Adopted Soldier

Chapter 200

Chapter 200

Chapter 200

While Evangeline was talking to Niel, Rachel was having a hard time with Alex and Lilitth . After the three of them accompanied Niki back home, the siblings started to keep on telling Rachel that she needed to go home with the two of them .

Rachel couldn’t say anything to the two, since she already agreed some time ago that she would go home with them, and her family wasn’t much help either . It was like they wanted to give her away to Alex . Still she wanted to stall them for as long as possible, since her heart wasn’t ready yet . If she stays at Alex’s home, what about his parents’, are they okay with this? . . .

’ Wait a minute . . . Oh right, his parents’ surely they wouldn’t approve that their young son would suddenly bring home a girl and make her stay . ’

The moment Rachel thought of this, she immediately asked Alex .

"Hey, Alex how about your parents? Are they okay with me living there?"

"Don’t worry about that, it’s just me my sister, the maids, and the butlers that are home . "

That was a dead end, Rachel tried thinking of other ways to convince Alex, but before she could think of any they already reached her house . In front of her house were her brothers and her mother . They even brought her suitcase, which was fully packed .

"Here I packed everything you could possibly need . Have a great time honey . " Kumiko smiled at her daughter as she handed her the suitcase .

"I hope you don’t forget about us sis . "

"Yeah, don’t forget to visit us . "

"I will miss you sis . "

Even Rachel’s three brothers were there to bid her goodbye .

"What the hell! Are you guys really my family?! I am your one and only daughter, and you guys I’m your one and only sister! If that deadbeat of a father was here, he wouldn’t have allowed this!"

"You misunderstood us honey . We are not giving you away, we’re protecting you . We all know that it’s much safer in Alex’s house than ours . We love you and we don’t want you to go, you should know that . We’re just thinking about what’s best for you . "

kumiko hugged her daughter tightly as she said this . Rachel pushed her away and answered her mother . "I would really like to believe in what you just said, but seeing you guys smile so widely like that makes me think otherwise . "

Kumiko and her sons were unable to stop themselves from smiling . Right now all four of them had wide grins on their faces .

"You know about tears of joy right? Well this is a smile of sadness . " Joseph the eldest among the siblings made an excuse and everybody went onboard with it .

"Yeah that’s right, we are so sad that smiling is just a mask we put on to not make you worry . "

"That’s right deep down inside the four of us are already crying . "

" . . . Whatever, just give me that . " Rachel took the suitcase from her mother, and spoke to Alex .

"Let’s just go . " Rachel moved away from her irritating family, while Alex stood in front of Kumiko and her sons .

"Take care of her for us Alex . " Kumiko smiled gently at Alex as she said this . She might like to joke around with her daughter, but she and her sons were truly worried about her .

"Leave her to me . I will protect her with my life . " After talking to Kumiko, Alex with Lilitth at hand followed Rachel who was already a few blocks away .

"Do you even know where you’re going?" Alex who caught up with Rachel asked .

"Not really I just wanted to get away, and make a dramatic exit . "

"Don’t be to angry with them, they really are worried for you . " Alex still had the same stoic expression as well as the same indifferent tone of voice, but the content of what he was saying was not the same as before . He was growing, which really shocked Rachel, but at the same time, made her feel proud .

"I already know that they are worried about me . . . "

"Then why did you act that way? Like you didn’t know . "

"That’s just the way we are . They know, I know already . . . Since we’re family . "

. . .

When the three arrived in Alex’s mansion, Rachel who once again in front of the huge mansion was amazed . Last time she was here, she couldn’t take it all in, but now that she looked at it properly, it seem bigger than she remembered, and this was only the front .

Once the three entered the mansion a row of butlers, and maids were lined up to greet the three of them .

"Welcome back, young master, young mistress, and lady Rachel . " When Rachel heard the greetings of the butlers and maids, she was overwhelmed, but then she noticed a minor detail . She went close to Alex and asked in a whisper .

"They know who I am?"

"You did visit last time, also the people that work in the mansion knows every person that I’m acquainted with . "

While Alex and Rachel were talking a maid was suddenly appeared beside Rachel .

"Lady Rachel, let me help you with your luggage, and please follow me to the room we had prepared for you . "

"No need I will be the one to show her the room . " When the maid heard what Alex said, she bowed her head .

"As you wish young master . " After saying this she went back in line with the other maids . Alex without asking Rachel took hold of her luggage and walked onward with Lilitth still holding his hand .

Rachel who was usually more outspoken than this couldn’t get a word in . She just stood there confused as to what was happening .

"Rachel please follow me, I’ll show you to your room . " Rachel who was in a daze, got a hold of herself when she heard Alex’s voice and followed him .

. . .

"Here is your room . If you need anything just dial zero one on the phone over there and a maid will come to cater to your needs . Don’t be shy and just tell them whatever you need, the maids will give it to you . So for now we’ll just leave you here so that you can settle in . Dinner will be ready in about thirty minutes . "

When Alex was done saying this he left the room alongside Lilitth . While he was speaking Rachel still couldn’t say anything, since everything was happening so fast, and she was unprepared to see this kind of room .

She and her family once stayed at a five star hotel, and the room she slept in was a presidential suite . That room cannot even be compared to the room Alex had prepared for her . There was a Caesar size bed in the middle of the room . The whole room was decorated with beautiful paintings that seem to be extremely expensive, the window at the side was an exaggerated large window . josei

There was even a private bathroom for her . The bathroom was even bigger than her own room, and their was tub, but it size was pretty much the same as a small pool . There was even a fountain that was a statue of a lion .

When Rachel looked at the other things in the room, she saw that the closet was another room, that was the same size as her actual room back home . It was filled with branded clothes, bags, and shoes . Aside from that, there was a large OLED TV, in front of the bed, and in the corner of the room there was a whole corner just for putting make-up on .

Rachel knew Alex was rich, but she didn’t know Alex was this rich .

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