Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 209 She Is Awake

Chapter 209 She Is Awake

"okay kid. Where do you think you are running off to?"

Before Dana could move past Dexter's range, he had stretched out his hand to grab her by the collar, and stop her from going further.

For a moment there, she forgot that Dexter is still an A ranker, with reflexes faster than her's.

"let go of me. I am on my way to finish the job you are too scared to do".

She answered, struggling to set herself free from his hold.

"listen kid. I took you in, and as such, I am responsible for your well being. You have to take a moment and think for yourself. What would happen if you barge in there, and I end up losing you".

She could not find a proper word to refute him, how could she, when everything he said is right.

Dana has the privilege of renouncing his claim over her, but she can't do that, because there was a reason she decided to abandon the people in her town, and follow Dexter's to his.

"it is not about who kills the monster, it is about how safe our community has become after killing the monster".

She had no words to use against Dexter's claim, and so she obediently tagged along with what he said, going back to the city so they can find a solution for the dungeon.josei



*** LOCATION = Murian City Under The Gucan Empire ***

Standing on the balcony of his mansion that gave him the spectacular view of the sun's ray gleaming down on the city.

The aftermath of the damage done to the city by the Wyverns was still very much visible from where he stood.

The passage of time, three months specifically, was not enough to wash away the fear that has been enacted in the hearts of the citizens.

There are some soldiers, the strong headed ones who are screaming for vengeance, for the opportunity to pay back the Wyverns, their sin of coming into their city to wreck havoc and rain destruction down on them.

There are indeed those like that, but none of them have been bold enough to act on their words, reasons being that their captain, has yet to fully recover from her battle.

Despite her physical scars already healed up, she has yet to wake up, and that left most of them in a worried state.

Another reason why they have yet to move, is because their lord, the one that is currently watching the pitiful state that his city has been left in, has yet to give them the go ahead orders.


Thomas stared off at the sky with a deep solemn sigh, his expression looking saddened at the state his city has been put in.

He is lost on who to blame for what has become of city, the damage lost, lives thrown away, and expenses he has had to lose because of a foolish decision made.

Thomas shifted the blame over to Caius, because he knew that if he had not come along to request for his troops, then this would not have happened.

After having a second thought, he blamed the Wyverns under the impression that if only they had not existed, then Caius would not have had a cause to come to him in the first place, and none of this would have happened.

He continued to shift on the blame, looking for who to dump the responsibility of the poor choices he had made on.

When he was done passing blames, and there was no one left to put the fault on, he realized that he, made the choice.

He was the one who called over Elsa and ordered her to abide by Caius's command. In fear of losing Caius's favor, he sacrificed his troops and brought about this calamity on his city.

The city that has been left in a vulnerable and defenseless state, and could be attacked at any time by other lords with them not being able to do anything to stop it.


The light in his eyes had dimmed down, and almost lost all colors in it, showing how close he is to giving it all up.

Calculating the expenses needed to bring his city back on its feet, is already enough to have him break down, and he still has to worry about not being attacked by other neighboring lords.

He already thought of a situation where a lord could come in at any moment to threaten him, in return for protection against any outside attacks, he gets to compensate the lord with something of high value to him.

If such a situation were to come to be, Thomas would readily accept regardless of what is asked of him. In his current state, he is no position to make demands, and needs all the help he can get.

"Lord Thomas! Lord Thomas!!".


"watch where you are stepping Robert. We don't want you tripping now do we?"

Thomas rested his hands on the stone pillar of the balcony, with his head faced forward, he called out to Robert without bothering to turn his head to know if it was really him.

" Lord Thomas! I have come bearing news!".

It was plain obvious from the expression Thomas was making, how completely disinterested he is in whatever news Robert brought him.

He would be lucky to not receive even more devastating news that will further worsen the current condition of things.

At this point, he has ruled out any news as no good news.

"Lord Thomas!".

Robert stopped at Thomas's left side, and bent his upper body down so he could catch his breath from the running.

"what is it Robert. What has you running until you were so out of breath".

"she....she is awake. She is awake Lord Thomas!".

"she? Who is!!".

Thomas swiftly turned his body and faced Robert with an expression that shows how delighted he is by the news.

"lead me to her".

He says, with his face brimming with anticipation.

Robert took the lead as they both hurried themselves out the balcony through the door that lead them to Thomas's office.

They got past his office by using the door to get out, and rushed through the passageway with doors on each side.

It is true that with the city's current circumstances, no news is good or bad.

They are all just plain news that would do nothing to help lift the spirits of the people who have been tormented and scarred both physically and mentally.

There is no news that would be able to help change people like that, turning their sorrows into joy, and suddenly going back to living like they used to.

It was not a pleasant experience, and what made it even more tormenting and traumatizing for them, is that they have never once had such an experience before.

Unluke the people of Edevin who are used to dealing with attacks from monsters, and also a place known for its dungeons and adventurers.

The people of Murian city, are not the kind who are familiar with monsters attacking their city, they have the knights to deal with such situations before it gets to their city doors.

Hence, reasons for why they are more affected by it than the people of Edevin who were quick to get over the experience and return to their daily lives.


Thomas barged into the room occupied with men and women in armor, all gathered around a single individual laying on the bed with bandages tied around her head and her wrist.

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