Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Shi Lang issued commands and the teams began to work. The strategy of using a medic as a spotter was very handy. This made the snipers attack and take out a lot of enemy soldiers, who sat behind the big guns.

On the other side, Eric, a top student from the battle class, was leading Group B. Earlier when the group split up they decided to follow one person who will tell them how to execute the commands passed by Shi Lang.

Eric had replied to Shi Lang with an affirmative answer and then he gestured the flanking group. They all moved in wing formation, adapting to a completely trigger-happy role. They were aware that the enemy will not surrender to them so easily, and they still had forty-five minutes to get even deeper into the trenches.

The enemy troops were caught off guard they did not expect the enemy to have more forces to attack them from the slopes on the side. The trenches were dug in the relatively plain base of the valley. The hills were able to hold proper vegetation. This lush treeline was to serve as an obstacle to the large enemy forces.

But small teams can still get through. The Burats were not simple as well, they had rigged the tree lines with landmines. The landmines were all advanced pieces of technology and the EMP burse earlier had turned them into dummy mines.

Shi Lang had told them if they find any ideas that can help them better, they were free to report and execute them. So, as the assaulters opened fire, Eric thought of something and used his communicator, and said, “Group leader, this is Eric. I would like to report something.”

Shi Lang gave him a go and Eric said, “The tree line is rigged with mines, our visors are able to scan it. The mines have become useless after the EMP burst. However, they should still explode if they are shot at. So I plan to do this…”

The two people discussed for two minutes and Eric said, “All the scouts, dig out the mines and make sure that the area is cleared. Spotters will support you all, I want all the mines within a hundred meters in front of me ASAP. Move it.”

The Burats had no idea that their traps were being taken apart and will be used against them. They kept on returning fire and this time some Terrans received casualties. The metal bullets fired from a concealed fifty caliber machine gun were strong enough to shred the tree wood and then injure the Terran soldiers.

There were no life tolls but the soldiers all suffered bruises. Eric was patient and the soldiers were not weak either, they clenched their teeth and fought back. The snipers all returned fire and concentrated on taking out the fifty-caliber machine gun lines. The normal assault rifle carrying enemy was dealt by the assaulters.

Group A had left the snipers behind to make sure they did not get raided from the air. Shi Lang was afraid the enemy might hurl grenades over them as they did.

Erics wait came to an end, he said, “Strength ability Terrans regroup.”

Five people in his whole group of thirty were able to use super strength. Eric said, “Your task is to hurl these mines as far as possible into the enemy trench. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Leader.” said the five troops.

Eric said, “Snipers, you will wait for the mines to descend on the trenches and try to shoot them as close to the enemy as possible. The priority target is the fifty-caliber guns near us. As soon as you take them out, we will charge in for close combat. Understood?”

His ears rang with a positive answer and they executed the commands.

Everyone was able to hear the discussions going on. They were soldiers, they did not speak much, but as group leader, Shi Lang thought it would be better to have the rest of them aware of their next moves was a good idea. This way the cooperation would be better. Jenkins asked, “What do you think?”

Shi Lang said, “The trench is six hundred meters long, spread through one end of the slope to the other end of the slope. Given that a Terran with three-star strength can hurl the object to three hundred meters, with the boost of the strength ability, covering six hundred meters will not be a problem.

They have thirty, fifty caliber machine guns set up in this distance. This can be managed if the snipers could make the bullets count. We might be able to get to the fifth or sixth trench by the time the EMP burst effect ends.”

Jenkins heard his analysis and nodded. Shi Lang turned to check on the others and found Amelia squatting against the wall. He asked, “You okay?”

The girl nodded and said, “Should I sneak in and assassinate the trench commander?”

The trench commander was an officer responsible for the operations inside one trench. Shi Lang shook his head and said, “It is easier to fight an organized attack than a bunch of panicked suicide soldiers. We should not provoke the enemy more than needed. If we found it difficult to advance, then I will let you move and take initiative.”

Amelia nodded and stood up silently. She had never felt such agitation overcoming her mind. Shi Lang patted her shoulder to calm her down. The next moment, an explosion was heard followed by a message in his ears, “Bunk Down.”

The location where the enemy had planted fifty caliber weapons was named Bunk, and this message by a sniper confirmed that they had taken down one such bunk. They had twenty-nine more to deal with. What followed was a series of explosions inside Burat Trenches.josei

Sher-al, the commanding general of the Burat resistance army was standing in his high bunker, overlooking the situation with his obsidian eyes. His subordinate said, “Sir, why are we not firing an EMP bomb too. This will take down their phaser weapons.”

Sher-al clenched his fist and said, “Then what? They fired EMP earlier to disable our mines and sneaked in. During the last few days strifes, our EMP bombs have been reduced greatly. They are still far from a point of no return. Even if I fire an EMP now, they will flee, the men we have lost cannot be brought back. We only have One EMP left, if we used it, then we will have no chance. Just like us, they also have gunpowder weapons. Do you think anyone can conquer our planet so easily?

The leader of this assault force is a wise and strong opponent. Have the troops in the fourth trench to prepare for sacrifice. Seal the entrance to the fifth trench. They will have to come out of the covers, take out as many of them as you can. Burats Rules Eternal.”

The subordinate stood in attention and said, “Burats Rules Eternal.” and walked away to relay the commands.

Den and the officers in the monitoring room were gazing at the screen with a glass of liquor poured in front of each one of them. The old officer said, “When do you plan to tell them that they passed the exam the moment they showed the guts to confront the enemy?”

Yes, the exam was just a test of courage. However, Den actually sent them all into a real fight. The instructor said, “Principal Stevenson said, do not tell them until they cannot take it anymore. However, these bunch of teenagers is holding their end quite strongly.”

The officers nodded. They did not know what the principal of the Federal Star Academy was thinking, but this was indeed beyond their expectation. Not only did the students show, courage, but also, displayed great skills.

They were all working like one person and they were also coming up with solutions to the potential threats. Den was about to take a sip from his glass of sparkling golden liquid when he saw and heard the sound of an explosion and followed by which a series of explosions. His hands froze in mid-air and he gulped.

He said, “Are they really going to slaughter their way in?”

Matthew took down the last bunk after confirming that the target was completely finished. He said, “Group Leader, you are clear to advance.”

Shi Lang from the other side replied, “You are to take a position inside the first trench. We are moving ahead.”

Matthew agreed and moved ahead.

Shi Lang moved forward through the trench connections after he reminded everyone to take caution of tripwires and other traps. They came to the fourth trench and engaged in an attack with the flank team.

The flank team had charged inside as soon as the first bunk on their side was taken down. The two groups working as one were more efficient. However, the Burat soldiers were attacking them without caring to take cover. They all had heavy machine guns. The impact of the bullets was strong and this crazy attack left a lot of Terran soldiers injured with fractures.

Shi Lang asked for the report after clearing the trench, fifteen assaulters out of forty were injured and would need time to rest. Eric rushed over to his side and said, “Sir, the trench connections are sealed.”

Shi Lang frowned and said, “Have the injured move back to the medics. The team leaders will report to me in five minutes we are calling in for a meeting. We have half an hour of EMP burst effect left. Let us make it count.”

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