After the Groom Ran Off, I Convinced a Military Commander to Marry Me

Chapter 65

Chapter 65: Divorce! Happy to pack up my things and go back to my mother's house

Chapter 65 Divorce! Happy to pack up and go back to my mother's house

Bai Ze was shocked at the time!

As the royal family and the first commander of the Federal Empire, Gu Jue has a very high level of authority.

But Bai Ze has never seen Gu Jue use this authority for private affairs.

But do it now!

Because Bai Ze didn't move for a few seconds, Gu Jue controlled the mecha lightsaber and slashed at the rushing Zerg.

His tone was flat and distant, "If Su Zhen has any objections, let him come to me."

"Yes, understand!"

Baize received the new order, and immediately passed the forced divorce application easily and happily.

I don't know why, but it feels like Commander Gu is becoming more and more human after marriage!

is no longer as cold as before.

Because the first commander who was single before was even less human than these artificial intelligences.

The moment the application was approved, both Lin Ranyue and Su Zhen received a reminder message.

Lin Ranyue was stunned when she saw the result of the processing.

She is ready to be entangled with Su Zhen for three to five years.

Although she knows that divorce is not easy, Lin Ranyue has never regretted her decision. Why keep a man with another woman in his heart around?

Buli still waiting to be buried together after death?

The most important thing is that my mother's family supports me and my daughter supports me, that's enough.

As a result, it was so easy to succeed?

Happiness came too fast, Lin Ranyue immediately packed away all her things happily, leaving nothing behind!

If you can’t take it away, put it in your daughter Xiaowan’s room first.

Anyway, it's just a sock, she won't leave it to that woman Du Weiwei!

At the same time, Su Zhen also received the news.

When he received the divorce news, he was with Du Weiwei.

After Du Weiwei was released from prison, Su Zhen placed her not far from the Su family villa.

Because of her many years in prison, Du Weiwei is a little thinner, and even more delicate.

Although the facial features are not particularly beautiful, there is a softness on her body that men want to protect.

Suman twenty years later looks like this.

Du Weiwei said softly: "Ah Zhen, what's wrong with you, is there something wrong at home? If there is something urgent at home, go and get busy and leave me alone."

If it was normal, Su Zhen would definitely not leave after hearing what she said.

But this time...

Su Zhen immediately said: "Then you should have a good rest first. If you lack anything in your life, just let the housework robot purchase it, or send me a message, and I will leave first."

As he spoke, he took off the apron tied around his waist, turned around and walked out.

Because it was just a few minutes ago, because Du Weiwei said that she hadn't eaten a dish made by Su Zhen for a long time.

Su Zhen bought a lot of ingredients and planned to make some of Du Weiwei's favorite dishes for her.

As a result, now, the person is gone.

And the pace was very fast, and in the end, it turned into a trot?

The gentle smile on Du Weiwei's face faded away bit by bit, leaving only a trace of indifference.

She frowned.

Could it be because he rejected his overture two days ago, so he is not interested in him anymore?

And Su Zhen was sitting on the aircraft at this time, rushing home, upset.

He and Lin Ranyue really divorced!

Su Zhen remembered that Lin Ranyue said that she would file for forced divorce, but there are very few successful cases of forced divorce every year, and many people finally delay their divorce for four or five years.

But most couples give up during this process.

Su Zhen thought, since the children are grown up, there is no need for them to file for divorce. In the long life of more than a hundred years, hasn't every couple lived like this?

Indeed, he couldn't let go of Weiwei, he wasn't greedy, he never thought that he would marry Weiwei!

Su Zhen just wants to guard Weiwei and Xiaoman for the rest of his life, taking care of their mother and daughter.

Besides, after all, I and Lin Ranyue have been married for more than 20 years and have three children. Can I have no feelings at all?

So what is Lin Ranyue making a fuss about!

When Su Zhen thought that the two had successfully divorced, his heart was filled with anger and sadness.

How could Lin Ranyue be so ruthless?

Also... the one who disappointed Su Zhen the most was his daughter Xiao Wan!

How could she encourage Commander Gu and then approve their divorce application?

In the message sent by the main system Bai Ze, it said that if you have any doubts, you can go to Commander Gu.

Just kidding, Su Zhen will not go to that Commander.

He thought that the commander would do this, and Xiaowan must have encouraged him.

Su Zhen projected all his depression and anger onto his daughter Su Wan!

And, on the heartless ex-wife Lin Ranyue!

When Su Zhen rushed home angrily, the huge Su family villa was empty.

Only housekeeping robots walking around.

In his and Lin Ranyue's bedroom, all of Lin Ranyue's things disappeared.

Su Zhen hurriedly called Lin Ranyue, and then found that he was blocked! ?

Su Zhen was in the study and saw his father, Mr. Su, who was playing chess with the robot.

"Dad, where is Ranyue?"

Grandpa Su didn't even raise his head, "Oh, I'm back to my mother's house in the second sector."

Su Zhen felt bitter and resentful in his heart, and was entangled in whether he should go to the second sector to find someone.

At this time, old man Su raised his head, his tone was indifferent, "Su Zhen, let me tell you, before I die, Du Weiwei is not allowed to enter the gate of my Su family!"


Grandpa Su waved his hand, he didn't want to listen to this stupid son's nonsense anymore.

Actually, before Du Weiwei was released from prison, Lin Ranyue gave Su Zhen too many opportunities, and Mr. Su saw it all.

Who does the son like, this is something Mr. Su has no way to control.

However, if the son dares to go against his will and marry that Du Weiwei, then it doesn't matter if he doesn't want this son in the future.

He has grandchildren anyway.

Hey, there might be a great-grandchild soon.

Grandpa Su took a sip of tea slowly, and then continued to play chess with the robot.

Su Zhen was kicked out of the study by his father's robot in a daze.

He is very uncomfortable.

Why is everyone doing this to him!

At this moment, Su Zhen's optical brain beeped, and a communication came in.

He thought it was Lin Ranyue, but unexpectedly it was the eldest son Su Yun.

"Dad, are you divorced from Mom?"

Su Yun's voice was full of surprise.

Because of the forced divorce, it will be announced, that is, people in the entire Star Federation will see it.

Su Zhen was very depressed and painful, "It was your mother who brought up the forced divorce. I don't know why she went crazy, and what disappointed me the most was that Xiao Wan didn't know what method she used to persuade Commander Gu, and then this forced divorce The divorce is over!"

For a while, Su Yun on the communication side was also in a complicated mood.josei

Since Commander Gu agreed to this matter, there may be no room for maneuver.

At the same time he was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Xiaowan would hold such a heavy weight in the commander's heart!

He finally said: "Dad, don't think too much, I'll go talk to Mom and see if there is any misunderstanding."

The communication was hung up, and Su Zhen still felt very uncomfortable. Since Lin Ranyue blocked him, he would directly call the unfilial girl!

As a result... can't get through?

Until this time, Su Zhen didn't react.

Xiaowan, like Xiaoman, went to the training base for Xingjun training. For the time being, the signal was blocked.

So, how did this stinky girl convince Commander Gu?

Could it be that she had premeditated it?

(end of this chapter)

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