Acquired the Scam Rune in the Academy

Chapter 116

Chapter 116

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The sudden intervention of the Clan <Judgement of Fire> and <Royals>.

It was a bit bewildering, but I could understand.

Of course, the forbidden Holders of each clan had all joined <Anti-Villain>.

If you had to name the big shots among the first year students, two names would be mentioned without fail.

Kang Juyeon and Moon Ga-eun.

One was the only daughter of a clan master, and the other was the daughter of someone who was practically the clan’s power broker, even if not the master.

The fact that they had joined a circle with the slogan of ‘opposing villains’ was bound to worry each of their clans.

Thanks to that, it seemed they had publicly announced their support for our clan.

“And I think their interests happen to align to some extent.”

“Their interests?”

When I asked about Professor Kim Myeong-hyun’s words, he nodded.

“Hasn’t the Villain clan been quite active lately? Not just individual crimes, but a lot of clan-level movements. Like the recent attempted assault on the <Judgement of Fire> clan.”


I understood right away.

A forest covered by snakes.

The <Villain> clan had attempted to raid the discovered dungeon that the <Judgementof Fire> clan had prepared meticulously.

It was a large-scale raid with spy Min Chae-hwan and clan members from the <Villain> clan’s Gangnam branch.

It was an incident I had directly experienced with Hunting Team 5.

Thanks to <Judgement of Fire>’s wise and proper response, the attempt was thwarted, but it had been quite the topic in society.

Even for the notoriously reckless <Villain> clan, outright trying to infringe on another major clan’s interests like this was extremely rare.

‘The clans have also become more wary.’

So after that, the vigilance of major and mid-sized domestic clans towards the <Villain> clan had strengthened.

The fact that <Judgement of Fire> and <Royals> were supporting the academy circle this time was also likely part of that wary stance.

In Moon Ga-eun’s case it was even more so.

Having directly endured Kim Do-yoon’s assault in the same place as me, it would be strange for the <Royals> not to be pissed.

In a way, this incident was also the <Villain> clan making the first move against the <Royals>.

…Even if unintended.

“Either way, it’s great fortune for our circle.”

Two of the top three domestic clans supporting an academy circle?

Looking back at the history of the Holder Society and the academy, cases like this were practically unheard of.

It was the most ideal situation for running a circle.

Professor Kim Myeong-hyun also nodded with a smile.

“That’s right. So Holder Do Jae-hyun, don’t worry about external factors and just focus on running the circle. My intuition is… our circle will be able to accomplish great things.”

“Yes, Professor.”

After that brief conversation with Professor Kim Myeong-hyun.

We returned to the circle room.

Taking a moment to chat and then coming back, at some point all the recruited members had gathered.

Faces I hadn’t seen earlier like Kang Juyeon and Moon Ga-eun were also there on one side.

I lightly nodded to them in greeting and went to the middle of the conference room to take the mic.

“To the members gathered for the newly established Anti-Villain circle… Nice to meet you all. I’m a first year student, Do Jae-hyun, who established and became president of Anti-Villain.”

Clap, clap, clap, clap-

As I broke the ice, thunderous applause sounded.

Never having stood in a position like this or taken on a big title before, my heart somehow fluttered.

Now that I had resolved to make changes, I had to take responsibility for my actions.

Bearing that heaviness and slight trembling, I continued speaking.

“First, before introducing the members and outlining the circle’s blueprint, I’ll introduce the professor overseeing our circle. He’s a former Combat professor, Professor Kim Myeong-hyun.”

Clap, clap, clap, clap-

Once again, applause filled the conference room as Professor Kim Myeong-hyun smiled and took the mic handed to him.

“Yes, nice to meet you all. I’m Professor Kim Myeong-hyun.”

Professor Kim Myeong-hyun calmly looked over each of the members gathered in the conference room.

“As you know, I have classes to teach and personal matters that keep me busy, so I don’t have a lot of time. But since this was our circle’s first meeting, I felt I had to come. Since there might be members who don’t know my face as the advisor.”

Professor Kim Myeong-hyun smiled warmly.

His conversation skill really seemed unfair.

The professor’s unique benevolent impression and way of speaking politely even to students.

Listening to that, I found myself absentmindedly nodding along to his words.

That’s why nice-looking people with kind faces were so persuasive no matter what they said.josei

“I’ve already briefly received information about the member students, so I know most of you. So if you have any questions related to the circle or suggestions, please let me know through Holder Do Jae-hyun. As the advisor professor, I’ll consider any reasonable opinions positively.”

He then briefly concluded his words.

“I, and the academy as well… we have a lot of interest in our circle, externally and internally. Even though it’s a circle made by students, I think that’s exactly why you can produce more meaningful results. So I hope the fellow students also take pride and work hard on circle activities. Well then, I’ll leave the remaining proceedings to Holder Do Jae-hyun and take my leave.”

Clap, clap, clap, clap-

Brief and concise introduction and explanation.

Unlike most veteran professors, Professor Kim Myeong-hyun neatly finished speaking and left the conference room.

He probably wanted to stay until the end of the first circle meeting, but it was a miracle that such a busy professor at the start of the semester had come this far.

He must’ve barely made time.

After giving him thanks, I took back the mic.

“Okay, let’s now start the first meeting and conference of the Anti-Villain circle. First, since we don’t know each other well, I want to introduce the members.”

I first looked at the female student sitting right next to me.

She was Yoon Ji-ah, the only 3rd year among our circle’s members.

Yoon Ji-ah nodded at my gaze and stood up from her seat.

“Hello. I’m a 3rd year Mage, Yoon Ji-ah.”


Wow, wow….

It really is senior Yoon Ji-ah….

With her brief introduction, admiration filled the conference room.

Yoon Ji-ah was a quite famous student at the academy.

A president who had led the large circle <Flame Dance> since 2nd year, a Mage evaluated as the most mature among the current student Holders, noticeably beautiful looks, etc…

Even 1st years entering 2nd semester knew her, so the reputation she had built at the academy over 3 years was considerable.

And that Yoon Ji-ah had left <Flame Dance> and joined the newly established <Anti-Villain> circle.

Naturally, the other members couldn’t help but be surprised.

“As some of you know, Senior Yoon Ji-ah was the president of Flame Dance, an upper year Holder, until just a few days ago. Thankfully after leaving Flame Dance, she has joined our circle. The experience and know-how she has accumulated leading a large circle will play a big role as our new Anti-Villain circle moves forward, I believe.”

Clap, clap, clap, clap-

As I introduced her and Yoon Ji-ah slightly bowed her head, thunderous applause sounded in the conference room.

…It was louder than for Professor Kim Myeong-hyun.

The member introductions continued after her.

The number of members recruited for the establishment of <Anti-Villain> was 22 total.

Among them, Yoon Ji-ah was the only 3rd year, and the remaining 21 were made up of 2nd and 1st years.

There were a lot of names I was hearing for the first time among the 2nd year members.

Many who had joined <Anti -Villain> boldly for their own reasons, or personal grudges, and some who had entered after only seeing Yoon Ji-ah’s name confirmed for the circle.

That’s how the 8 2nd year members had gathered.

The remaining 13 members were all 1st years.

‘And among the 1st years… so many big shots gathered.’

As I started introducing the 1st years, I was amazed internally.

Students who were a hot topic in the year, students ranked at the top with outstanding grades, students drawing external interest as well…

Truly various and highly-skilled students had gathered.

“Ahem. I’m Park Jin-woo.”

“I’m Kim Chae-eun-“

First was Park Jin-woo, who had joined the circle per our agreement, and Kim Chae-eun, who had directly suffered harm from the <Villain> clan at the academy.

Both were talents who had been promoted to upper classes after just one semester.

Including me, we were the 1st years rumored to have the fastest growth.

“1st year Mage, Kang Juyeon.”

“Hello, I’m Moon Ga-eun.”

And the ones whose involvement had led the <Judgement of Fire> and <Royals> clans to intervene.

Kang Juyeon and Moon Ga-eun.

From academy enrollment until now, they were the most popular and attention-grabbing students.

If there were 2nd years who had entered the circle after seeing Yoon Ji-ah, there were 1st years who had entered after seeing these two.

That wasn’t all.

“…Ji Yoon-jae.”

There was also Ji Yoon-jae, a Holder whose expression management seemed especially lacking today.

He ranked second among the 1st year Assassins.

With this, you could say we had gathered all the major direct combat head students.


After introducing the five key members, I quietly looked at one side of the conference room.

A student with a sharp face and hair down to his eyes, giving off a gloomy aura.

To the other members, he was likely the most unexpected member.

“I’m Lee Hyun-ho.”

He was the son of the top domestic Blacksmith, and the top Blacksmith at the academy.

Lee Hyun-ho of the Specialist class 1st years.

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