Adored Koi in the ’70s

Chapter 148

Chapter 148

Luo Jun Liang had been running outside with his mentor for more than a week.

A friend of their mentor took a case. Mentor took him and another classmate to help and do an internship while they were at it.

The case was tricky. It hadn't been an easy week for them.

As the saying goes, read ten thousand volumes of books and travel ten thousand miles. The knowledge in the books was one dimension. Only when one applies it flexibly in real life can one truly master this knowledge.

When he first arrived at their destination, he called back once. It was Dong He who answered the phone. He asked if everything was alright at home. Dong He assured him that it was fine. He needn't worry.

Later, it got busier. He didn't have the mind to call back.

What he never expected was return and be told his wife almost had a miscarriage and his mom was in hospital due to being bitten by a wild dog on the butt!

As he hurried home from school, he was stopped by Elder Sister Lan.

Elder Sister Lan told him what happened that day. Afterward, she sighed: "I say Young Liang, don't blame Elder Sister for talking too much. You really need to handle this matter well. If you don't handle it carefully, your husband and wife relationship might become uncertain! "

Though Qiao Dong He had a weak personality, people like Qiao Family will definitely not let their granddaughter be bullied in vain.

If Luo Jun Liang didn't handle it well, maybe Qiao Family will force the couple to divorce. Even if they don't get divorced, there will definitely be knots in their hearts!

Luo Jun Liang solemnly nodded: "Thank you Elder Sister Lan. I know what to do!"

After he finished speaking, he turned and walked out of the compound.

At this moment, a fire was burning in his heart. He was mad that his mom was restless. He was angry that he was too inattentive. It almost killed Dong He and their child!

After his mom came, his mom never made it difficult for Dong He in front of him. Dong He's complexion did become worse. He asked her a few times and she said it was all right and it was normal for pregnant women.

He didn't know much about the process and appearance during pregnancy. Plus, he had to prepare for a business trip during that time as well as a lot of materials. Apart from sleeping, he almost spent all the rest of the time in the library.

Later, Dong He didn't gain weight. Instead, she became thinner. After he noticed, he wanted to take her to the hospital. But she refused. She insisted that she was fine.

Hearing her say that, he thought she really was.

If only he had put more effort into inquiring. If only he had made up his mind to send his mom back to his hometown. Then the miscarriage would never have happened!

Thinking of this, he raised his hand and slapped himself hard!

Laying it bare, he was running away. After all, one was his wife and the other was his own mom. No matter which side he stood on, he would hurt the other side.

So when they painted a harmonious illusion for him, he didn't pursue it out of fear of the truth despite sensing something was wrong!


He slapped himself again!

The passers-by looked at him as if they were looking at a lunatic. Their eyes filled with fear. They all quickened their pace and ran away.

Luo Jun Liang couldn't be bothered with other people's eyes.

He went to the hospital first and asked the doctor if his mom's situation was life-threatening.

After all, if one got bitten by a dog and got infected with rabies, they probably won't survive.

Fortunately, the doctor told him that his mother was just infected with some germs. Not rabies. Still, she had to stay in the hospital for another two or three days before she could be discharged.

Luo Jun Liang breathed a sigh of relief. Then he turned around and walked out of the hospital.

At this time, he didn't plan to go in to see his mom. If he did, forget about coming out today.

After coming out of the hospital, he went to second branch's courtyard dwelling.

He guessed that Dong He probably didn't go back to her maternal family's first branch. Mainly due to her mom.

Thinking of this, he deeply sighed.

Both of them had a difficult mom!


When he reached the courtyard dwelling's gate, he felt very uneasy. He didn't know how Grandfather and Grandmother would treat him later.

But no matter what, he endured it.

He took a deep breath, raised his hand and rang the doorbell. After a minute, someone came to open the door.

The person who opened the door was none other than the one he was most afraid of,

Qiao Xiu Zhi.

Seeing Luo Jun Liang, Qiao Xiu Zhi coldly uttered, "You're finally back!"

Luo Jun Liang's heart thumped. He braced himself, "I'm sorry Grandmother. I'm here to apologize!"

Qiao Xiu Zhi glanced behind him: "Apologize? Why don't I see that?"

Luo Jun Liang instantly felt like death was breathing on his neck: "It's my fault. I'll find some chaste tree branches now!"

Qiao Xiu Zhi coldly uttered, "Come in to talk!"

Although there weren't many people around the courtyard dwelling, it wasn't proper to stand at the door and talk.

Seeing that she was still willing to let him in, Luo Jun Liang was greatly relieved. He hurriedly walked in with fruits and various supplements.

Qiao Xiu Zhi took him to the living room. Not a glance was given to the things he brought. She spoke, "Sit down, don't stand. Standing like this, I have to look up at you!"

Luo Jun Liang hurriedly sat down on the chair opposite her like a well-behaved good student.

Qiao Xiu Zhi indifferently stated, "You must already know about Dong He and your mom. Tell me what your plans are!"

Under her gaze, Luo Jun Liang felt cold sweats were about to break out on his forehead: "Grandmother, I went to the hospital to consult the doctor before I came. The doctor said my mom will be discharged in two or three days. After she is discharged, I will bring her back to hometown. Afterward, never let her come over again!"

Qiao Xiu Zhi didn't let him off because of this: "What if she sneaks over like this time in the future? She is your mom. You can't really drive her to the street, right?"

The cold sweat on Luo Jun Liang's forehead finally broke out: "Grandmother, this problem is giving me a headache. Please teach me!"

Qiao Xiu Zhi shook her head: "It's impossible for me to give you any advice on this kind of thing, because she is your own mom. If anything happens to her because of my suggestion, can you guarantee that you won't hate me for it? And won't hold a grudge toward Dong He for it?"

Luo Jun Liang was silent.

He couldn't guarantee it.

Human nature was inherently selfish. He wasn't a despicable person, but if that happens, he may not be able to control some of the dark emotions in his heart.

Qiao Xiu Zhi said: "You can give me the answer to this question later. But you must solve the matter. Otherwise I will get Dong He divorce you!"

Many people said that she was a strong-willed and selfish mother who always forced her children to divorce. In fact, she only intervened in Qiao Zhen Jun and Fang Xiao Juan's marriage. The divorce of Qiao Hong Xia and Qiao Zhen Min was decided by themselves.

As for why she intervened in Qiao Zhen Jun's marriage. It was because Fang Xiao Juan did something that hurt Qiao Family and stepped on her bottom line. On top of that, Qiao Zhen Jun's character was indecisive. So she decided to intervene.

This time with Qiao Dong He was the same reason. Importantly, Qiao Dong He's character was too cowardly. Since she can't make a decision, she will help her make a decision!

As for remarriage and encountering another strange family after divorce, that will be a matter of the future.

That was how life was. Encountering trouble and solving trouble. That was why she will never lose hope in life.

When Luo Jun Liang heard this, his brows furrowed tightly: "Grandmother, I understand. I will sort it out and give everyone a satisfactory answer!"

Qiao Xiu Zhi nodded: "Dong He is in the guest room. Go see her."

Only then, Luo Jun Liang stood up and walked out. When he reached the door, he let out a big breath and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

When facing his mentor, the pressure wasn't this great!


When Qiao Dong He knew Luo Jun Liang was coming as soon as he arrived.

Her emotion was in a mess.

From the mishap to the discharge from the hospital, it was her family and Huo Family who were helping her. While the main culprit that caused her almost miscarriage, never went to the hospital once. Not once to see her. Let alone apologize!

For her, her grandparents had to rush back from their hometown. Younger Sister Da Qiao dirty her hands because of her. Auntie Fang ran up and down for her every day.

She was moved, guilt-stricken, and hated her own uselessness. If she hadn't been too cowardly, she wouldn't have let things turn into this situation!

After Luo Jun Liang came in, he saw that she looked better than when she was at home. While being relieved, he felt extremely guilty at the same time.

He walked over and grasped her hand, "Dong He, I did you and our child wrong. I should have sent my mom back long ago!"

Qiao Dong He struggled a few times but couldn't break free. Afterward, no more resistance.

To be honest, she was internally complaining that Luo Jun Liang wasn't attentive enough. Still, the majority of the problem was herself.

She asked herself many times during this process. She hid the truth of the matter for the bigger picture. She thought that her concession would definitely move Mother Luo. Reality gave her a slap in the face!

So in this matter, the couple each deserved fifty boards strike!

But after this time, she won't let herself go soft again. If she goes on like this, she will really lose her closest relatives!

Like her grandmother, she questioned Luo Jun Liang's next step.

Luo Jun Liang said that he would resolve the matter within a week and give her a satisfactory answer. Then, he'll get her to go home with him.

However, Qiao Dong He shook her head: "I won't go back with you until you settle the matter. If you can't satisfy me and my family, I will never go back with you in this life!"

Luo Jun Liang was a little anxious. He couldn't help but tighten his grip: "Dong He, you want to divorce me?"

Qiao Dong He didn't answer his words. Her eyes fell on the hand he was holding. She pursed her lips and stated, "You're hurting me!"

If it were the previous her, she won't bring it up even if it hurts; for fear of putting the other party in a pot. However, she decided from today on to not be a soft bun. She had to learn to change herself little by little!

Luo Jun Liang was stunned for a moment and quickly released her hand: "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'll rub it for you!"

Qiao Dong He didn't let him touch her. She pulled her hand back: "Jun Liang, from the beginning, I was serious about being with you. I envy my grandfather and my grandmother. I hope we can be like them, live a lifetime in harmony and blissed..."

Speaking of this, her eyes couldn't help turning red.

Luo Jun Liang hurriedly urged: "Don't cry. We can definitely be as harmonious and blissed like Grandfather and as Grandmother!"

Qiao Dong He shook her head: "I used to think we can. But this incident made me my heart cold. Even if you solve this matter, I still don't feel safe. Due to this, I want this child to follow my surname!"

Whether the child is a boy or a girl, it'll have her surname!

Since Mother Luo despised her so much, she wouldn't let her child take Luo family's surname!

Hearing this, Luo Jun Liang was stunned again.

These days, letting the children follow the mother's surname basically means the father married into the mother's family. Like her grandfather. If not, the children will follow their father's surname.

So when he heard Dong He's words, he felt a little conflicted for a while.

Seeing him silent, Qiao Dong He's heart drummed. Still, she forced herself to continue: "If you are unwilling, forget it. We will go for a divorce tomorrow. Once we get divorced, this child will still have my surname!"

Luo Jun Liang was stunned for the third time.

He stared at his little wife's face. For the first time, he truly felt that she had changed!

In the past, she always put other people's feelings first, even if that would have wronged herself.

For example, he liked spicy food. While she can't eat it at all. But in order to allow him to eat an extra bowl of rice, she often added chili peppers to the dishes.

He had told her many times not to let herself be aggrieved like this. Her response was that it was fine. He never imagined that one day she would change. And it was because of such unbearable things.

He said in a hoarse voice: "No, we won't divorce! We'll go with what you said. After the child is born, follow your surname! Change to Qiao. Maybe he or she will be born and become Hercule like Grandmother!"

Qiao Dong He went blank at his promise: "You... you're willing?"

Luo Jun Liang held her hand again and nodded: "I really am. This is what I, and our Luo Family owe you!"

Qiao Dong He's eyes turned red again.

Half an hour later, Luo Jun Liang walked out of the courtyard dwelling.

He touched rumbling stomach, feeling a little aggrieved in his heart.

It was already dinner time and he was kicked out...


Da Qiao returned to school this week. She heard a news from Cai Ru Nan - Tang Miao Shan had submitted a time off application to the school.

"I heard that she wanted to drop out of school to treat the acne on her face and that the acne on her face is getting worse. Her face is completely covered. Can't be seen at all!"

Cai Ru Nan babbled about the gossip she had collected.

Da Qiao paused and responded, "Then she's quite miserable."

She had no particular impression of Tang Miao Shan. After all, they weren't classmates. Nor were they senior or junior sisters from the same department. Basically, they never met each other.

Cai Ru Nan curled her lips and remarked, "Not miserable at all. I heard that she has a bad temper and offended many people. In the past, when she had good skin, she often mocked other girls' skin that was pitted. Saying it's unworthy of being a girl. Now she's slapped in the face. I heard that a lot of people are secretly amused!"


Da Qiao really didn't know what response to give. She wasn't interested in news about people she didn't know.

Seeing her like this, Cai Ru Nan sighed and changed the subject.

Tang Miao Shan borrowed family connections and used the certificate issued by the doctor. Soon, she got the school's approval for time off. Immediately, she packed up and left the school.

As for dealing with Da Qiao, she had long lost the interest. Now all her focus was on the acne on her face.

Those pimples were her number one enemy!josei

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