Affinity: Chaos

Chapter 232 - Unlucky Smith

Chapter 232 - Unlucky Smith


Chapter 232 - Unlucky Smith

"How was the weather?" Klaus asked with a big grin.


Smith's eyes twitched when he recalled how he got soaked in the rain which for some reason fell only on the area he was standing at. He knew this was the handwork of Grey and his friends, but he didn't know which one, hearing Klaus' question pointed him to the culprit.

'I'll kill this guy.' He thought through gritted teeth.

This was the most humiliated he had ever been, what was worse was that he didn't actually see a horse, so he had to walk all the way from the inn to his father's villa.

"I think it's lovely, don't you think so too?" Grey actually joined in this time.

He sensed the increase in the water elemental particles at the inn when they were just about to enter the carriage, but he didn't know the reason. However, on hearing Klaus' question, it wasn't hard to figure out what happened. Klaus actually created a make-believe rain, how ingenious, and evil!

"Yeah, amazing." Reynolds nodded as well.

The trio continued speaking of how great the weather is, making Smith's expression turn even more sour. He felt like burying the trio alive.

"Why don't we go in?" Richard quickly tried to help him out.

He could sense there was something weird going on, but he didn't know, nor did he care. All he had his eyes on was Alice, that was what he wanted, nothing else mattered.

The group of six slowly walked over to the villa, heading in the direction of the right wing. It took the group over five minutes to walk there. One should remember that when the group previously came here, they used a carriage, and even though the horse was moving slowly, it was still faster than their current pace.

Klaus was surprisingly at the forefront of the group, chatting animatedly with Richard. Richard's expression showed how tired he was, yet for some reason, Klaus still didn't stop talking. When he noticed Richard wasn't speaking anymore, he turned his attention to Smith.

Veins could be seen on Smith's forehead, he gritted his teeth so hard that his gums started bleeding, but he refrained from attacking. He was wary of Klaus' strength, he didn't know his exact strength, but he knew he was at least in the Arcane Plane.

As soon as they entered the building, Smith took them straight to a hall on the left side of the building. An eight meters long, two meters wide table could be seen by the side of the building, with ten chairs arranged around it.

Grey, Alice, and Reynolds were sitting on the other side of the table, with Grey facing Klaus, Reynolds facing Smith, and Alice facing Richard.

Klaus was actually the one who told Grey and the others to sit this way, he initially wanted Grey to take the sit Reynolds was presently occupying, but then he recalled Reynolds was the only one in the group other than himself who could properly annoy someone.

After taking their seats , Smith called for the servants to bring in some food and wine for his visitors. Even though he didn't like Klaus and the boys, he still had to be a good host.

Klaus was exhilarated when he heard this, "Haha, I haven't had a good wine in a long time."

When the servants came back with different foods and also around four types of wine, Klaus was the first to pick up a wine bottle and helped himself with some. He poured some on one of the silver cups on the table, before emptying it in a single large gulp.

Richard and Smith took a glance at each other, a little surprised. They could see the same question in each other's eyes.

'Isn't he afraid it's poisoned? Also, we were his ethics?'

"Good wine! Here have some." He exclaimed before pouring some for Richard.

"Thank you." Richard smiled lightly before picking up the silver cup.

"Haha, cheers." Klaus laughed out happily.

Both glasses made a 'clink!' sound when they lightly tapped them on each other.

Klaus also went on to pour some for Smith and Reynolds as well, he winked at Reynolds while pouring it, " Here, you guys should try it as well."

Smith had an awkward expression on his face, normally, it was the duty of a host to pour his guests drink. Yet, Klaus was the one who was doing it.

'First, he acted like he was the owner of the carriage, now this? I can't stand this guy anymore.' Smith was on the verge of exploding.

Richard on the other hand just watched on without showing much interest, other than the first time he was shocked by Klaus being the first to drink, his attention was fully placed on Alice.

Smith reluctantly picked up the silver cup. And just like what Klaus did with everyone else, he wanted to lightly touch his cup with Smith while saying cheers. But just then...

"Cheers." He said but his voice reduced at the end of the word.

The reason for this was because he accidentally hit his cup too hard on Smith's cup, making both cups which were filled with wine to fall on Smith's body. And just when Smith was about to react to the wine falling on his body, the worst happened.


Reynolds who just took a mouthful of wine spat it out, spraying the wine straight at Smith's face who was sitting opposite him.

Everyone's mouth opened unconsciously when this happened. It hadn't even been up to two seconds after Klaus 'accidentally' poured some wine on Smith's body, yet Reynolds spat the wine in his mouth into his face. This was the highest level of embarrassment!

"Sorry, it was an accident."

"Sorry, I didn't like the flavor."

Reynolds and Klaus apologized simultaneously.


"Enough!" Smith yelled angrily, banging his hand on the table forcefully.

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