Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

The punch landed on Rackham’s ribs, giving him a wake-up call. He was an expert of four-star, he did not expect the boy in front of him to be so sharp that he would avoid his punch and counter him. The more important thing was that the attack was aimed at his vital point.

This showed that the other party was serious in his attacks. Shi Lang had not had a good spar in ages, the reason he was not able to do so earlier was his limited strength in this life. However, today he has finally found a worthy opponent. He did not wish to hold back.

However, Major Rackham was not a rusted person like Shi Lang. The punch woke him up and the next moment he kicked Shi Lang in the stomach with his right knee. The boy expected something to be coming his way earlier and moved back after landing a hit on the person in front of him.

Major Rackham raised his eyebrow and moved in. Suddenly his footwork changed and he made a kick at Shi Lang’s leg. The guy was not expecting it to come at such a spot. He was guarding his upper body and not his legs. The kick landed on his leg. Making him lose his balance. Shi Lang stumbled back from the impact.

Rackham thought of it as a chance and charged in to beat up the guy. Shi Lang suddenly ducked and spun his body while his right leg extended outside like a whip connected to the opponent’s leg.

Rackham stumbled with a grimace on his face. He did not expect the boy to use the imbalance in his favor. Shi Lang attacked quickly and he jumped up with one foot and his right leg continued attacking and landed a roundhouse kick to the old major. The person defended himself with his forearms.

Shi Lang interrupted his charge and stood upon the ground. He suddenly let go of his guard. He stood facing the middle-aged man. The old man also gained his balance and gave up his guard with a smirk on his face.

He also wanted a fight. The two men stepped up and they fought with each other. They were duking it out. The speed of the punches began to increase, the punches did not land down on their bodies but they kept hitting each other on the fists. The people were surprised, they did not expect this to be a fist fest.

The two people were punching so each other so happy that they both had a smile on their faces. Shi Lang did not back out of the fight. He was suppressed by the cultivation but his instincts were higher than Rackham. His old self was opening up a bit by bit and that was his motive behind calling out for a separate duel.

After four minutes he had exhausted the middle-aged veteran to the limits and then the fight froze, Shi Lang’s fist was resting against the man’s temple. He did not carry on with his attack but hitting the temple at the peak of their strength, would make them at least disorientated. This will spell death for them.

Major Rackham said, “You pass.”

Shi Lang took back his fist and bowed to the man in respect. The major also surprised everyone and bowed back to the boy. He said, “Your blows have given me an inspiration. Thank you.”

Shi Lang was surprised but he smiled. Their class dispersed after the duel. Unlike other classes, they did not talk about what happened in the test. The unity of the technology branch was that high. It was already late in the evening when the people got back to their rooms.

Lucas was asked to share the room with Shi Lang again. Rosa had called the boy’s family and assured them of his safety and the reason he was staying in the hostel. That was because tomorrow morning they will have a mecha control test followed by a mock group battle.

The family was at peace and so was the night. This was the calm before a storm. Shi Lang did not spend much time talking with his classmates. He got inside the room and after taking off his upper clothes, he sat down on the floor with his legs folded under his body. He placed his hands on his knees and began to cultivate according to the new method of Terran cultivation.

Lucas came into the room a few minutes later, he was surprised to see that his best friend’s shoulders were swollen, his forearms were covered with blue and red bruises. He wanted to ask what happened but then he figured out that it could be because of the fight with Rackham.

The situation seemed terrible but since Shi Lang did not say anything, then he decided to see how things will play in the morning before calling the teacher. Lucas also sat down on his bed and began to cultivate, they needed every bit of strength and stamina tomorrow, because they will be going against the battle class.josei

The results of the tests today were already out and Battle Class was confused and agitated. The evening, the school announced that the technology class all passed the physical assessment and that Shi Lang was the best student in the assessment.

Jenkins Edwards was standing in front of the principal in his office. He was seeking an explanation behind the result. The principal looked at him with a bland gaze and said, “Mr. Edwards, perhaps you have forgotten that I am the principal and you are the student here. This is the school and not your family’s mansion. The school is fair in its criteria to grade the students. You should not have any doubts about results.”

Jenkins grit his teeth and asked, “Why did that waste from the technology branch get the top spot?”

The principal sighed and said, “Student Lang topped the theory knowledge and his improvement in terms of strength is also the best. If you know the purpose of the exams you will know why and how aced the exams. Now, if your questions have been answered, please leave, I have more pressing arrangements.”

He dismissed Jenkins Edwards. The principal may turn blind eye to the struggle between the students but he was a man with an eight-star base. So he will not let his students just treat him like an errand boy.

Jenkins came out of the cabin with his fists clenched and jaws grit. His eyes were burning with fighting spirit. He wanted to crush Shi Lang below his shoes like an ant. He wanted to get the top spot back. However, all that can be done tomorrow morning. He left the place with rage in his heart.

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