Affinity: Chaos

Chapter 1271 Taking Another Person Into The Chaos Space

Chapter 1271 Taking Another Person Into The Chaos Space


"You broke through… took you long enough." Lucas commented when Grey walked out of the cave. 

He sensed it the second Grey broke through. While Grey was fighting with Klaus and the others, he sensed that Grey would've been able to break through while fighting, but he stopped himself on multiple occasions. 

The intensity of the battle was exactly what Grey wanted to hone his cores. Grey continued honing his cores as the battle intensified. After a few more times, he knew he was ready to finally break through to the next stage. 

He took a glance at his father and smiled softly, before nodding. His experience has been one of surprise. If he was told ten years ago that he would be where he is at the moment, he would never have believed it. From a regular person, to a Ninth stage Elemental Venerable. 

In the Azure Continent, he could wipe out all the forces there with nothing more than a wave of his hand. Even in the Aurora Continent, he could be regarded as one of the top experts in the Continent, his age would make his status above those old fogeys who were still in the Ninth stage. 

With his current advancing speed, it would take at most a year before he breaks through and becomes an Elemental Sovereign. 

In less than twenty years, Grey went from a normal person to a Sovereign. This would be a record in the history of the Continent. No one has broken through this quickly in hundreds of years. Even Grey's parents didn't get to the Elemental Sovereign Plane until they were over thirty. Grey would get there before even getting to thirty. 

Not just Grey, but Klaus was someone who might still be able to achieve this feat. Of course, Grey would break through first and would also use the shortest time, but it was still a shocking achievement for him to break through before getting to thirty. 

It was unlikely for Alice and Reynolds, but Reynolds had his Elemental Warrior which would give him an advantage when he gets to the Ninth stage or Peak of the Elemental Venerable Plane. 


Grey sensed the new strength that was flowing in his body. In his current state, he was certain that he would be able to defeat the trio of Klaus, Alice and Reynolds.

"Do you want to attempt it now?" He asked his father. 

The reason he healed up here was due to his father wanting to attempt going into the Chaos Space. To be honest, he didn't know if it would be possible, but since his father spoke up, he wanted to at least try. 

"Sure." Lucas had been patiently waiting for this. 

Grey nodded and took a seat close to his father, they were both sitting cross-legged, and they shut their eyes simultaneously. 

With both parties closing their eyes, Lucas took control over the process. He was the strongest and naturally had a stronger spiritual consciousness. It might be dangerous for Grey to try it, so he wanted to be the one leading the experiment. 

Grey let Lucas' spiritual consciousness to wrap his own and it was a strange feeling for him, this was the first time he was in such a situation, but he felt a sense of safety while being covered by his father's spiritual consciousness. I think you should take a look at

After being covered by his father's spiritual consciousness, Grey carefully tried to see if he could get into the Chaos Space. The second his spiritual consciousness got close to it, he sensed a great sense of rejection from it, as if not willing to let him bring in someone else into the Chaos Space. The rejection was there, but it wasn't too evident, so Grey felt like there was a chance for them to get his father's consciousness into the Chaos Space. 

There was also the possibility of the Chaos Space giving them this opportunity in hopes of causing great damage to the consciousness of the intruder. Even with Grey there to help his father get it, it still wouldn't be easy. 

They attempted it once more, this time, the rejection was still there, but Grey was certain that with a few more tries, they would be able to get in. 

It was just as Grey said, after three more attempts, the feeling of rejection disappeared. 

Lucas and Grey's consciousness were taken into the Chaos Space. And the moment Lucas entered, he felt an unbelievable pressure on his consciousness. He could barely even lift his head, much less have the time to take in the sight of the place. 

Looking below him, he knew he was standing on a temple, but he didn't know what the other sides of the temple looked like. 

"Are you okay?" Grey asked when he saw his father's spiritual consciousness grabbing both knees, trying to keep himself standing. 

"You don't feel it?" Lucas struggled to speak. 

"Feel what?" Grey had a confused look on. 

"The pressure. There's a powerful pressure here, even with my strength, I can barely stand." Lucas explained. 

"Not really. The only time I remember feeling any pressure is when I go to each element's region. I haven't been there in a while." Grey replied. 

He has come here hundreds of times and only when he's trying to comprehend elements and head deeper into the regions does he feel these pressures. If he stayed in the outer areas or even in this mountain, he always felt like he was in the real world. 

Lucas stayed in the same position, trying to get his spiritual body to get used to the pressure. He knew that the longer he stayed here, the better his endurance would increase. In no time, he would be able to move freely here. 

Grey didn't want to disturb him and left him alone. He started to investigate the place. There were a few changes from when he used to previously come. Like the sun and a few other changes in the element's regions. 

Now that he took his time, he could sense a massive amount of chaos energy stored in the sun. 

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