Adored Koi in the ’70s

Chapter 3

Chapter 3:


Fang Xiao Juan had never thought about it.

Although she didn't like Qiao Zhen Jun's silent character and hated that he always protects that calamity, Da Qiao, divorce was impossible. Not happening in this life.

Now they were propagating that women can hold up half of the sky. Divorces were occurring in the city. But who within ten miles and eight villages would?

If she dared to get a divorce, her old mother would dare to beat her with a rolling pin until she couldn't get out of bed for three days and three nights.

Besides, where will she live after the divorce?

A married-out daughter was thrown out water. Her maternal family will definitely not take her in. It can't be that she'll sleep on the street?

So she was shocked for a long time before she looked at Xiao Qiao with weird eyes: "Jiao Jiao'er, why would you ask such a question? It can't be that you want your mom to divorce your dad? How could you think this?!"

Seeing that her mom looked like she wanted to eat people, Xiao Qiao realized that she was too impatient.

People in this era, no matter how hard and tired they were, they won't easily divorce. If she wanted her mom to get a divorce, she had to make a long-term plan. Moreover, she hadn't found a suitable next home, so let's talk about it later.

Thinking of this, she lowered her head, circled her toes on the ground, and whispered in a soft voice: "Elder Sister asked me this before. Elder Sister...she seems to want Mom to divorce Dad."

Fang Xiao Juan immediately exploded like a poked balloon. She flushed with anger: "That damn calamity, that cursed star, that money-wasting thing. I knew she was playing tricks!"

She was saying, why would her Jiao Jiao'er ask this kind of question. Black-hearted thing! A small thing with huge petty eyes. She induced Xiao Qiao to make her divorce Qiao Zhen Jun!

Did she think that she wouldn't have to be kicked out of the house this way?

Dream on!

"Jiao Jiao'er, remember to stay away from that calamity in the future. Don't let her bad luck ruin you!" Fang Xiao Juan harrumphed angrily.

"Okay. I listen to Mom." Xiao Qiao tilted her head slightly. Looking so pure and innocent. as well as obedient and pretty.

Fang Xiao Juan saw looking so cute and caring, the anger in her heart instantly disappeared. She hugged her precious and called my baby.


The clouds were very low, making the sky was gray. The withered grass in the field was covered in frost. The cold made people's teeth tremble.

Qiao Family's small courtyard squeaked. The door of the firewood room on the far right was opened. Da Qiao stretched out half of her head from within. The cold air in the morning rushed towards her face, making her shiver and sneeze.

She let out a breath, rubbed her cold hands, and ran to the yard in one go. She picked up the broom and started to sweep seriously.

Once the small courtyard was cleaned up, her little fleshy face, which has grown a little bit because of eating well and sleeping well these days, was flushed red. The morning light came out from the thick clouds and hit her face. Her fluffy hair seems to be coated with a layer of golden light.

After cleaning the yard, she ran into the kitchen and took out a sweet potato from the rag bag on the ground. She washed it, peeled it, cut it into small pieces, grabbed two handfuls of coarse grains, and boiled them together. Then the sweet potato peels were chopped up and taken out to feed the chicken.josei

The old hen hadn't laid eggs for five days.

Since her dad was paralyzed, he often stared at the roof in a daze. He might not say a single word all day long. The past few days, he had become more silent and eaten less food.

She wanted to make some delicious food for her dad so that her dad would get better soon. But GU Gu wouldn't lay eggs. She was getting anxious.

She poured the chopped sweet potato peels into the chicken coop. Her voice was soft and waxy: "Gu Gu, we, discuss. I, give, you, good, thing, to, eat, and, you, be good, and, lay eggs, OK?"

The old hen clucked and ate happily.

Da Qiao's small mouth curled. Her eyebrows curved: "Then I, take, it, you, promised,?"

"Gu Gu."

When she finished washing her clothes and drying them out, the sun had fully risen. She filled two bowls of porridge and brought them into her dad's room. The father and daughter ate it with pickled veg.

Qiao Zhen Jun looked at Da Qiao. Several times, he wanted to open his mouth but stopped.

Fang Xiao Juan had gone back to her maternal home for more than five days this time. In the past, she often threw a tantrum and he can still go to pick her up. But now...

He knew that Fang Xiao Juan wanted to use this to force him to submit. But he really couldn't do it.

Da Qiao was only six years old. If she was really kicked out, what was the difference between killing her directly?

Da Qiao looked up and saw her dad staring at her blankly. There was more than half of the porridge in the bowl. She tilted her head and asked, "Dad, not, eating?"

"Dad is full. You eat more." Qiao Zhen Jun moved his hands to pour the porridge into her bowl.

Da Qiao hurriedly clutched her bowl: "Dad, eat. I, I'm full."

Qiao Zhen Jun felt even more uncomfortable seeing the child being so caring and sensible.

He was paralyzed now. Fang Xiao Juan disliked this child so much. And she stuttered too. What is this child to do in the future?

Qiao Zhen Jun was so sad as if he was soaked in bitter water.

Da Qiao didn't know what her dad was thinking. After breakfast, she was going to pick up some dead branches and rotten leaves in East Wood. The dry straw and wheat stalk at home was running out. It won't last a few days.

She let her dad know and prepared to go out with the basket on her back.

Qiao Zhenjun shouted from the room: "Be careful, don't go too far."

"I, know!"

There wasn't much work in the winter. After doing housework in the morning, women liked to sit in the doorway as they basked in the sun and sew the soles of their shoes while they gossiped about other families.

When Da Qiao passed by with a basket on her back, she was grabbed by Song Jin Li's wife: "Oh, isn't this Da Qiao? Has your mom come back?"

Da Qiao's hand hurt from her grab. She wanted to pull her hand back, but Song Jin Lai's wife held it tightly: "Ha, haven't, come back."

"My God, it's been almost six days. Why hasn't she come back? Isn't your mom trying to divorce your dad and won't come back?" Song Jin Lai's wife exaggerated.

Da Qiao's face turned white all at once.

She knew what divorce meant. One time when her mom quarreled with her dad, she threatened to divorce.

Gou Dan's mother joined in on scaring her: "Let Auntie explain to you. If your mom really divorces your dad, she will definitely not want you. She will only take your sister Xiao Qiao away!"

Song Jin lai's wife became more energized: "Poor thing. If they really divorce, what will happen to you and your dad? Your dad is paralyzed and you stutter. Who would dare to marry you in the future?"

Da Qiao tried hard to withdraw her hand. Her small face flushed red.

Lin Hui returned from picking up the dead branches from East Wood and came across this scene. She sternly shouted: "Enough you guys! Don't you feel guilt, saying this to a six-year-old child?"

Gou Dan's mother and Song Jin Lai's wife were startled. Da Qiao took the opportunity to break free and ran behind Lin Hui to hide.

Song Jin Lai's wife saw clearly who the incoming person was and almost poked her face with her hand: "As if you need to be nosy! If you have this time, why don't you find a father for your Dong Lin?"

Lin Hui was the youngest daughter of Lin Da Fa, the head of the village. A few years ago, she married an educated youth in the village. The two gave birth to a son. Two years ago, the male educated youth returned to the city and never came back.

At first, they thought that the male educated youth must have abandoned his wife and son. But later they realized that he was gone. He fell into the river and drowned. Lin Hui suddenly became a widow.

Song Jin Lai's wife's words were too piercing. Lin Hui's fingers trembled with anger: "If you don't feel bad, let's go to Aunt Xiu Zhi now to see if she thinks I'm nosy. Or would she slap you to death. !"

Qiao Xiu Zhi was an extremely protective person. Although she didn't care much about this granddaughter, Da Qiao, she would be dead set on slapping the outsider's teeth to the ground if they dare to bully Qiao Family.

Song Jin Lai's wife's eyelids trembled: "My chickens haven't been fed yet, so I don't have time to talk with you!"

After finishing talking, she turned around and ran away like a ghost was chasing her.

Gou Dan's mother's feet felt slippery: "I'm going to feed the chicken too."

Lin Hui spat toward their backs. She turned around to see red marks on Da Qiao's hands and became furious. Why didn't God punish these jabbering women? They actually said that to a six-year-old child.

For fear of frightening Da Qiao, she suppressed her anger and said softly: "Does it hurt? Come to Aunt Hui's house now. Aunt Hui will give you the medicinal wine and rub it.

Da Qiao waved her hand quickly: "Thank, you, Aunt, Hui. It, doesn't, hurt."

She liked Aunt Hui very much.

Not only did Aunt Hui looked pretty, but she also treated her well. She often secretly stuff cornbread for her to eat. Aunt Hui's Family's Brother Dong Lin was also very cute. When he smiles, his toothy grin was revealed. He always followed her and called her Eldest Sister in his baby tone.

Lin Hui noticed that her small face was more fleshy than before. Internally, she didn't know whether to be happy or sad for her: "Why did you run out here alone?"

Da Qiao pointed to the forest in front, and said softly: "Go, pick up, dead, branches."

Lin Hui untied her basket and poured the dead branches into the basket behind Da Qiao without any hesitation.

"No, can'" Da Qiao was anxious. Her stammer became worst.

"Take it, Aunt Hui can just go in and pick more later. You should go back quickly. Don't make worry." Lin Hui didn't allow her to refuse. There was a slight pause when she spoke of her dad.

Da Qiao didn't notice her abnormality. Her delicate brows were tightly frowned, like two little caterpillars.

Lin Hui knew that she was afraid of causing trouble for her. Her heart softened.

She stretched out her hand and rubbed her fluffy hair as she whispered softly: "Be good. Obediently take it. Once you grow up, help Aunt Hui then, okay?"

Da Qiao tilted her head and thought for a while. She felt it wasn't a bad idea. So she smiled widely: "Okay, in the, future, I help, Aunt Hui, do, housework."

In fact, when she wasn't nervous or anxious, the stuttering situation will improve as long as she spoke slowly. But at home, her mother was too impatient to listen to her and always showed a look of disgust. How can she not be nervous?

After seeing Da Qiao and Lin Hui left, Song Jin Lai's wife ran out of the house, and spat toward Lin Hui's back: "Pah. What does she think she is? Climbing up this old lady's head!"

Gou Dan's mother heard the movement and came out as well. She stirred the chicken food in her hand: "Be careful, she might turn around and run to Aunt Xiu Zhi to tell on you!"

Song Jinlai's wife's face became fierce: "She dares! If she really dared to file a complaint, I will sing out that she likes old Second Qiao. Let's see who loses face more!"

"Heaven, can't be true? You mean Lin Hui likes old Second Qiao?" Goog Dan's mother appeared excited.

Song Jin Lai's wife's chin pointed high. She was feeling extremely proud: "Otherwise, why do you think she is so good to that calamity, Da Qiao? She still misses old Second Qiao. That woman was very flirty! Back then..."

Speaking of this kind of love gossip, Gou Dan's mother didn't bother to feed the chicken and listened to Song Jin Lai's wife shoot her mouth off.

After separating from Aunt Hui, Da Qiao did not go home immediately. Instead, she walked towards Fang's house in the north of the village with a basket on her back.

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