Adopted Soldier

Chapter 207

Chapter 207

Chapter 207

Oliver and Sayaka instead of going on a regular date were training in Ken’s residence again . The two had more fun training swordsmanship together, than going to the mall, or watching a movie . Ken seeing the two students of his smiling happily as they improve in such a fast pace made him feel excited . At this pace they could probably fight Ryu’s student after a year or so . That is if they fought using just swordsmanship .

. . .

While the three of them were having their training routine someone was watching them from a distance . This man was none other than Specter from the Shadow Mercenaries . He couldn’t believe his eyes, as he saw a dead man was right in front of him training .

Though the demeanor has changed as well as the size of his body, but that face and the birthmark he had on his left hand as well as Specters feeling of familiarity . His instincts were telling him that the person he was watching was none other than his comrade James Bourne .

Specter wanted to approach Oliver, he wanted to talk to his friend that he thought had died, but he couldn’t . He knew that Margie and Phil would be monitoring the situation, they might have set a trap if someone form the Shadow Mercenaries made contact with Oliver .

’First I need to find the two traitors . Then I’ll find out what the hell have they done to James . ’ After thinking this, Specter disappears from the mountain .

. . .

The ten subordinates of Alex who were given numbers instead of names, were with some of the maids and butlers from the mansion . They were ordered by Alex to find out what had happened to his Instructor that was suppose to come to the mansion and help protect Rachel .

This was the first mission the ten were given after becoming Alex’s subordinates . Deep inside they were really excited but their outer appearance displayed no emotion whatsoever . Alex had trained them not to show any expression on their faces no matter the situation, since facial expression might show ones intent .

Alex even trained them to withstand all kinds of torture . Now they knew what it means to beg for death . Alex’s way of torturing without killing made the idea of hell feel like paradise, just remembering those times made the ten Harimas shiver in fear . Now that training to withstand torture was over, even if the enemy force catches them and tortures them continuously they wouldn’t talk .

The ten Harimas plus the maids and butlers that accompanied them had finally reach their destination . It was a condominium where Instructor Jay was staying at, and it was also the last place anyone has seen him .

. . .

The group went into the missing instructor’s room and did a thorough search . There wasn’t anything out of place, and they found no signs of a struggle . Based on the information given to them by Alex, Instructor Jay was a very strong merc whose specialty was the usage of wires as a combat weapon . He was an A rank merc, it was unthinkable for him to get captured or killed without a struggle . He was even a very cautious man who made a lot of backup plans just in case something happens .

One of the maids then showed number 1 the footage of the day Instructor Jay disappeared . Of course it was just a shot from outside the room . Number 1 saw Instructor Jay enter his room at 13:45 and never left .

No one came close to the room nor did anyone pass by, which was weird since there were five more people on this floor . How could they not have pass by Jay’s room for that whole day? Number 1 then told one of the maids to ask the neighboring people, what they were doing on that day .

"Bribe them, threaten them, do whatever you must to get an answer . " Number 1 said this with an indifferent tone . This was also part of Alex’s teachings . When the maid heard the order she saluted Number 1 and left the room .

The Harimas didn’t like to return to Alex without any leads about Jay . That would make their first mission a failure, and learning that their commanding officer has never failed a mission made them think that they too should be able to do the same . Alex wasn’t just their commanding officer but he was their teacher as well, and they didn’t want to disappoint their teacher by failing the very first mission that was given to them .

After a short wait the maid that went out to question the neighbors returned . It seem like all of them were given a free two day pass in an exclusive spa for that day and the next . Obviously seeing as it was free all of them decided to go .

Number 1 hearing this information almost frowned . It was obvious that whoever dealt with Jay wanted no one their on that day .

"How did they receive the pass?"

"They received an anonymous letter a day before . We asked if they still had their letters but they have thrown it away . "

"Do you have any information about the spa they visited?"

"Yes sir . "

"I want you to go there and asked about the five that went there . I want you to see if they know anything about who gave them the two day free pass . "

"Yes sir!" The maid saluted and was about to leave but before she could do so, number 1 spoke .

"Wait a minute . Are you sure that there was no tampering done on the footage?"

"Yes Sir . We have double checked on that and no tampering has been done to the video, we are certain of that . "

"Very well, you may leave . " The maid saluted again and left the room .

Number 1 was a bit frustrated there were no clues whatsoever . The only thing that resembled a clue was the two day pass given to the other residents on the day Jay disappeared . If they get nothing out of that, then they have nothing else . josei

The ten of them started to feel a bit scared as well, what kind of fresh hell will Alex show them if they failed this mission . They strengthened their hearts as they thought about this .

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