Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 180 Orun / Caius V

Chapter 180 Orun / Caius V

Ignatius's presence dissolved into gaseous state, and slowly seeped itself into Caius's body, permeating through every parts of him.

In the eyes of another, it would look as if Caius was inhaling a red gas into his body, but to Orun, he felt and saw something entirely different from norms.

When Ignatius fire body turned gaseous, Orun saw the immense energy surrounding it, he felt an indescribable fire type Aura trying to overwhelm and Devour him whole.

Orun could have sworn, that he had forgotten what it felt like to face death, staring at it straight with his eyes bare naked.

His heart thumbed severally, with memories of his life in the Dungeon playing before his eyes. Ignited in him, is the dreadful feelings he had always carried with him everyday of his life inside of the dungeon.

[Master, I suggest taking him down now before your opponent completes his transformation process with the Fire Elemental Spirit king].

'if even you are this panicked, it seems I should be expecting this to not end anytime soon'.

Orun was not shaken nor afraid of Caius and Ignatius joining themselves together, despite the warning he got from Oracle.josei

Orun's goal when he met miss dragon and saw how powerful she was, he vowed in his mind to chase after such power.

The kind of power that will allow him to save whoever he wants, and kill whoever he wants.

So far through his journey, Orun has done everything possible to achieve his dream, even going as far as bending his morals of accepting help from another by absorbing the energy of a dead entity.

After becoming an half spiritual entity, Orun could feel his goal slipping further away from him, as he found out that his strength had gotten stalled, and has yet to progress even after he awakened from his slumber.

It is no secret that Orun has actually gotten stronger than he ever imagined himself getting after he ascended to become an half spiritual entity.

The problem about him getting stronger, is that he has become more relaxed and too full of himself.

With no one to challenge his strength, he became stagnant, and too reliant, unconsciously believing that he was unstoppable.

He could not find that perfect person who can help him rekindle the moments when he was rendered powerless, shaken, and afraid to do anything in the presence of overwhelming power.

He did not stop Caius and Ignatius from merging for one good reason, and that is to help him remember why he had vowed to purse unlimited strength.

He would be telling a lie to say he is not the least bit afraid of facing off against a full fledged spiritual lifeform, one with age that makes Orun's age as a grandchild, and is also the Ruler of everything fire.

He is scared to cinders, but he is also not planning on letting that fear take over his judgment.

Orum has been faced with obstacles in his path, some small, some mighty, and others? Looking very intimidating and almost impossible to overcome.

Those are obstacles he has been faced with, and also obstacles he has conquerd and overcome.

If there is anything he learned from it all, it's that he has no say in choosing who or what his opponents will be.

That is how obstacles are meant to be like, unpredictable and mostly unpleasant. They are weights that will try to do whatever they can to push you down into depths you cannot hope to survive through.

It is his job to not be shaken by such, but rather to face it head on, learn and grow from it like he had done.

Another reason why he is calm about it, is that Oracle's warning does not include him running away, but hastily killing Caius.

If Caius and Ignatius merging together will prove impossible for him to stop, Oracle would have added that along with its warning, but it did not.

Orun took its light warning as a way for him to escape getting into a difficult fight, not the kind that will cost him his life, but the kind that will require him throwing everything he has in his arsenal before he comes out victorious.

From where he stood, he could feel Caius's aura accommodating a different sensation from the one he had before. It felt massive and oppressive, dominating over all that is within sight.

His body slowly took on a different form, as his skin color that was porcelain white, started turning red, extending to every part of him.

Thick, densed red aura oozed out of his body, encompassing him, changing its form to match with Caius's description. The Aura cloaked itself around him like a layer of fibre muscles.

From his right hand, is the aura manipulating it's shape taking the form of a sword. In his left hand, he has with him a fire Spear Lancer, well crafted with glowing inscriptions on its body.

Even though his weapons were made out of pure fire aura, the quality and physical property it possesses, already puts it as a Mythical Grade weapon.

There are eight grades of Weapons, Artifacts, and elixirs in the world.

Ordinary, Rare, Epic, Unique, Legendary, Holy, Mythical and Sovereign.

Ordinary grade are the common one that can be found anywhere in the vicinity.

Rare and Epic grades like the name suggests, are not so common, but they are not so hard either, it only takes enough time for one to come across a rare grade.

Unique grades? Are very hard to possess. One would have to journey miles, spend time and efforts, yet, the chances of coming into contact with it is very slim. Only at the hands of an extraordinary Blacksmith working with superior items, and spending a massive amount of time on the refining process, can one up their chances of getting a unique grade.

Legendary grade? Two words, almost impossible. If Unique grade requires an extraordinary Blacksmith, a legendary grade requires talent to the extreme, extraordinary Blacksmith, time, time, time, effort, effort, time, time, and even more time, patience, time, despair of never finding it, time again. The line goes on until by with some miracle, one happens to stumble upon it.

Mythical Grade weapon? Can only be attained with the help of an higher authority like Ignatius who is an elemental king, or a dragon who is at the ancient rank, and a demon who is also at the ancient rank.

Holy Grade weapons, just like Mythical grades, are weapons attainable only with the help of an higher entity, but the entity here, requires the assistance of a being at the God level.

Sovereign Grade? This is impossible to get, because it goes against the natural laws of all things. This grade, is capable of killing even the higher existence like the Gods, and thus it was banned and forbidden for anyone to possess such.

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