Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 207 Something Is Wrong!!

Chapter 207 Something Is Wrong!!

Dexter could not contain nor control his amazement, as he stretched his face widely in smiles of what Dana had done.

Her brilliancy and adaption on combat activities exceeded his by several bounds, and he felt very proud of that for having the opportunity to have met with someone like her.

"she, is a girl that will surpass even the legacy of her grandfather".

He said, looking at her in awe and admiration of her presence.

"okay little one. You were right, and I was wrong about you. You, deserve more than just hunting for measly Goblins. With your kind of talent, you are ready to move on to the next level".

Dexter was quick to admit his earlier actions, claiming it as the moments of his unknown, when he had yet to realize what she was truly capable of.

He showered her with praises befitting of her talent, with promises of giving her permission to go after monsters higher than goblins.

"no. I want to complete this dungeon before we move on to another one".

Dexter had a question mark look on his face at her words that sounded like she had just refused his offer.

Dana was the one who complained that she was not getting any challenge from facing a goblin kind, now it is this same her, that wants to continue her battle against a monster with strength similar to a goblin.

His expression, questiond the reasons for her abrupt change in choices.

"i am not saying I want to keep fighting with Goblin like monsters. I would love nothing more than to get out of here and hurry myself to facing an higher level monster, but I can't stand the thought of living a dungeon unfinished with the monsters still roaming inside of it".

Dexter could not have been more proud of Dana's way of thinking than he is now.

He never really understood her to begin with, he only thought he did.

Her hate for monsters did not blind her to being too arrogant or overconfident, it amplifies and rationalize the way she thinks, making her more dangerous to any monster kind that appears before her.

"alright. We will do it your way. First we take down the monsters in this dungeon, then we go over your graduation to fighting monsters beyond Goblin kind".

Dexter concorded with her plan, and they both proceeded to further themselves inside the dungeon, with the intention of conquering it.

Venturing through the tunnel with the only source of light being the torch stick Dexter is holding unto, Dana who was following behind him, had her sword and body ready to move upon spotting the presence of another kobold pack.


"what is it".

Dana asked, with thoughts on why Dexter made a sound like that, while on him, a worried expression.josei

"no its just, despite walking so far in, we have yet to encounter other Kobolds, and that can only mean one thing".

Fortunately, or unfortunately for them, they have yet to meet with other kobolds apart from the five they met with earlier.

Dana thought that was supposed to be a good think, but Dexter thought otherwise.

Monsters are a race who pride themselves in rule of the strongest, and the kobolds are no exception to this rule.

For monsters in a dungeon to not be moving around in separate directions, can only mean that they are well coordinated, and for them to be well coordinated, there had to have been a strong one to bring about the coordination.

"is that not a good thing? We can just wipe them all out at once".

"spoken like a true beginner I see".

Dana could not understand the point Dexter was trying to make, or why he would feel worried to be facing a pack of kobolds.

Ecen if they do have a leader now, they are still kobolds, still the weak monsters she easily killed like it was nothing, so what is there for him who is an A rank adventurer to worry about when facing monsters who barely qualify as F ranks.

"you are right. They are just ordinary kobolds, but it is a different case when ordinary kobolds have someone giving them commands".

This is an F rank kobold dungeon, and in F ranks dungeon, there isn't supposed to be a leader, that is the part of what makes it an F rank.

A lawless dungeon full of mindless monsters whose only desire is to kill and rampage, that is what an F rank dungeon is.

The same rules applies for an E rank dungeon, and a D rank dungeon, neither of them should be with a leader.

The only sets of dungeons where leaders are present in, are from C rank dungeon upwards.

If this Kobold dungeon that is supposedly an F rank dungeon has a leading figure coordinating the kobolds in it, that can only mean that the dungeon's level has insanely spiked up, a case that should never have to be.

"i think you are overreacting. The four kobolds I fought with earlier were weak, and not much different from the goblins I am used to".

Dana refuted Dexter's assumption to be false, using her earlier battle as a prime reason for why that is.

She is an F rank adventurer who will soon be promoted to an E rank, and if what he is saying is true, then she would not have been able to face a single kobold whose rank has gone up to C, much less going against four of them and still coming out victorious.

Dexter also thought about it well, and he saw some sense in her words, but he was not so quick to have a hundred percent believe about everything she said.

Her reasons; though laced with some truths in it, are still not completely valid enough for him to rule out his own possibilities.

Although Dana might be right in her assumption of using the five Kobolds she met with earlier as credible reasons to back up her claim, Dexter was not so fast to take her word at face value, because he believes that she only said what she said because she is not well familiar with the activities of the dungeon.

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