Affinity: Chaos

Chapter 299 - Whats Going On?

Chapter 299 - Whats Going On?

Chapter 299 - What's Going On?

"An Inscriber," Reynolds looked at the blue symbol on the air in shock. josei

He would never have thought there was an inscriber amongst the group chasing him, he knew just how rare Inscribers were. The fact that Grey was the only Inscriber he had seen shows how rare they are.??

"Oh, you know about Inscribers. Guess you're more knowledgeable than I thought. Since you know about us, then I believe you should be aware that your chances of escaping just went down by a whole notch," The leader of the group snickered when he saw Reynolds' expression.

The only way Reynolds could escape now is if he were willing to risk being injured by an attack.

Reynolds looked at them with a serious expression, and just when the thought of using his Elemental Warrior to block the attacks as he escaped came to his mind, he saw a black cat sitting leisurely on top of a rock.

That's a cat he was all too familiar with, there was no other cat in the world that had such pitch-black fur and the glint of intelligence in its eyes was very evident.

'If Void's here, then that means he's also here. Heh! Guess I don't need to escape anymore,' He thought with a smile.

From how Void was looking, he could tell Grey wasn't captured.

'Hmm, but since Grey wasn't captured, how do they keep finding me?' He asked himself.

This question had been bugging him for some time now, he initially waited for them because he thought they might've caught Grey. But after speaking to them, he knew they did capture Grey, this meant that they were using another way.

"Who says I want to escape? The likes of you can't make me run away," Reynolds sneered.

The group looked at him strangely, they clearly saw him trying to escape a few seconds ago, yet now he was denying it so casually.

"Tsk tsk, so shameless. Surrender yourself now," Johanne said while approaching him.

"Even if he surrenders himself, he's not going to escape the punishment of killing my compatriots." The leader ordered icily, "Attack!"

'Crap! I thought they were only going to continue speaking until Grey showed up,' Reynolds thought, but quickly summoned his Elemental Warrior to fight against the group of five.


The leader of the group attacked with his inscription. He was a Water Elementalist. His attack consisted of ice arrows, shooting straight at Reynolds.

"You'll lose one of your hands as punishment for your evil deeds," The leader declared as he continued the attack.

Reynolds focused on dodging, while his Elemental Warrior would occasionally block the attacks he couldn't dodge. He couldn't attack because of the numbers, if he sent the Elemental Warrior to attack any of them, then he would have to use his elemental essence as well while blocking some of their attacks.

Void watched as the battle raged on, with Reynolds moving from one spot to another, without even trying to attack.

The group currently surrounded Reynolds as they sent out organized attacks. They had good chemistry among them which made their teamwork amazing, Reynolds is just barely dodging their attacks.

'Hey, they're beating up your friend.' Void said to Grey who was still on his way here.

'Oh, those people from before?' He asked while walking casually on the path.

'Yeah, how did you guess?' asked Void.

'Well it's actually quite simple, from how Rey was moving, it was easy to guess he was either going after something or moving away from something. The timeframe between each of his movements was too short for him to just be traveling, if he were traveling he would've at least rested for the night, but he didn't. Then from how that group acted when they saw me, it was obvious that they were searching for someone.' Grey explained.

He only guessed that they were searching for Reynolds when he noticed the direction the disk showed Reynolds was on was the same direction the group headed to.

'Hmm, should I help?' Void asked, he was itching for a battle.

'Hehe, not now, wait till I come. Reynolds can't be defeated so easily by them, and knowing you, if he was truly being beaten up, you would've joined the battle by now,' Grey chuckled.

The only thing he found strange was that they were able to locate Reynolds in this huge canyon. If not for the disk he made, then he wouldn't have been able to find him.

'It must have something to do with energy signals,' He thought.

He had read about this in one of the books at the Academy. Each Plane gives off a different energy signal, hiding one's aura doesn't help hide against this ability. There were few people who were recorded to have this ability in Lunar Academy, but Grey wasn't acquainted with them.

'Make sure they don't beat him too badly, okay,' Grey said to Void.

'Got it,' Void replied before disappearing from where he was lying.

The battle had been going on for two minutes now, and Reynolds had already been hit by a few attacks. Some parts of his clothes had been burned, and he was bruised on his shoulder after being hit by an earth attack. The only attack that hadn't hit him was the water element attack of the leader.

Reynolds looked around, searching for Grey, but to his disappointment, he hadn't arrived yet.

'Damn it! Where's that damn cat? It shouldn't have a problem with beating at least two of them,' He cursed when he couldn't find Void.

While Reynolds was cursing at Void, the leader sent an ice spear at him after he just dodged an attack. The Elemental Warrior was blocking two attacks, so it wasn't free to help him.

'F.u.c.k!' Reynolds cursed, trying to mobilize his elemental essence to block the attack since it was already too close to dodge.

But just then, something strange happened, the ice spear started gradually disappearing from its tip, down to the last part.

This scene stunned the leader, as well as the others, they couldn't believe their eyes. Reynolds was the only one who heaved a sigh of relief, he knew this was the handwork of Void, and it came at a perfect time.

'Finally, he decided to help' He quickly scrambled to a better position, and even called off the Elemental Warrior.

With Void helping to divert all the attacks, he didn't need to finish his elemental essence on the Elemental Warrior, he was already almost dry.

"What just happened?" The leader asked in disbelief.

"I don't know,"

The others shook their heads in unison.

"Maybe he destroyed it with an attack, attack again, he's almost out." The leader said after he saw Reynolds dismissing his Elemental Warrior.

They all knew about the huge elemental essence needed to sustain the Elemental Warrior, so seeing him call it off meant that he was already almost out of elemental essence.

But the leader's expression changed when his next attack disappeared just like the last one. The attack of the others also disappeared when it got close to Reynolds.

"What's going on?"

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