After Getting Engaged To Mr. Shen

Chapter 397

Chapter 397: worry

Chapter 397 Worry

Tang Feng's tone seemed a bit dignified. After speaking, he looked at his master's face and saw that his face was still calm and indifferent, so he continued—

"We checked Mr. Ming Qisen's information and found that all his information ended sixteen years ago, that is, after Ms. Lou Manshu died in the line of duty, and if he was still alive these years, he would have kept his name incognito. , then his secrecy work is really well done..."

Tang Feng obviously had other meanings in his words.

Sure enough, after listening to Shen Tinglan, he said calmly, "I asked you to check the entry and exit records. In fact, I didn't expect you to find other people. According to his IQ, if he doesn't want to expose himself, then he will definitely think of this. He may have a false identity... I asked you to check, but I actually wanted to see if anyone here fished in troubled waters, or if anyone went to check him, these people are the purpose of my action this time."

Shen Tinglan's organization is still very clear.

Although Ming Qianye didn't investigate it himself, he only planned to hand it over to the people above, but this doesn't mean that he can stand by and watch!

Master Ming hasn't slackened on his side, let alone his side.

All kinds of signs have shown that Ming Qisen is very likely to have returned, but due to some reasons, Ming Qisen did not show up. It is very possible, the most likely two reasons, the first is that Ming Qisen needs to What to do in secret, the second is that Ming Qisen may also be targeted. So the traces cannot be leaked easily, or both possibilities exist.

In this way, Ming Xiaoye's situation is not very good.

Over the years, Mr. Ming has always been careful, for fear that these things will bring disaster to Ming Xiaoye.

Ming Xiaoye may not understand, otherwise, she was able to practice so well at the beginning, was it just because of her physical fitness?

Didn’t you have a lot of accidents in California before?

Those things were probably not just stopped by those people, maybe they were not simple at that time.

She is smart after all. With such a powerful backing as the country, she is safe for the time being. Anyone who dares to touch her is probably looking for death, but you also need to beware of villains.

Tang Feng heard Shen Tinglan's words, his eyes sank, and he said quickly, "Yes, master! We were careless. We have been watching. If there is news, we will report it immediately."

Shen Tinglan coughed a few times, looked down thoughtfully, fell silent for a moment, and said in a hoarse voice indifferently, "Try to find a way to get Ms. Lou Manshu's file, and also deal with the case back then, and contact the Everyone involved in the case should check it out, focusing on what mission Ms. Lou Manshu performed in the past sixteen years, why she failed, and what happened after the failure, and sorted out everything in detail."

After Shen Tinglan's words fell, Tang Feng was startled immediately, and immediately looked at Shen Tinglan, his eyes were naturally a little bit shocked, and after a while, he finally recovered, and said quickly, "Young master, are you really happy?" Do you think there was something wrong with Ms. Lou Manshu's affairs sixteen years ago?"

"If there is any problem, you will find out after checking. Now this matter is probably not a secret among them. I know that there is a lot of work, and you can arrange the manpower as you like."

Shen Tinglan said coldly.

Tang Feng's heart tightened slightly. If he really wants to investigate this matter, I'm afraid it's really not easy. Even the young lady doesn't dare to touch it. If there is a problem, it may involve I'm afraid it won't be simple.

They should be very cautious when investigating in this way.

"Master, this matter, I'm afraid..."

"Okay, you don't need to persuade me, my attitude is very firm. Don't worry, there will be no accidents, just some small tricks. Contact our old friends and it will be easy to get it. It's not important. Those people's I understand my temper, as long as I do good things, don’t harm their interests, and don’t touch their bottom line. Many things are easy to handle. I will greet them.”

Having dealt with these people all the year round, Shen Tinglan had already figured out their thoughts.

In fact, many of them want to clean up the atmosphere, but some forces are deeply intertwined and difficult to move, not because they don't want to move.

In recent years, the overall internal atmosphere has been much better, and now they are doing things in a down-to-earth manner, and the supervisors are very strict. In this way, these powerful companies like them are actually quite easy to mess with, but it was different many years ago.

No wind, no waves, Shen Tinglan actually has a not-so-optimistic attitude towards Lou Manshu's matter.

At this moment, Tang Feng thought about it, then nodded, "Well, I know, young master! I'll make arrangements as soon as I get back."

"This must be done as soon as possible."

"Yes, master!"

When Tang Feng left, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

Shen Tinglan didn't stop working, and still wanted to finish reading a document in his hand. However, at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Shen Tinglan raised his eyes and saw that Ming Qianye had already walked in with a tray.

"Sydney soup, drink some."

She came over, put the tray aside, and handed him the bowl of pear soup.

Shen Tinglan's deep eyes filled with a hint of darkness, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch his stomach...

These few meals have really eaten a lot. When she is by her side, her favorite thing to do is to watch him eat more.

He was a little helpless, but he could only bring it over and drank it in a few sips.

Of course Ming Qianye could see the repulsion in his eyes, so he said, "Don't resist, this is a good thing, it clears away heat and nourishes the lungs, you can eat it often in the future, it's getting late, don't read it, let's watch it tomorrow..."

There was a light streamer in her starry eyes, and her tone was very gentle.

"I think…"

"What are you thinking? You're thinking about washing up and going to bed right now. Sleeping too late makes your body weak. You must rest before twelve o'clock, you promised me..."josei

Ming Qianye glanced at him.

Hearing this, Shen Tinglan smiled, her black eyes were as deep as the sea, and she looked at her quietly, "Are you starting to take care of me now?"

Listen, Ming Qianye also smiled, put a kiss on his face, and said calmly—

"Otherwise, what do you think marriage is for, then of course you have to take care of it like this... Alright, go wash it up, I'll wash it up too..."

After speaking, he walked out with an empty bowl.

No one dared to control him like this, but, it seemed, it felt good to have someone control him like this.

Shen Tinglan watched her figure slowly disappear outside the door, a slight smile appeared on Qingjun's handsome face, the next moment, he closed the document in his hand, got up obediently, and went back to the bedroom...

(end of this chapter)

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