looking each other in the eye and said, “Begin.”

Shi Lang did not move as everyone anticipated. He let Tiberius take the initiative and waited for the incoming attack. His right hand moved and he parried the left punch thrown at him, then with a quick side step he turned around, earlier when he parried the blow, he redirected the energy invested in the blow by Tiberius and used his disbalance as an advantage. He positioned himself behind the commanding officer and ducked down to make a sweeping kick at the heel of the person.

Tiberius seemed to be aware that the attack was coming at his heel and immediately jumped. Shi Lang was not going to miss this opportunity and jumped up using his supporting leg and delivered a beautiful round house kick to the back of Tiberius’ head. The commanding officer was knocked out and he fell to the ground, out cold.

Shi Lang said, “Spar like you will fight on the battle field. Remember to conserve energy while you fight in melee combat. Try to deal with the nut case fast but not ignoring the surrounding. Understood?”

The soldiers at the side replied, “Yes Sir.”

The anticipated long fight was finished with one blow. Shi Lang demolished the commanding officer and that too in front of the whole townfare. Yuu sighed and said, “Battle finish. winner, Shi Lang.”

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