Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 237 Plans To Recruit The Trolls

Chapter 237 Plans To Recruit The Trolls

Taken to the sky and flying at a speed that puts even the fastest bird to shame by having it gasp for air, is Orun.

Tagging a ride along, hanging on Orun's left hand, is the Minotaur leader who has been named Monryck about five days ago.

He and his race have undergone the evolution process after being named, and only just woken up about two days ago.

The changes that appeared in the Minotaur leader's body, is his towering height diminishing, now measuring close to how an adult gorilla is.

His body mass, had also diminished, but not as much as his height. his muscle fibers even more than before, are now well fledged out, with veins appearing on almost all sides.

His horn in terms of physical changes, is the only thing that seems to have gotten longer than before.

All in all, his total strength, has increased by folds he would never have dreamed of accomplishing by himself.


Still moving, Orun had his head down and turned to Monryck to call for him.

"ye.....yes Lord Orun".

He was hesitant, and uncomfortable, after guessing what it was that Orun wanted to ask him, from his tone and his facial expression.

"i really wasn't planning on asking you about it. If anything, I actually wanted to forget about it. It was then that I discovered, I am only a monster with a curious mind of his own, so yeah, I am going to ask".

Monryck gulped down, already thinking of how to answer Orun's yet to be asked question.

"what I saw you doing inside the tent, is that a common trait of your race, or is it just an individual thing applied only to you".

Monryck felt ashamed and exposed. He is an adult, a leader who is free to make his choices on his likes and dislike, but something about the way Orun asked him, made him feel....embarrassed.

"it is not something extended to my kind as a whole. It applies only to me, and I do it to relieve myself whenever I am stressed and tensed".

"relieving stress!".

Orun was shocked to say the least. Performing such act for the sake of relieving stress? He wondered how far the stress would have to be to have one submitting their body to go through such acts guised under the banner of sexual intercourse with their opposite sex.

"yes. Lately, I have been going through more stress than usual, with everyday bringing on things that my mind could not keep up with. That is why I had her resort to even more extreme means, to get my mind off of it".

"wow. That is some hard-core level stress right there".

He could understand a bit of what kind of stress Monryck was referring to.

Monryck has a responsibility to shoulder, being the leader of a monster specie, he had to keep up appearances to meet the needs of those under him.

It was only natural that someone such as that, would be under a lot of pressure, and require ways to take themselves out of it if only for a little while.josei

He understood all that, but a part of him still questioned why he chose such means as a way of relieving himself of whatever pressure he is going through.

"Lord Orun, we are here".

Orun was brought out of his thoughts by Monryck calling out to him.

"oh we are?".

He put an abrupt stop on his flying speed, and floated his body above ground, with his hand still holding unto Monryck by his right horn.

"What was the name of the race you said are inhabiting this place again".

With his other hand, Orun scratched his head, trying to remember the name of the race he had been told about five days ago, before Monryck's evolution.

"they are called trolls Lord Orun".

The trolls in appearance, are similar in size to the Minotaurs, their body mass, is similar to bears or gorillas.

Their facial features is similar to how Goblins look like, with the exception of the horns that they have, and having four eyes on their face with no nose?

You know what? After describing their facial features, I realize how far apart they are from looking like the Goblin kind.

Their skin is an important factor in what helps separate them from other monster species, making them a unique monster specie.

Unlike the Smooth or coarse skin like texture, well mostly coarse and less smooth like texture that monsters have, the Trolls do not have any of those.

Thier skin, is hard rock solid, like stone except having it as a skin and not on the ground.

"i can see them from up here".

Orun with his eyes facing the ground, had his gaze on the settlement of the Trolls.

Theirs was not in the open area like the Minotaurs, but in a cave, with some of them out of the cave, standing at the entrance, probably standing guard to repel any intruders.

From where Orun was, he activated his perception ability, granting him the opportunity to see through the inner part of the cave and how the Trolls are settled in it.

"hmm...... that myth about the trolls being afraid of the sun must be true".

Orun does not know the full details of what troll kinds are like, but he also does not, not have absolutely no knowledge on their kind.

Back when he was very young and on earth, still living with his parents, he was just like any other kid who made watching animes and fantasy troupe his calling.

From what he remembered about the Troll kind in those stories, is their fear of the sunlight.

"something about turning them rock solid or so?".

He observed the trolls that were standing guard at the entrance of the cave, and saw that their body, was being covered from the sunlight, with the shadow of the cave drawing down on them.

It was all an assumption on his part, but the way each of them made sure to position themselves in a way that their bodies will not make contact with the sunlight, proved to Orun that his assumption might be on point.

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