Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 214

Chapter 214

Shi Lang’s answer about the status of a general made Minerva go silent. She did not expect this young man to have a mindset like this, but looking at his sharp visage and serious expressions she was amused. However, this situation had also taken her by surprise. After all, they were not yet outside the Terran territory so who could this vessel imprint displayed on the radar belong to.

Shi Lang increased the speed of the scout vessel and moved in the direction of the invaders. Soon, they were in visual range, and the young man said coldly, “Commande, this is Alpha. I have a visual.”

“Alpha, can you confirm what is going on over there?” asked the operator. They were all now playing together.

Shi Lang replied, “We have a home infestation. The pest seems to be a glorified reptile.”

He did not intend to hide his disdain for the Zergs in his mind. Minerva was surprised momentarily by the use of such terminology. Despite the appearance, the Zergs were an advanced civilization. They were not lacking in any aspect and were equal to the Terran civilization.

Shi Lang could tell her reaction, he said, “Do you think I should be more respectful? Well, this civilization despite all the advancement does not have an inkling of shame or respect towards the other civilizations. They indulge in cannibalistic practices. Do you still want to respect them? Go ahead, but I am not a saint-like you, the galactic council.”

Minerva was once again shocked, however, the madness had just yet begun. Shi Lang suddenly pushed the spacecraft to the top speed and turned it around. He said in the communication system, “Command, I have been spotted and I have three attacking vessels on my tail. I am trying to evade them but do inform any and all fighters near me to provide support, also have some other units attack the squadron of these lizards. None of them gets back alive.”

The commander replied, “Yes, Alpha.”

Suddenly, Shi Lang began to do loops with the spaceship and Minerva saw shiny beams moving past their vessels. She understood, that they were being attacked. While Shi Lang was engaged in a dogfight, Deputy General Sikar was walking toward the accommodations of the envoys.

The four ladies stood up and bowed their heads to these people, when suddenly, Deputy General Sikar said, “Madam, with a very heavy heart I would like to tell you that the scout vessel boarded by Fleet General and Envoy Minerva is now being chased by the invading team of Zergs.”

This simple statement sent shivers down the spine of the four ladies, they did not register what was happening for a few seconds.

In space, Shi Lang had begun to move all over the place and constantly evade the attacks from the Zerg ships. What was even more, he was not heading towards the frontier, but to a nearby barren planet where there was a small asteroid belt.

Minerva could tell all this when she saw his actions, and asked calmly, “Why are you headed towards the asteroid belt?”

Shi Lang said, “To have a fair fight with these bastards.”

Minerva asked, “Can you not do that here?”

Shi Lang said, “I do not have such high skills to make the gun shoot backward, so I need to engage in a proper dogfight and then have these lizards crash in the rocks.”

Minerva nodded but then she said, “How about I help you with the guns?”

Shi Lang cast her a gaze and then said, “Very well, hands-on guns, please. I will control the aiming system and line up with the target, you just need to press fire when I say or when you find a particular opening?”

Minerva nodded and Shi Lang began to control the ship skillfully. Just when the system sounded the alarm. Shi Lang pulled the joystick and the ship suddenly jumped up, at the same time Shi Lang slowed down his speed and this let the enemy move to the front. Shi Lang did not wait to get behind the enemy, and from a higher point he said, “Fire.”

Minerva flinched and then she pressed the trigger button and the enemy ship was reduced to levitating debris. Shi Lang avoided the debris, then he moved and began to engage with another attack ship and his speed and control over the spacecraft were giving Minerva a shock that she could not say anything about it.

Ten minutes after Minerva has taken the guns, Shi Lang took down three ships and finally got rid of the tail. He contacted the command center and asked, “Command, this is Alpha, can you tell me what is the situation with the enemy squadron?”

“Alpha, the squadron has been taken down. There were no casualties on our side.”, replied the command center.

Shi Lang nodded and said, “Fine, I am heading back to the frontier. Over and Out.”

Minerva said, “Have you ever faced space crafts like this?”

Shi Lang nodded and said, “When we defended the attack of the Arcadian fleet, that time. Anyways, how do you feel?”

Minerva nodded and said, “I am fine. This was the first time I experienced something like this.”

Shi Lang nodded and said, “Think about my men who face this shit every second day, only to have their fallen brothers taken away by these reptiles and eaten like they were some delicacy. Your Galactic Council, it is useless to preserve just everything. If you preserve too much, then it will go rotten.”

Minerva nodded and said, “Indeed, this is a tough life but everyone understands the risk that the military involves.”

Shi Lang sighed and said, “I should have known that a diplomatic person such as yourself would never understand that it is not about money or anything for us. It is about the safety of our families and friends back home. You will never understand this from your gilded office, or your charming eyes.”josei

His words shocked the lady but before she could say anything, Shi Lang increased the speed of the ship and quickly entered the Frontier. He got off the ship and said to Hayley, “Arrange a meeting with the cabinet. We need to discuss this attack”

Hayley nodded and quickly moved through the place quickly. Minerva was still sitting in the co-pilot seat. She only woke up from her daze when the people from her group came over to take her out. They all thought it was because of the shock that the girl had turned into a dummy. They wanted to blame Shi Lang but the actual culprit was none other than Zergs.

Shi Lang sat in the chair facing the cabinet of the Federation. He said, “Sir, what I have reported to you just now, is the same as what has been reported to the Galactic Council.”

The president said, “General, you have played a really risky move, at this point. What if something unfortunate happened?”

Shi Lang smiled and said, “Then we would have a bigger reason to get done with these Zergs once and for all. You know that they do not intend to make peace with us or stop their invasive actions. It is very important that we deal with this threat. Holding them back will make them more desperate and when people are desperate they will do something drastic. The final decision lies in your hands, Sir. But if they sent a war invitation first, then I will accept it.”

The cabinet was solemn, after all, there was a big chance that the Zergs will send a war invitation. The president said, “For the past five years, General Edwards was holding them back, we have tried to send scouts inside, but the Zerg army is so massive that going to war with them is just a suicide. Even if we have allies now, we will not be able to match them. What do you think we should do?”

Shi Lang nodded and said, “The galactic council will take a few months to give us a reply. I suggest that we overhaul ourselves and at the same time, ask our person inside the Galactic Council to send in a word that the increasing population of these cannibals will gradually destroy the balance of power in this sector and then the Galactic Council will be at a loss not only members but also the prestige too. They nearly lost an Envoy today, what do you think they will do?”

The words sent a simple message, that Galactic Council has to make a statement. A statement that will leave a deep impression on the slate of time and this galaxy. Thinking about this the president said, “I will see what we can do. I hope you keep the borders safe, General.”

Shi Lang stood up and saluted crisply. Then he said, “Till my last breath, Sir.”

The communication was terminated shortly after. Shi Lang walked out of the cabin and found Hayley. The girl said, “Trick completed. They have reported to the Galactic Council.”

Shi Lang nodded and said, “Let us see, what trick will the Galactic Council will have.”

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