Ace Of Terrans

Chapter 96

Chapter 96

Shi Lang killed the Administrator, he made sure that the death looks like an accident but still strike fear in the heart of the rest. He turned his head to the lady in white and said, “Thank you for your help.”

The lady chuckled and took down her hood, revealing a head full of black hair. She was beautiful, with an almond face with big eyes. The distinct feature about her was the different colors of her eyes. She said, “Well, it was an easy task compared to the rest, plus I had some account to settle with this guy.”

Shi Lang nodded and using his military communicator he clicked some pictures of the corpse and mailed them to Archie Arkham. He said, “Lady Samara, we should begin the next step.”

The knight sighed and said, “Very well. Get moving.”

Shi Lang nodded and the next step of the plan began.

Three hours after Administrator Marshall had left the command post, a few people were gathered in the control room. They were all the officers, who exploited the natives by exploiting Marshall’s weakness. They all had received a text message from their communicator that address them to gather in the control room.

A man with a slightly crooked nose asked, “What does he want with us?”

The man was not wearing any uniform, he was from a Military Business firm. He was here to ask them what happened. Another person said, “He probably awakened his conscience.”

The people chuckled when suddenly the door of the control room was accessed and the person in question walked inside. Administrator Marshall stood in front of him looking nothing out of the ordinary. Do not be so surprised, this was not Administrator Marshall but Shi Lang, who was doing a white uniform that belonged to the former, and his face was covered by a skin mask prepared earlier by the empress for him.

The people became quiet yet in their eyes, they loathe and disgust was evident. The strength of a Terran could not be detected by naked eyes. As a four-star powerhouse, Shi Lang could adjust the muscle dispositioning of his body to look like Administrator Marshall.

Marshall’s deposition was quite simple, a man of a few words, to keep up the noble pretense. Shi Lang ran his gaze to scan everyone present in the room. The control room should be filled with the soldiers on duty but since the officers of different departments were called here, they left the room to catch a breather.

Shi Lang said, “In the noon, I received a letter. Here it is.”

He fished out a letter from inside the inner right pocket of his coat and handed it to the man standing nearest to him. The person had a hooked nose and sharp gaze, like a hawk. He opened the letter slowly and began to read it out allowed.

“Hello, Administrator.

Hope you are doing well, I would like to bring it to your attention that we have a force for most of your crimes, and also against your people. The evidence is conclusive enough to make you all perish on my homeland.

However, we Xenites believe in benevolence, so, I put forward a choice for you all. Either you all confess openly and commit suicide? Or you all wait for the war to break out. You might think that we have nothing to threaten you, well, you are correct, but know this, we also do not have anything to lose anymore.

You outlanders are causing our future to perish with all your atrocious deeds. Thus, we decided to put an end to this, the council that serves us no longer holds any significance, you have till sunrise. Choose well.

Yours Sincerely,

A troubled native.”

The atmosphere of the control room turned solemn, the people all had unsightly faces. They slowly pointed all their gazes at Marshall. The man stood there calmly and said, “What?”josei

The hooked nose guy said, “Marshall, you are leaving tomorrow, but what about us? Do you know the significance of this threat? If the masses can reach inside the depth of our command base, then we have all the reasons to assume that they have been preparing secretly for this.”

A grumpy middle-aged man with thick eyebrows asked, “What does this signify? Nothing, a bunch of cats trying to go against our mechs? Foolishness, utter foolishness. You are thinking a bit too much Dave. Relax.”

Dave was the hooked nose person and he was Marshall’s adjutant from day one and the two people were friendly enough to forget ranks when discussing something like this. Dave snorted and replied, “Do you have a brain or is it your balls inside your skull? Do you think we have an unlimited supply of ammunition? When the masses rage forward, the use of bullets and any physical violence will only make us war criminals.

Their government has surrendered and this is not done by them, do you really wish to kill enraged civilians and have the government turn against us as well? Wake up Sasha, this is not a war zone.”

Shi Lang said, “What Dave says is correct. We cannot initiate any attacks, or the higher command will charge us with genocide and you all know the punishment for that. However, Sasha, you can defend the base with mechs, I will give you the command letter in the morning.”

They were a group of six people. Marshall, the Administrator.

Dave, the right hand of the Administrator, Chief Adjutant.

Sasha, the head of Mech division stationed on the base.

Darius, the logistics in charge of the base.

The other two people were the deputies of the scout division. They were responsible for monitoring the masses. The two people were twin brothers, Xer and Shin.

The last two were timider than the rest and Shin said, “I have been mentioning to you all that the masses are being a bit too quiet lately, this could be the calm before the strength, yet you all did not heed our reports.”

Sasha scoffed and said, “Shut up kid. You are here telling us that what we do is wrong? Did you forget how you two paired up to rape that native girl together at the same time? Preach only when you are free of sin. Otherwise, you can shut up.”

Shin clenched his jaw and Xer narrowed his gaze at the middle-aged man as he said, “We raped her, yes, and what about you? Did you forget how the village in block z vanished overnight after you took a walk there, in your mech? You are a sadist bastard, okay, our sins look like an act of stealing candies in comparison to you.”

Shi Lang was shocked to hear all this. The people were pointing fingers at each other, calling out their sins. The protagonist was thankful that he came prepared. The whole scene was being broadcasted to the person responsible for this sector directly, and the people did not know anything about it.

Before any of this began, Shi Lang had relayed his plan to Archie Arkham and asked for the cooperation of the leaders above. This way they will be able to gather evidence and give an explanation back home. The citizens of the federation were all sensitive about the deaths of their people outside in the sea of stars. Shi Lang helped the frontier forces to provide the people back home with an explanation.

No one will raise chaos now. The higher command was aware that Administrator Marshall had already passed away and these five will be soon given a judgment on the spot. The trigger or it all lied in the letter, the second letter was done by Samara, on Shi Lang’s instruction. He had used the clothes and face mask of Marshall, he also covered the marks of the mask with nanobots.

Shi Lang did not stop the people from arguing and calmly waited. In the vision of the other five, he was just a sex-hungry bastard and nothing much. As the argument became heated, Shi Lang relaxed more. He was enraged to the point where killing these people was the last thing on his mind, he wanted to make them beg.

He walked behind the command desk and after opening the drawer he took out a bottle of spirit from the cabinet and a few glasses, this was their daily routine, they would share a drink in the name of reporting. He made everyone a drink while keeping an eye on the people. He added a little something in the drink to make it nice for them.

The people were not paying attention to him they were at each other’s necks. Shi Lang took a deep breath and smacked the table hard. The voice attracted the people and they all turned silent all of a sudden.

Shi Lang said, “Pick up the glasses, we are in this together, it is not the time to turn against each other. We need to think.” as he sat down on the chair with a glass in his hand. Other people also hesitated and glared at each other for a bit before they picked up the glasses and sipped on the spirits slowly.

Suddenly, Dave sniffed and before he could react, Shin and Xer fell to the ground. Sasha followed them next, with Darius and Dave, the adjutant gazed at Shi Lang and asked, “Why?” before he lost consciousness.

Shi Lang stood up and said, “For fun, I guess.”

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