After the Groom Ran Off, I Convinced a Military Commander to Marry Me

Chapter 526

Chapter 526: They are not human

Chapter 526 Except they are not human

To be more specific, this group of people is gathering here for dinner, drinking and eating. There are five people sitting at a table. They should be the five captains on this starship. They are all men. can be judged.

The others were wearing the military uniforms of ordinary star warriors, and gathered together to drink in twos and threes. The common feature was that they were very loose.

This is a common assessment method. As a commander, if you can't manage your sloppy subordinates well, then the entire fleet will be abolished!josei

Su Wan, who was wearing a commander's uniform, stepped in, and her military boots clanged on the floor.

She was using her original appearance, glanced over, and found that most of the dozens of people here were men, but it is also possible that the men gathered here to drink.

The only thing Su Wan can be sure of is that the five captains assigned to her are all men.


This may be a special test for female commanders. Su Wan thought about it. If Pandora were to draw this kind of question, it would be very simple. She would directly defeat the disobedient team leader.

If Sheng An wins the draw, she will investigate the specific situation of these squad leaders, and then defeat them one by one, so that they will finally obey the order.

And Su Wan... She asked Suzaku, "Is the taste in this virtual space successfully simulated?"

Suzaku: "Yes, master, except that they are not human, they are no different from human beings."

Uh, this answer is really full marks.

But since there is no difference between them, Su Wan felt relieved. She rolled up her sleeves, ignored everyone, and walked into the kitchen.

The five squad leaders looked at each other, suddenly not understanding what their commander was going to do.

Su Wan has already found a lot of fresh ingredients in the freezer. She selected a few, and then began to wash and chop vegetables. At the same time, she asked Suzaku to report and analyze the captured data of the five captains.

When necessary, Su Wan is not opposed to using violence to deal with these disobedient people, but the method of knowing yourself and the enemy can sometimes make the commander get twice the result with half the effort.

Through the information, Su Wan knew that the blond captain had a lively personality and was bluffing.

The black-haired captain is calm and has his own ideas.

The silver-haired captain is very world-weary and not active in doing anything.

The bearded captain has a violent personality and is in a hurry to do everything.

Captain Beauty likes to dress up as a woman, so I have a little tea.

Well, I have to say that this system is pretty smart. It actually sets up the characters of each captain in a very three-dimensional way, and these five people have one thing in common, that is, they don't like to obey the command of the commander.

After cutting the vegetables, Su Wan breathed a sigh of relief, "How did this kind of person get hired?"

Suzaku: "Although this kind of person seems to have personality flaws, if they are excellent in another field, they will also be selected as the team leader. For example, Eric, at first glance is very unreliable, but he is When fighting, he is quite trustworthy, and he is able to complete the tasks assigned to him by Commander Gu excellently every time. Therefore, he has been promoted all the way from an ordinary space soldier, and now he has become an excellent commander. official."

Su Wan's mouth twitched, "Why do you always use Eric as an example?"

Suzaku: "Because his data analysis is the most typical."


Su Wan has already started cooking, the oil pan made a sizzling sound, and the rich aroma began to overflow.

I have to sigh with emotion that this test system is so realistic that even the aroma of the dishes is vividly imitated. However, the originally noisy restaurant slowly quieted down, and everyone moved their noses, and then turned to The restaurant looked over.

The blond-haired captain sniffled and said, "What is Commander Su doing, the smell is too delicious."

Beauty captain Shi Shi suddenly stood up, "I'll go and have a look."

He has long hair loose, delicate facial features, red lipstick is particularly eye-catching, and the high heels under his feet step on the ground, clanging.

Su Wan heard the voice, turned her head, and said while serving the dishes, "You came just in time, bring the dishes over."

"Commander Su, is this your cooking?"

Su Wan smiled lightly, but didn't say anything. It happened that another dish was ready, so she went to serve it out.

The beautiful captain was a little dazed the whole time, but he started serving food, and when he pushed all the dishes to the table, Su Wan also finished all the dishes. She wiped her hands and sat down. Next to several captains, they began to eat.

The blond-haired captain could no longer hold back, "Commander Su, what are you doing?"

"Have a meal."


The main reason is that the smell is too fragrant, and the star warriors all surrounded them, but after all, several captains are here, so they dare not get too close.

At this moment, Suwan's voice came from Su Wan's earphones.

Suzaku: "The background reception and downloading is complete. Your identity is the newly appointed Commander Su. The original commander of this fleet died, and then you were sent here temporarily. Commander revenge."

"The original commander died at the hands of the worms, so their star fleet has always wanted to go to the base camp of the worms to take revenge, but the overall command of the starship is with you, and they have no right to drive the starship away. "

Su Wan finally understood where the hostility of this group of people was. She asked Suzaku to investigate the specific circumstances of the death of the commander, while earnestly eating.

The blond-haired captain was the first to hold back, and he was the first to ask, "Commander, your dish is too delicious, can I eat it?"

As soon as his words came out, several other commanders looked at him.

Su Wan said generously, "Sure, I've cooked so many dishes that I can't finish them all by myself."

The blond-haired captain happily began to eat, and after one bite, his vertical pupils narrowed into a slit!

Seeing him like this, the other captains were also a little ready to move, and the beautiful captain who helped Su Wan serve the plate at the beginning had already started eating, but his posture was much more elegant than the blonde.

Then, it was the bearded captain.

The remaining silver-haired, somewhat world-weary captain snorted coldly, got up and left.

The black-haired captain was silent for a moment, then turned and left.

The blond said, "It's good to go, we can eat more."

Su Wan looked at the most heartless master, and she had a plan in her mind. At this time, Suzaku sent a message that the commander-in-chief sent a mission to their fleet. A civilian spaceship was robbed by star robbers. They go on missions and rescue civilians.

She put down her light brain, looked up at the dining table, and found that several other people had left, only the blond captain was still eating there.

Talking tuberculosis and foodie.

Just as Su Wan was about to speak, Captain Blonde said first, "Impossible, none of them would be willing to fight Star Thief, and now everyone just wants to kill Zerg."

(end of this chapter)

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