Adopted Soldier

Chapter 196

Chapter 196

Chapter 196

Alex who expended too much energy in the fight sat down at the edge of the spring . He wasn’t sure what had happened in the end, but hearing Lyner tell him that they won surprised him .

There were a lot of coincidences that happened, and Lyner wasn’t even taking it seriously for the first nineteen minutes .

Also even though he said he was taking it seriously near the end, he wasn’t really trying to kill them or anything his only objective was to capture them . The difficulty of killing a target and capturing a target were totally different .

Killing a target was easier since one can do that even if he is weaker than the target, since there are a lot of factors in killing, like equipment, location, weather, and other such details . If everything was placed in the right order even an untrained child could somehow kill Alex .

Yet capturing a person was a different matter, especially if the other party is even trying to kill you . The person trying to capture the other party would have to be stronger than the other party . Not to mention Lyner was going easy on the two even though he was saying he got serious .

There were many restrictions to the current Lyner which is why he couldn’t really go all out, but even with that Lyner felt satisfied . Alex, Matthew, Oliver, and his own disciple Niel, while Lyner was fighting he suddenly thought of the future of this four . Once the four of them have matured and gain enough experience, would his wish finally be granted?

That wish to fight an amazing battle and die in the most glorious way possible . Lyner smiled his ever vicious smile as he thought of that future . The strongest merc of Berdonia in truth wasn’t just looking for a fight . He was also looking for a place to die .

Yet the death he seeks was a death that was gained after a glorious battle . A battle that would make him use all his resources, all his strength, all his cunning, until he used everything in his being, and even by using all that he would still lose, and die, he wanted that kind of death . Lyner who has traveled to every battlefield he could find has never found the fight he so craved . Yet now seeing the two teens and the others he finally so a glimpse of his end .

. . .

While Alex and Matthew were resting, Lilitth was having a difficult time at school . The reason being that Niki was still very depressed because of her brother’s injury and no matter how hard Lilitth tried to cheer her up she just wouldn’t .

Lilitth didn’t know what else to do, seeing her best friend like that made Lilitth depressed as well . Seeing the two cute girls being depressed made the surrounding people depressed as well . It was lunch time and what usually was a time for eating and chatting with friends turned into something gloomy .

Lilitth tried to talk to her, but she would only respond with a yes and that’s it . Lilitth didn’t know what else to do . It was at this moment Sarah Resti the art teacher approached the two .

"What’s troubling you two?"

Lilitth and Niki who were being depressed look at the new arrival and said nothing .

"I don’t know what’s happening to you two, but if you want to tell me I’ll listen to your problems . You never know your teacher could be able to solve your problems . "

Sarah smiled at the two little girls trying to comfort them . Feeling a bit more comfortable Niki finally spoke about her problems to the teacher .

. . .

Kyle who was watching from afar while listening in on the conversation between the students and teacher smiled . She was much better than he expected her to be . It was at that moment Kyle decided to approach Sarah once he was done with this lousy bodyguard mission .

. . .

Lyner left the two teens while they were resting . He was now on his way back to the school, as he started thinking . That fight brought about a lot of memories, some were good the others were bad . While thinking about this Lyner couldn’t help but smile at his own foolishness .

’I guess I truly am a coward . . . Hehehe, I hated that word so much that I keep on denying it, but in the end, the truth is I was coward back then and I am a coward now . . . I already killed the man responsible for that incident but . . . ’

Lyner who was still weak back in the day was once part of a squad of young mercs . They did some small jobs here and there, until they finally felt like they could do a bigger mission . The mission was simple enough they just needed to accompany a newly made squad .

They were suppose to be something like escorts for the new squad, so that they could get a feel of the battlefield . At first Lyner and his companions didn’t find anything suspicious with the newly made squad . They acted like any new squad would act and asked questions any new squad would ask . josei

So with how good their acting was, Lyner and his group were unable to see the trap that lay ahead . After passing by a certain area the members of the newly form squad started to snicker and before Lyner and his group could react, they were surrounded .

A man from the group the group that just arrived stepped forward and without saying anything he smiled a sadistic smile as he signaled his men to attack . The group that arrived were made of B rank mercs, they were too strong for Lyner and his companions .

Lyner who saw his companions being killed one by one, saw that they were looking at him their looks seem to be telling him something . They look like they were asking why Lyner was not doing anything why was he just standing there . Lyner at that time was so scared, and when he saw an opening he ran .

As he was running away he heard the leader of the group who attacked them speak . "Are you just going to leave your comrades like that? . . . Well whatever it’s boring to kill cowards like you anyway . HAHAHAHA!"

Lyner didn’t stop running as he heard that craze laugh of the man .

. . .

Lyner who had escaped with his life, immediately regretted his decision . He was human scum! He left his companions to die and run away to save his own skin without even hesitating . The crazed man was right he was a coward .

It was at that moment Lyner decided something .

"I swear on your souls I will avenge you all! Curse me, hate me, and haunt me until my life ends! If that is what you guys wish then so be it! I will accept it all!"

Lyner suddenly shouted at the surrounding area where no one was there to hear his oath . It was at this moment the start of his journey for vengeance began .

. . .

Lyner after a year of training in the battlefield by fighting many life and death battles was finally able to kill the squad that massacred his companions . He even made the leader die in the most horrible way possible .

Once he was done with his vengeance he still felt empty . He didn’t know what to do next . . . While thinking about what to do, Lyner thought about killing himself . But stopped that train of thought, since his companions even if they hated him to the core wouldn’t want him to do that . He didn’t want to die a coward’s death . Doing so would just prove the crazed man was right . It was at that moment Lyner realized something .

’I don’t want to die a coward’s death, then I’ll find a way to die in the most glorious way possible . That way when I meet those guys again I’ll be able to give them a story, not of the cowardly Lyner that fled to save his life, but a story about the brave Lyner who fought with everything he had and died a glorious death . ’

It was a foolish thing to look for, but Lyner was that kind of foolish person . He at that moment onward roamed around from battlefield to battlefield, trying to find the best fight he could find and in the end meet his glorious demise .

But no matter how hard he looked he couldn’t find it, not only that as he fought so many battles his strength was now on a different level . It was getting harder to find the end he wished for, until finally there were no more opponents left to fight .

It was at that point Lyner gave up and just waited for the end in some school, bored out of his mind . Until a day came when a student appeared before him, once again reminding him of that long forgotten dream of his .

. . .

Lyner who was thinking back to that past he wanted to forget, chuckled at his foolishness .

’It was such a foolish dream of someone trying to run away from a past that only he remembers . Thinking back to it now, I was just scared of dying and created a reason to keep on living . ’

Lyner looked at the bright blue sky and felt refreshed as he finally accepted that long forgotten past . He knew it was those kids that made him confront this scar from the past . With his experience now, Lyner could finally accept what he had done then . Those eyes that used to haunt him the eyes of his dead companions, now felt like they were showing a different meaning now .

Most probably his companions were looking at him in worry and wanted him to escape . He was just angry at himself from escaping that he just assumed that his companions were angry at him as well .

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